The Kennedy Conundrum

Spasmodic Disphonia.
Neurological, vocal cords affected. Botox is treatment.
Had to google, then I saw...
It most often affects women, with symptoms starting between the ages of 30 and 50.

A 30-50 yr old women that shuts the hell up? Where do I enroll? There very well may be a heaven.
Back in the day you told a girl you were wearing one in order to avoid a conundrum.
Now males don't wear them, because they are too effing stupid, to take 20 seconds to prevent 18 years of.... KAREN. I've always known men are stupid, but today we take that to an entire different level of stupid. It's honestly more life long safety to be gay. or at least pretend to be.. Women are vile and boys are stupid.
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On here, the primary supporters of RFK Jr are the Trumpsters. Now polls are showing that if RFK Jr is in the race as an independent, Biden benefits most and increases his chances of winning by pretty strong margins. I never thought for a moment that any Trumpster here would vote for RFK Jr over Trump, but nation-wide he was being pushed by Trumpsters and right-wing media, including Fox News. It was pretty clear that they thought RFK Jr was going to hurt Biden. Like many things, they were likely wrong.
Some polls showing the change Kennedy makes, answer, not a lot. He seems to draw fairly evenly. Of course as the two main candidates need more votes, they will target him for fire and his numbers will probably reflect that.

Ipsos/ReutersOct. 3-435%35%-EVEN
Ipsos/ReutersOct. 3-433%31%14%Trump +2%
CygnalOct. 3-545%45%-EVEN
CygnalOct. 3-540%39%12%Trump +1%
Beacon/FoxOct. 6-948%49%-Biden +1%
Beacon/FoxOct. 6-941%41%16%EVEN
MaristOct. 1146%49%-Biden +3%
MaristOct. 1137%44%16%Biden +7%
RFK Jr up to 22% in national poll. Pulling a bit more from Trump than Biden. His internal polling appears to show more underlying support from Trump voters, so expect him to track further right.... At least in some areas.

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RFK Jr up to 22% in national poll. Pulling a bit more from Trump than Biden. His internal polling appears to show more underlying support from Trump voters, so expect him to track further right.... At least in some areas.

How hilarious would it be if RFK pulled a Teddy and just ruined the Republican party for a cycle? If Trump actually ended up coming in third, I think I might regain my faith in politics.
Here’s an interesting thought. If Biden and Trump are the nominees. The odds of a Trump v. RFK debate is highly likely. Biden will not be participating in a general election debate this cycle. That is a given.

But that would be a horrible look for team Biden.
How hilarious would it be if RFK pulled a Teddy and just ruined the Republican party for a cycle? If Trump actually ended up coming in third, I think I might regain my faith in politics.
And what if Trump finishes third, but RFK gets enough electoral votes to send the decision to the House and they select Trump?
Here’s an interesting thought. If Biden and Trump are the nominees. The odds of a Trump v. RFK debate is highly likely. Biden will not be participating in a general election debate this cycle. That is a given.

But that would be a horrible look for team Biden.

neither Biden nor Trump are going to debate anyone.

Biden's handlers wouldn't allow it, nor would Trump's lawyers.
How hilarious would it be if RFK pulled a Teddy and just ruined the Republican party for a cycle? If Trump actually ended up coming in third, I think I might regain my faith in politics.
Following up on this, I just looked at the 12th Am. We could be on the verge of a crazy scenario:

If no one gets 270, the House elects the Prez. But it does so by state. As of now, I think the break down in states is dead even in the House: 25-25. If that's the case and they deadlock and no Prez is elected by inauguration day, the Senate picks among the top 2 VP candidates and votes them in as interim Prez until the House can elect a Prez. In that case, if the Senate breaks 50-50 along party lines, you could have Kamala Harris voting herself in as interim President.


ETA: Looks like Republicans have a majority of state's controlled so Trump would win this way (if they all vote for him):

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Now males don't wear them, because they are too effing stupid, to take 20 seconds to prevent 18 years of.... KAREN. I've always known men are stupid, but today we take that to an entire different level of stupid. It's honestly more life long safety to be gay. or at least pretend to be.. Women are vile and boys are stupid.
Coach, why's the team talking shit about you again? @mcmurtry66
Here’s an interesting thought. If Biden and Trump are the nominees. The odds of a Trump v. RFK debate is highly likely. Biden will not be participating in a general election debate this cycle. That is a given.

But that would be a horrible look for team Biden.
But not as bad a look as would be worn by conservatives trying to figure out what Trump and RFK Jr. are trying to say to each other.
Here’s an interesting thought. If Biden and Trump are the nominees. The odds of a Trump v. RFK debate is highly likely. Biden will not be participating in a general election debate this cycle. That is a given.

But that would be a horrible look for team Biden.
That's dumb. If Biden is the nominee, he'll be in a debate. Trump is more likely to refuse a debate than anyone else, but I don't think even he would.