The joy of X

My neighbor across the street makes a killing on Amazon each election. He sells signs to both sides.
I wish I could post pics of the shirts I saw this last weekend at the Elkhart County 4-H Fair. Spectacular.

1. "FAFO" with two AR-15s crossed over an American flag

2. "Fix America First" with an eagle over the flag in black and white

3. "When tyranny becomes law
Rebellion becomes duty" over a pic of a skull in statue of liberty crown, and underneath it: PATRIOT

4. "Nobody Cares. Work Harder."

5. "Raise Lions Not Sheep"
I wish I could post pics of the shirts I saw this last weekend at the Elkhart County 4-H Fair. Spectacular.

1. "FAFO" with two AR-15s crossed over an American flag

2. "Fix America First" with an eagle over the flag in black and white

3. "When tyranny becomes law
Rebellion becomes duty" over a pic of a skull in statue of liberty crown, and underneath it: PATRIOT

4. "Nobody Cares. Work Harder."

5. "Raise Lions Not Sheep"
It is something to behold.
Now that would be a battle. On the beach and a Hippo strolls in for a dip. Sitting underwater and a great white comes in the picture. Who ya got?
Shallow water, the hippo. Deeper water, the great white.

The coast of Namibia is a desert where lions dip their toes in the atlantic. They’ve probably seen a great white. Wonder what they thought of that.

Lions up close are terrifying though.
I wish I could post pics of the shirts I saw this last weekend at the Elkhart County 4-H Fair. Spectacular.

1. "FAFO" with two AR-15s crossed over an American flag

2. "Fix America First" with an eagle over the flag in black and white

3. "When tyranny becomes law
Rebellion becomes duty" over a pic of a skull in statue of liberty crown, and underneath it: PATRIOT

4. "Nobody Cares. Work Harder."

5. "Raise Lions Not Sheep"
Which one were you wearing?
How old would you be when you got there? What an adventure
Spending any real time there? Depends on my job and how hands on I’ll need to be. Max I wanna be done with real work by 59. So ten years.
Shallow water, the hippo. Deeper water, the great white.

The coast of Namibia is a desert where lions dip their toes in the atlantic. They’ve probably seen a great white. Wonder what they thought of that.

Lions up close are terrifying though.
I'm going to have to do some research on this...Bite strength. Damn Hippo is right up there. Nile Croc thought WOW.

The article is skewed though. The Great white is 4000 pound bite strength.

Shallow water, the hippo. Deeper water, the great white.

The coast of Namibia is a desert where lions dip their toes in the atlantic. They’ve probably seen a great white. Wonder what they thought of that.

Lions up close are terrifying though.
We stayed at a hotel in Botswana witha watch out for hippos sign and we’re right on the river. We woke up every night with dozens of hippos munching grass on the lawn. I loved watching them, especially the babies.
To the extent any of the male posters think they are “speaking for men” on this board, they’re being dumb.

Try having a personality and a thought, not just a gender.
Hmmm that’s a new one. Try having a personality? Sorry you don’t like it. I’ll change immediately. Lol
We stayed at a hotel in Botswana witha watch out for hippos sign and we’re right on the river. We woke up every night with dozens of hippos munching grass on the lawn. I loved watching them, especially the babies.
We’ve stayed at the Elephant Hills resort near Victoria Falls a couple times. It’s on a pseudo nature preserve. Every balcony has a sign to remember to close your balcony door because the monkeys will come in and steal everything.

Sidebar - if you’ve ever seen the video where the lion kills an antelope or kudzu in a hotel lobby, that’s Elephant Hills. It’s the open air part outside.
I’ll see you in November. You should see the groups organizing on social media. The fundraising didn’t give you an idea? You know anything about black women’s sororities? Hillary was attached for decades as the devil, but at least they didn’t use this ugly sexual crap.
Respectfully, I think your circle is likely as not as open as you think and based on posts here and how I know many righties react when y'all are discussing this stuff, you probably aren't hearing many counter opinions.

Some people I work with think I am a lefty at times because I don't engage in that stuff with acquaintances. You want to talk, talk. The people nodding back aren't always in agreement.
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Well that's because he posted it on X before telling any news outlets. That doesn't mean X is a reliable source for news. It simply means Biden chose to use X for his announcement.
Exactly. And it was like 10 minutes later when it was on all the news sites.
It appears it is for some of you. Let me break it down for you.

The thought process being.

See post

Check link

Check source

Check to see what others are saying...Unfortunately if its against the right there will be numerous links from every major msm new source.

If it's against the left the msm takes a backseat and there are no major msm links. (Gee wonder why)

When several other news sources report on a "left negative" we present the information here and according to "the clap". Thats the side of this board thats not the dream team. CONGRADS you just earned yourselves a new nickname. Lets go with it..."The Clap" calls BS and says non acceptable.

Leeson over. Now GFY
Another loney tune message from deep inside Looneyville!
This one is apparently a real campaign ad for someone running for Missouri SOS. My favorite part is how part of her campaign bio is that she was a D1 swimmer in college - at Central Connecticut State. LOL
I read a local thing about them. The whole family are swimmers. One at smu and another William and Mary. The one brother was in the Olympics and I guess the mom was on the Colombian national team.

She’s batshit crazy. But now there’s a guy running for gov or lt gov that’s also doing the flamethrower bit in commercials 🤣
We’ve stayed at the Elephant Hills resort near Victoria Falls a couple times. It’s on a pseudo nature preserve. Every balcony has a sign to remember to close your balcony door because the monkeys will come in and steal everything.

Sidebar - if you’ve ever seen the video where the lion kills an antelope or kudzu in a hotel lobby, that’s Elephant Hills. It’s the open air part outside.
Oh cool! I’ll look for it. Our restaurant had guys on duty with baseball bats to scare away the monkeys. Fortunately, I never saw them use them. I’m going to Rwanda next spring to see gorillas. Have you done that?
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so i assume he couldn't make hte US team so he did that? i know quite a few college soccer players who have done that - girls mostly
He actually wasn't bad and possibly could have made the U.S. team. However, he was born in Colombia and was a shoe-in to make their team. He beat the second fastest American at Rio. But I am not sure if he was an American citizen in 2016. If he was, he probably figured I can swim for Colombia and be guaranteed a trip to Rio or swim for the U.S. and have maybe a 50/50 shot. I would never fault someone for taking the sure thing, especially when it's his country of birth.

I remember a meet back in college against Eastern Illinois. We were crapping in the pool and the coach told me I had to swim my usual event (200 fly) because our team was not swimming well. I get up on the blocks and they introduce the guy next to me as the Olympian from Ecuador (or maybe it was Guatemala?) in that event. I looked at my coach with a look of WTF. He just shrugged his shoulders and smiled. I think I beat the guy by about 20 yards. Central America was not exactly a hotbed of swimming back then. Still can't believe they introduced the guy that way given that he wasn't exactly fast.

An old teammate from back then still has on his LinkedIn page that he "went to the 1984 Olympic Trials." I know for a fact he didn't come close to qualifying so I can only assume he means that he attended and watched from the stands. LOL Guy was a complete doofus (and apparently still is).
Respectfully, I think your circle is likely as not as open as you think and based on posts here and how I know many righties react when y'all are discussing this stuff, you probably aren't hearing many counter opinions.

Some people I work with think I am a lefty at times because I don't engage in that stuff with acquaintances. You want to talk, talk. The people nodding back aren't always in agreement.
Oh I know the algorithms I get are biased. I’m just seeing an awful lot of engagement from young people ( Swifties4Harris) and POC. I do watch things I don’t agree with on TikTok and Twitter to mess up the algorithms some.
Oh cool! I’ll look for it. Our restaurant had guys on duty with baseball bats to scare away the monkeys. Fortunately, I never saw them use them. I’m going to Rwanda next spring to see gorillas. Have you done that?
Nope. Only been in SA, Zim, and a short day trip into Mozambique (farm is about 20 miles from the border).

Assuming we spend some time there I’ve got several places I’d like to see.
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He actually wasn't bad and possibly could have made the U.S. team. However, he was born in Colombia and was a shoe-in to make their team. He beat the second fastest American at Rio. But I am not sure if he was an American citizen in 2016. If he was, he probably figured I can swim for Colombia and be guaranteed a trip to Rio or swim for the U.S. and have maybe a 50/50 shot. I would never fault someone for taking the sure thing, especially when it's his country of birth.

I remember a meet back in college against Eastern Illinois. We were crapping in the pool and the coach told me I had to swim my usual event (200 fly) because our team was not swimming well. I get up on the blocks and they introduce the guy next to me as the Olympian from Ecuador (or maybe it was Guatemala?) in that event. I looked at my coach with a look of WTF. He just shrugged his shoulders and smiled. I think I beat the guy by about 20 yards. Central America was not exactly a hotbed of swimming back then. Still can't believe they introduced the guy that way given that he wasn't exactly fast.

An old teammate from back then still has on his LinkedIn page that he "went to the 1984 Olympic Trials." I know for a fact he didn't come close to qualifying so I can only assume he means that he attended and watched from the stands. LOL Guy was a complete doofus (and apparently still is).
that totally makes sense. swimming is a team but still very individualistic right? so your goal i presume is to get to the olympics and get your shot anyway that you can? that's too funny re 1984 olympic trials. i had an old teammate leave college and quit our team to play champions league. i didn't really understand or realize it until later but champions is literally going on right now. these tiny little teams from countries all over europe play for months against each other before you get to the televised good shit in fall. he played for his little hometown team in iceland lol. but damnit he played champions! and to this day he'll begin sentences like "i remember when i was playing champions" bitch. :D:D
Shallow water, the hippo. Deeper water, the great white.

The coast of Namibia is a desert where lions dip their toes in the atlantic. They’ve probably seen a great white. Wonder what they thought of that.

Lions up close are terrifying though.
Probably too old for most here, but anybody else remember Hugo the Hippo (1975)?

Oh I know the algorithms I get are biased. I’m just seeing an awful lot of engagement from young people ( Swifties4Harris) and POC. I do watch things I don’t agree with on TikTok and Twitter to mess up the algorithms some.
Ok, I tend to believe that 95% of all of this is already baked in the cake. The abortion thing gets people motivated in elections they don't normally participate in. I don't think it is as impactful in Presidential elections as it has maybe been in mid terms or run offs. I also think the impact is going to decline over time. "Pro-choice" people are going to find themselves in the "Pro-life" place of 20 years ago. People may agree with you in theory but a bunch of people don't get abortions and never will (and most people don't consider a D&C after a naturally failed pregnancy an abortion-at least not for the political sake of this argument) so as time goes on that topic will become less of a driver. People tend to just accept the norm.
There was one on instagram that you would have gotten a kick out of. It was like calob or something. A home chef. Young guy. 20s. His caption would just be wagyu ribeye medium rare. Then the comments would all go crazy. That’s not Fing wagyu. And his shit would be soooooooo rare. That cow can still walk. Then he’ll post wagyu filet and salmon. And he’ll have them in the same pan. Commenters going nuts. You’re cross contaminating the shit out of your meal. Or he’ll put all the steaks in the pan without a mm of room. And once in a blue moon he’d reply to a comment. Go Fck yourself old man. Etc. But eventually I realized I think he’s doing it on purpose for the lulz. But the comments were hilarious

Instagram is great.

I just watched a video of a group of kids giving a bunch of seagulls laxatives on a crowded beach.

People were running like it was raining acid. Haven't laughed that hard in a while.
Instagram is great.

I just watched a video of a group of kids giving a bunch of seagulls laxatives on a crowded beach.

People were running like it was raining acid. Haven't laughed that hard in a while.
that's funny and disturbing.

I wouldn't be a happy camper being on the wrong end of that prank.
Ok, but not according to that documentary.
I think I was splitting hairs. Their bone structure is unique in that it has a higher density than most (all?) other mammals. However, they also have a lot of muscle mass - which, in one sense, you could say they have a higher density (amount) of muscle than most other mammals. In other words, I was being overly anal. Apologies. {gasp!}