Time to stock up on popcorn

You think we will learn anything about it? I think it will go into a box next to the Ark of the Covenant to be studied by our best people.
I think it will mostly end up in the public.
If it says Trump is the greatest human to ever live, yes. Anything else and I think we hear summaries that may or may not be accurate. At least until courts intervene if the House demands a copy. That will be well after Trump's presidency as DoJ will just want to run put the clock.

Mind you, I do not think there will be any collusion pointing to Sr.
Prediction: Lots of unsavory stuff exposing a lot of sleazy shenanigans, but lacking a smoking gun to propel Pelosi to action.
Prediction: Lots of unsavory stuff exposing a lot of sleazy shenanigans, but lacking a smoking gun to propel Pelosi to action.
At this point, it would have to be really, really bad to convince Pelosi to support impeachment. Anything that's just plain old regular bad is too dangerous to mess with, and probably more valuable to the Democrats with Trump still in office, anyway.
I expect it to be leaked in totally different flavors depending on the outlet. GOP media will say it totally clears Trump, Dems will have some juicy stuff that merits investigation by the House. Lots of stuff is probably still cooking at other FBI offices that could turn into other leads.

Can we all agree that the lack of special counsel indictments for colluding with Russia or obstruction of justice is good news for America?
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Prediction: Lots of unsavory stuff exposing a lot of sleazy shenanigans, but lacking a smoking gun to propel Pelosi to action.
Only if it's leaked or the House gets its hands on it. Otherwise, they will hide behind the rule that no one who is not indicted can be discussed. That's the rule that Comey broke regarding Clinton's emails.

Of course, they have that other rule that the President can't be indicted, so even if he's caught dead to rights, technically anything he did can't be mentioned, since he won't be indicted.
Only if it's leaked or the House gets its hands on it. Otherwise, they will hide behind the rule that no one who is not indicted can be discussed. That's the rule that Comey broke regarding Clinton's emails.

Of course, they have that other rule that the President can't be indicted, so even if he's caught dead to rights, technically anything he did can't be mentioned, since he won't be indicted.
House subpoena power trumps DOJ policy. They'll get the report, perhaps minus national security redactions.
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House subpoena power trumps DOJ policy. They'll get the report, perhaps minus national security redactions.
Hence "...or the House gets its hands on it."

Any bets on the DoJ fighting the subpoena to the bitter end? And if there really is anything truly damaging to Trump or his family, would it surprise anyone if the Trump administration defied a SC order to turn it over?
Hence "...or the House gets its hands on it."

Any bets on the DoJ fighting the subpoena to the bitter end? And if there really is anything truly damaging to Trump or his family, would it surprise anyone if the Trump administration defied a SC order to turn it over?
I think the fact that Rosenstein is still there, and the fact that Barr is including him in discussions about what to give to Congress, together suggest that Barr is playing this one straight.
I think the fact that Rosenstein is still there, and the fact that Barr is including him in discussions about what to give to Congress, together suggest that Barr is playing this one straight.
I think Rosenstein is a straight shooter. I'm a little leary of Barr, but will give him the benefit of the doubt. But would they defy a direct order from Trump to not release? That's the perfect storm scenario.
I think Rosenstein is a straight shooter. I'm a little leary of Barr, but will give him the benefit of the doubt. But would they defy a direct order from Trump to not release? That's the perfect storm scenario.
Forgive my flight of fancy here, since I'm going to pretend that Trump is a rational actor. He's currently facing:

1. A Democratic House that's going to harass him with investigations, but with leadership that currently shows no stomach for an impeachment.
2. An AG that has promised transparency, and a Deputy AG that seems to have stuck around for the primary purpose of making sure that transparency happens.
3. A restive Republican Senate that he seemingly can still count on so long as he doesn't go too far off the reservation.
4. No explosive indictments of his kids, etc. - even without knowing what's in the report, that's a good sign for him.

Unless the report says something to the effect of, "President Trump clearly committed treason, but we have a policy of not indicting Presidents. Sorry! LOL," I don't think there is any smart move for Trump other than to just back off and let it play out. I don't even think they should play the executive privilege card.
Forgive my flight of fancy here, since I'm going to pretend that Trump is a rational actor. He's currently facing:

1. A Democratic House that's going to harass him with investigations, but with leadership that currently shows no stomach for an impeachment.
2. An AG that has promised transparency, and a Deputy AG that seems to have stuck around for the primary purpose of making sure that transparency happens.
3. A restive Republican Senate that he seemingly can still count on so long as he doesn't go too far off the reservation.
4. No explosive indictments of his kids, etc. - even without knowing what's in the report, that's a good sign for him.

Unless the report says something to the effect of, "President Trump clearly committed treason, but we have a policy of not indicting Presidents. Sorry! LOL," I don't think there is any smart move for Trump other than to just back off and let it play out. I don't even think they should play the executive privilege card.
Is it a smart move to pick a fight with a dead war hero? My guess is Trump might see picking a fight with Congress as energizing his base.
Forgive my flight of fancy here, since I'm going to pretend that Trump is a rational actor. He's currently facing:

1. A Democratic House that's going to harass him with investigations, but with leadership that currently shows no stomach for an impeachment.
2. An AG that has promised transparency, and a Deputy AG that seems to have stuck around for the primary purpose of making sure that transparency happens.
3. A restive Republican Senate that he seemingly can still count on so long as he doesn't go too far off the reservation.
4. No explosive indictments of his kids, etc. - even without knowing what's in the report, that's a good sign for him.

Unless the report says something to the effect of, "President Trump clearly committed treason, but we have a policy of not indicting Presidents. Sorry! LOL," I don't think there is any smart move for Trump other than to just back off and let it play out. I don't even think they should play the executive privilege card.
There was never gonna be any “treason” committed by Trump. That was just an idiotic delusion from the start.
You’re a smart guy, goat, but you’ve got to work on your gullibility. You got suckered by Nathan Phillips, you got suckered by Jussie, and you got suckered by the “Russian collusion” scam.

I’d like to see you work on that stuff. Self improvement is always a noble goal.
Huh? Methinks you didn't actually understand my post.
You’re a smart guy, goat, but you’ve got to work on your gullibility. You got suckered by Nathan Phillips, you got suckered by Jussie, and you got suckered by the “Russian collusion” scam.

I’d like to see you work on that stuff. Self improvement is always a noble goal.
Perhaps, you should try that art yourself before you preach others? That's what Confucius says.;)
I assumed that was sarcasm. If it wasn’t, my apologies.
It wasn't. Obviously, Trump didn't commit treason. It's not possible for him to have committed treason. That was why I used it as a hyperbolic example of the kind of thing that would have to be in the Mueller report to justify (an imaginary, rational version of) Trump trying to keep the report secret. There's just no upside to him meddling at this point. Let it go to Congress, let the chips fall where they may.
Mark Meadows


The Mueller report delivery suggests no more indictments are coming from the Special Counsel. If that's true, it would mean we just completed 2 years of investigating 'Russian collusion' without ONE collusion related indictment. Not even one.

Why? Because there was no collusion

6:05 PM - Mar 22, 2019
Hmmm, the plot thickens and the night is young.

Morning for me.

Anyway since no one outside the AG's office and I assume Trump's team have got a copy and are currently sifting through it now, it pointless to speculate. Though I may not have a choice; my aunt and cousin from SF just got into town and I am meeting them with this for lunch today.

The first indicators or tea leaves will be your 5am ET when this fella, @RealDonaldTrump starts messaging.
Morning for me.

Anyway since no one outside the AG's office and I assume Trump's team have got a copy and are currently sifting through it now, it pointless to speculate. Though I may not have a choice; my aunt and cousin from SF just got into town and I am meeting them with this for lunch today.

The first indicators or tea leaves will be your 5am ET when this fella, @RealDonaldTrump starts messaging.
It's extremely unlikely the White House has it. Mueller, Barr and Rosenstein are probably the only three with copies.
It wasn't. Obviously, Trump didn't commit treason. It's not possible for him to have committed treason. That was why I used it as a hyperbolic example of the kind of thing that would have to be in the Mueller report to justify (an imaginary, rational version of) Trump trying to keep the report secret. There's just no upside to him meddling at this point. Let it go to Congress, let the chips fall where they may.
Is it possible that the gray area that exists on whether a president can even BE indicted is playing a part here?

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