As so often happens on this board in a thread of this length, ridiculous claims surface early on and are trumpeted by gullible people who rely on people like some of the morons on twitter to provide them with political insight. And some people willingly choose to ignore the fact that the cited media doesn't even say what it's purported to say...
Of course when GOAT points out that little inconsistency the same people respond to his factual comments with the refuge of the lame the smiley face. Only in this case the smiley should probably signify "you got me and even though it makes me look stupid I'll cling to my point- facts be damned". The fact that certain people answer posts more often with a smiley than they do with any sort of reasoned argument probably hasn't escaped most of the intelligent posters here...
Of course it's hard for us to expect posters to display intelligence when the types of politicos many of them admire, or at least support are just as wrong. And when MAGA politicians put their ignorance on display they do it publicly. And as we've seen, gullible people follow them over the cliff...
So now that the facts have been revealed on the whole "Hunter paid Joe unclaimed rent nonsense", I fully expect some to refuse to accept the reality and hang on to that lie as steadfastly as they hung on to the "pelosi was attacked by a jilted lover" fantasy. I imagine down deep Elon still believes that- don't recall him ever apologizing for his ridiculous tweet. Might even be some on this board who'll persist as well- "It's a deep state coverup". Keep an eye out- Sweden is about to be pulled in as a member of the deep state cabal.
It just amazes me that an actual reporter was able to get to the facts rather quickly, while an idiot like that Wendell Husebo (who Dakich chose to inexplicably retweet) didn't bother to even check into the matter in an even rudimentary basis.
Some claimed money laundering was in play. Others, piggybacking off another anonymous Twitter account, suggested the form implicated Joe Biden in tax fraud.
"Hunter Biden paid his dad $50,000 a MONTH in rent for the home that housed classified documents. During the same time frame, @JoeBiden only claimed less than $20,000 in rent payments PER YEAR,"
said Newsmax host Carl Higbie in one such
post, referencing the president's
publicly available tax returns.
But the document shared online does not show Hunter Biden paid his father to stay at their Delaware home. The $49,910 listed under "monthly rent" matches quarterly payments he made to the House of Sweden in Washington DC, which -- in addition to housing the Swedish and Icelandic embassies -- provides office space.
"I can confirm that Hunter Biden paid $49,910 in quarterly rent for an office space in House of Sweden," Maria Uggla, a press officer for Sweden's National Property Board, told AFP in an email."
US Republicans and conservative influencers claim a background screening form allegedly filled out by Hunter Biden shows he paid President Joe Biden $50,000 per month to live at their Delaware home. This is false; the payments and dates listed on the form correspond with the younger Biden's...
Apparently Tucker went with this (thoroughly debunked) story on his show last night or the night before, and Newsmax has been promoting it as well. When was the LAST election when either Tucker or Newsmax were on the side getting the most votes?