Throwing in the Chair

Great read.A Very long read, but a great read.
Like knight or not his actions are/were what made him who he was,and so successful at what he did/became. Hes head strong,and one has to admire that.
However, It's hard enough to stay relevant in a ever trend changing/ever evolving world. But when you stay out of the limelight too long,or furthermore, annoy your fans, its a recipe for disaster, and its beyond imaginative you'll retain any kind of real status in the world you do something very special in... Furthermore,anything that allows you status over something ultimately belongs to everyone, (hence how he received that power to begin with) and so you can either atleast acknowledge that something special you do great work in, is changing and evolving with the times,or you can become a nostalgia act.... Hopefully Bobby Knight just wanted to go away, and live in his cave...and theres nothing wrong with that