Time to stock up on popcorn

It appears there will be no collusion shown and we know for sure there are no more indictments coming as part of the Mueller probe. While there are still lots of details left to sift through, the worst conspiracy theories pushed by the media appear to be false.
What is it about if it isn’t about the truth?

For the Dems it’s not about truth. It’s about continuing to attack Trump. They are already talking about issuing subpoenas to Mueller, opening more investigations, etc.
For you, it's not about the truth; it's about continuing to attack the Democrats.

The statement was:
"the White House must not be allowed to interfere with the report's release." If the White House refuses to do it, then they may use subpoena power to get hold of the report.

Seems like a reasonable request to me and to most reasonable people. Furthermore, if Trump decides not to release it, what do you think his reason will be?
He refuses to cooperate even with meaningless requests from congress-so he sure is hell is not going to agree for them to see the Mueller report. I know that the house is going to subpoena Mueller so that is going to really be a fiasco since the work he did was for the DOJ and I would think they would have to agree to his testimony as he represented it.
For you, it's not about the truth; it's about continuing to attack the Democrats.

The statement was:
"the White House must not be allowed to interfere with the report's release." If the White House refuses to do it, then they may use subpoena power to get hold of the report.

Seems like a reasonable request to me and to most reasonable people. Furthermore, if Trump decides not to release it, what do you think his reason will be?
He's being audited?
You apparently aren't listening to your president:

In an interview with Breitbart, Trump stated “I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”

That’s not a threat. That’s a response to a question about free speech.

You didn’t honestly think he meant civil war. There’s no way.
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What is it about if it isn’t about the truth?

For the Dems it’s not about truth. It’s about continuing to attack Trump. They are already talking about issuing subpoenas to Mueller, opening more investigations, etc.
Good! I’m all for it. But that’s about getting at the truth. Everyone in NYC has known he is a cheating, corrupt, lying sack of — for decades. Most of the rest of us figured it out too. He’s been getting by with breaking the law for decades. It’s about time he pays for it. Surely you agree you want to know if he broke the law and if so have him be held accountable?
You apparently aren't listening to your president:

In an interview with Breitbart, Trump stated “I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”

That’s not a threat. That’s a response to a question about free speech.

You didn’t honestly think he meant civil war. There’s no way.
So what exactly do you think he’s talking about when he says his side has more guns, his side is tougher, his side has his biker buddies? A prayer session? ( Here is today’s sample of supporting Trump or making excuses for his rhetoric).
He refuses to cooperate even with meaningless requests from congress-so he sure is hell is not going to agree for them to see the Mueller report. I know that the house is going to subpoena Mueller so that is going to really be a fiasco since the work he did was for the DOJ and I would think they would have to agree to his testimony as he represented it.
You guys have been wrong about EVERYTHING... why would we believe you about this? Who has been right and what are they saying? Hmmmm..... what is the definition of insanity again? Maybe you should take a breath and let your emotions take a back seat for a while.
So what exactly do you think he’s talking about when he says his side has more guns, his side is tougher, his side has his biker buddies? A prayer session? ( Here is today’s sample of supporting Trump or making excuses for his rhetoric).
That’s not supporting anyone. That’s pointing out something really dumb.
So what exactly do you think he’s talking about when he says his side has more guns, his side is tougher, his side has his biker buddies? A prayer session? ( Here is today’s sample of supporting Trump or making excuses for his rhetoric).
Well, the question was about the potential response to his proposed executive order on free speech on college campuses.

Now, irrational people might take that response in the context of the question asked and think, maybe he’s talking about if the left tries to stifle free speech on campus.

But no, clearly he meant commandeering the armed forces and murdering millions of people all around the nation. :rolleyes:
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So what exactly do you think he’s talking about when he says his side has more guns, his side is tougher, his side has his biker buddies? A prayer session? ( Here is today’s sample of supporting Trump or making excuses for his rhetoric).
It's just your Trump derangement syndrome showing, so every horrible thing he does and says can then be rationalized as just being because you as a critic are suffering from TDS-so that's their answer and they don't have to think or listen any further.
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It's just your Trump derangement syndrome showing, so every horrible thing he does and says can then be rationalized as just being because you as a critic are suffering from TDS-so that's their answer and they don't have to think or listen any further.
Most Trump supports aren't able to actually defend him on the merits, so they revert to a well defined list of diversionary tactics, most of which boil down to Hillary! and Yabbut!. Socialism! has been added as the 2020 campaign is starting to gather steam.

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Again who has been wrong about everything? TDS is right. You guys hate it that the M Report has nothing. What does that say about you? What does it say?

He might do this or he might do that.... that is all you have and it IS TDS. Right now you have been wrong about things Trump and have LESS actual evidence ...actual evidence... as the guy wearing a tinfoil hat and talking about alien abduction at 3 a.m. in the morning on the radio. The problem is, some of you have access to my children.

You are stealing a Presidency from those that legally elected a President. Think about it. You guys are unreasonable and not trustworthy anymore as Americans. Yes I said it. That is where the Dem Party has gone and you are part of it. That is what and where the view will be come 2020.... Landslide victory in 2020 coming.
You are stealing a Presidency from those that legally elected a President. Think about it. You guys are unreasonable and not trustworthy anymore as Americans. Yes I said it. That is where the Dem Party has gone and you are part of it.
Stealing a Presidency? How does that work? Questioning his very legitimacy? Pledging to make him a one term President? Blocking everything the elected President might attempt to do?
Reading the letter, no conclusion on obstruction from Mueller (Barr says lol no we won't prosecute that), investigation "could not establish" coordination between Trump Campaign & Russia which is spun into "clearly there was no collusion" by Barr. I suspect this means they could not prove it beyond a reasonable doubt but we need to know the context to know whether Mueller thinks it's more likely than not. Trump not exonerated of having committed a crime.

Interested in seeing the full report and underlying documents to see the context because Barr clearly is spinning this.
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Reading the letter, no conclusion on obstruction from Mueller (Barr says lol no we won't prosecute that), investigation "could not establish" coordination between Trump Campaign & Russia which is spun into "clearly there was no collusion" by Barr. I suspect this means they could not prove it beyond a responsible doubt but we need to know the context to know whether Mueller thinks it's more likely than not. Trump not exonerated of having committed a crime.

Interested in seeing the full report and underlying documents to see the context because Barr clearly is spinning this.
This is a big win for the Trumpbots, and believe me, "MUELLER PROVED THERE WAS NO COLLUSION" is going to be about 97.6% of this forum for the next three weeks, but you are right to note that we can't draw any final conclusions from this summary.
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Reading the letter, no conclusion on obstruction from Mueller (Barr says lol no we won't prosecute that), investigation "could not establish" coordination between Trump Campaign & Russia which is spun into "clearly there was no collusion" by Barr. I suspect this means they could not prove it beyond a responsible doubt but we need to know the context to know whether Mueller thinks it's more likely than not. Trump not exonerated of having committed a crime.

Interested in seeing the full report and underlying documents to see the context because Barr clearly is spinning this.
It also said it was not possible to exonerate , didn’t it? ( Haven’t read, just seeing comments).
Reading the letter, no conclusion on obstruction from Mueller (Barr says lol no we won't prosecute that), investigation "could not establish" coordination between Trump Campaign & Russia which is spun into "clearly there was no collusion" by Barr. I suspect this means they could not prove it beyond a responsible doubt but we need to know the context to know whether Mueller thinks it's more likely than not. Trump not exonerated of having committed a crime.

Interested in seeing the full report and underlying documents to see the context because Barr clearly is spinning this.

This the fear of what is going to transpire. What you are asking for is proof that he didn’t. I’m sorry but that isn’t how it works. You guys are just wrong....that’s all.
This the fear of what is going to transpire. What you are asking for is proof that he didn’t. I’m sorry but that isn’t how it works. You guys are just wrong....that’s all.

Unless we get the underlying documentation and report nobody's going to know the context as to whether there was probably a conspiracy or Trump's campaign were just dummies.

Hell, Trump and the GOP still want to investigate Hillary again for her e-mails.
Awwwweeee..... why would I subject myself to your musings twice when they were WRONG!!!!

Socialist.... if you can pull levers for anyone who would stand side by side with a socialist, you are flawed beyond belief. You guys deserve your misery. Soft soft soft soft organism....

I wish you continued success .... the same success you have had the past two and a half years...LOL yes everyone is laughing at you guys. Enjoy it.

You are such an emotional idiot. You come across frothing at the mouth. I enjoy the visual. The stomping and wringing of hands is comical. Impart more wisdom please....
While Goat needs to reflect s bit on his reaction you just need to go away.
2 years. 45 million dollars. On a wild goose chase that anyone with a brain knew was pure spiteful, anti American partisanry from the very beginning.

Remember when Hilary was so concerned that Trump wouldn’t accept the election results? The past 2 years have been the Democrats ACTUALLY doing that.

I do not like Trump, I never have. But I swear to God the current Democratic Party is about 1000 times worse.
Unless we get the underlying documentation and report nobody's going to know the context as to whether there was probably a conspiracy or Trump's campaign were just dummies.

Hell, Trump and the GOP still want to investigate Hillary again for her e-mails.

You mean see the details of the Hillary decision? Remember that being refused to be handed over? See it serves no one. What is going to happen is exactly what is happening on the board...a parsing of the findings. People who want it to be true, that is what they will find in the details and wonder why it wasn’t prosecuted. Ridiculous.....

You guys were all in the investigation. It didn’t come out the way you wanted. You lost the fight.... my thought is it would be best for your party to move on. But they won’t..... and they will pay a price for it in a big way in 2020.
Unless we get the underlying documentation and report nobody's going to know the context as to whether there was probably a conspiracy or Trump's campaign were just dummies.

Hell, Trump and the GOP still want to investigate Hillary again for her e-mails.
I want the Hilary campaign investigated for colluding with Steele to produce the dossier that started this shameful episode.
To sum up: Barr's letter appears to quote Mueller in his letter, "The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities." So apparently Mueller did not feel he had a strong enough case to charge Trump or any of his campaign with conspiracy with the Russians, which is not exactly a ringing exoneration of Trump. So, since Mueller could not prove conspiracy or coordination with the Russians Barr and Rosenstein are not pursuing an obstruction charge. So, my interpretation of the letter is Mueller didn't believe he could prove his case on conspiracy so we aren't charging Trump with obstruction which we probably could prove but since he wasn't guilty of the underlying charge we aren't going to pursue obstruction with the investigation-something for everybody.