Those who are confident that Billy D is a done deal..


Aug 1, 2014
where are you reading this at? Is this total speculation at this point or are you at least reading it somewhere? That would be best case scenario in my opinion; far and away the most proven option that seems somewhat realistic at this point.
where are you reading this at? Is this total speculation at this point or are you at least reading it somewhere? That would be best case scenario in my opinion; far and away the most proven option that seems somewhat realistic at this point.

Pay no mind as those people are just posting nonsense. I am of good source and can confirm that Crean did fly a unicorn to Mizzou. Book it...
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where are you reading this at? Is this total speculation at this point or are you at least reading it somewhere? That would be best case scenario in my opinion; far and away the most proven option that seems somewhat realistic at this point.

It is all based on one internet poster whom people claim has been credible in the past. It is pure speculation and people are probably setting themselves up for a big letdown. Internet sources are a dime a dozen and everyone seems to have a source these days! I would be absolutely shocked if Billy D came here.
where are you reading this at? Is this total speculation at this point or are you at least reading it somewhere? That would be best case scenario in my opinion; far and away the most proven option that seems somewhat realistic at this point.
Some people say they have people who are close to the program that are telling them this info but believe whatever you want.
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It is all based on one internet poster whom people claim has been credible in the past. It is pure speculation and people are probably setting themselves up for a big letdown. Internet sources are a dime a dozen and everyone seems to have a source these days! I would be absolutely shocked if Billy D came here.

What he said ^^^^^
First, nothing is a done deal at this point. There is a chance Crean comes back. A very, very, very small chance....but a chance.

Second, this "Donovan is IU" rumor is base on the fact that Donovan will "listen" to IU. His interest might be very small, but apparently its enough to tell IU he would take the call.

I don't think Donovan will be the next IU coach, does that mean IU didn't discuss the position with Donovan?

NOTHING is black and white at this point....nothing.

Well.....except Stevens never coming back to coach college.
where are you reading this at? Is this total speculation at this point or are you at least reading it somewhere? That would be best case scenario in my opinion; far and away the most proven option that seems somewhat realistic at this point.
I don't think it is a done deal but I think he will answer the phone, listen to what IU has to say and then say yes or no. He's making 6 million now so you at least have to match that. If he says no offer 6 million to Sean Miller or Tony Bennett & see if they say no. If they do then move on to Gregg Marshall & Archie Miller but then you lower your offer to 4 million.
First, nothing is a done deal at this point. There is a chance Crean comes back. A very, very, very small chance....but a chance.

Second, this "Donovan is IU" rumor is base on the fact that Donovan will "listen" to IU. His interest might be very small, but apparently its enough to tell IU he would take the call.

NOTHING is black and white at this point....nothing.

I don't think Donovan will be the next IU coach, does that mean IU didn't discuss the position with Donovan?

Well.....except Stevens never coming back to coach college.

What if IU offered Stevens a 20 year 140mil contract with a coach option in years 5, 10, 15?! Would that get Brad to reconsider?!
What if IU offered Stevens a 20 year 140mil contract?! Would that get Brad to reconsider?!

Brad Stevens is never coaching college again. Ever.

I don't think it is a done deal but I think he will answer the phone, listen to what IU has to say and then say yes or no. He's making 6 million now so you at least have to match that. If he says no offer 6 million to Sean Miller or Tony Bennett & see if they say no. If they do then move on to Gregg Marshall & Archie Miller but then you lower your offer to 4 million.
Those who know don't talk. Those who talk don't know.

When Crean was hired in 2008, nobody "had a source" that said he would be the hire. Same thing with Sampson in 2006. They were both total surprises. There are very few people who know the status of the potential job search. None of them would jeopardize their job or relationship with IU by blabbing that info here.
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The Janitor said that Crean is out. That guy is so plugged in that IU tried to investigate who he is.[/QUOTE
The Janitor said that Crean is out. That guy is so plugged in that IU tried to investigate who he is.

The janitor is such and undercover agent he may be living in a cave in Pakistan for all we know. It is a case of everyone has heard of the janitor but nobody has ever actually met him. This could be him!
I heard the janitor lives in a cave in Mexico. Everyone has heard of him but nobody has actually ever met him! He is like an undercover CIA agent.

where are you reading this at? Is this total speculation at this point or are you at least reading it somewhere? That would be best case scenario in my opinion; far and away the most proven option that seems somewhat realistic at this point.

I've only seen one poster say it's a done deal and I can't even recall who it was.

I hope we can get Donovan. That wouldn't just be a home run. That would be a grand slam that shattered the bat and tore the cover off the ball.
How does one post pictures from his or her gallery on the forum? Thanks in advance.

If it's from your computer, you'll have to open an account at a hosting site like Photobucket (it's free). Upload your pics, and then you'll be post them here from Photobucket.
I don't think it is a done deal but I think he will answer the phone, listen to what IU has to say and then say yes or no. He's making 6 million now so you at least have to match that. If he says no offer 6 million to Sean Miller or Tony Bennett & see if they say no. If they do then move on to Gregg Marshall & Archie Miller but then you lower your offer to 4 million.
I guess since it's not your money you can just throw crazy ass numbers around...$4 million for Archie's first gig...
I guess since it's not your money you can just throw crazy ass numbers around...$4 million for Archie's first gig...
Chrean makes almost 3.2 right now so whoever we get will probably get a raise from that.
I don't think $10M/year would be out of the realm of possibility for Donovan. We're not going cheap this time and it will take a massive cash dump to land him. He and his agent will both know that if we're calling him it's because Brad said no and there's a massive drop off between Donovan and the #3 guy. He can ask for the moon and we'd have to oblige.
No one (of credibility) has said its a done deal. What multiple people of credibility have said is.

-Stevens was reached out to, but he was not interested.
-Donovan was also reach out to, and he had enough interest to talk more. This was 2 weeks ago.
-Over the weekend, it was decided that an IU rep and Donovan's agent are going to hold more talks sometime this week.
-Coincidence or not, Donovan just put his FLA home on the market.

That's about it. Doesn't mean its a done deal, but is good news in that Glass is at least making a real effort to hit a home-run hire. I sure hope he is not afraid to go after Marshall as well.
Archie makes under $700k.
Just because Donovan may have to be offered $6m doesnt mean Archie would have to become 5th highest paid coach in NCA...

The thing with Archie is you can likely offer him decent money but give the school full control (no buyout) and limit his ability to leave. That's how someone like him gets big money right away. That way if it doesn't work, you cut ties and move on. Limited liability on our end but decent pay on his end. If it does work out and he exceeds expectations then he has the ability to leverage that success for more security/money. The bottom line for a good coach is if they're successful, they will hold all of the cards on future negotiations. As an IU fan, I am quite alright with being in the schools position when the coach has the upper hand. That means good things have happened. :)

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