The General


Mar 10, 2017
In case any are interested Bobby will be on the Dan Patrick radio show today. Not sure when he's on. You can download the podcast if interested. His show is on from 9am - noon (E.T.)

I'm sure Bob will give his two cents on who should be IU's next coach. (tic)
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Still want someone to ask him if he'd go to Assembly Hall if Trump asked him to see how he wriggles out of it.
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On the show today, Knight said he is never going back and that he wished everyone associated with Indiana University at that time of his firing was dead. Dead! He wishes everyone was dead.

Bob Knight is an asshole. Plain and simple. Saying he is rude or a boor or selfish does not fit in this case.
On the show today, Knight said he is never going back and that he wished everyone associated with Indiana University at that time of his firing was dead. Dead! He wishes everyone was dead.

Bob Knight is an asshole. Plain and simple. Saying he is rude or a boor or selfish does not fit in this case.

Thanks, that gave me a little chuckle...but in all seriousness, how do you really feel about him?;)

EDIT: Holy smokes...I thought you were trying to be funny!!! He did say that. Damn he is a bitter old man.
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I did see where he was going to be appearing at Bloomington North HS in a few weeks. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was trolling those IU supporters who -- openly or secretly -- achingly long for him to walk out on Branch McCracken floor again.
On the show today, Knight said he is never going back and that he wished everyone associated with Indiana University at that time of his firing was dead. Dead! He wishes everyone was dead.

Bob Knight is an asshole. Plain and simple. Saying he is rude or a boor or selfish does not fit in this case.

Puuuuuuuuure class.

I'm sure his apologists will still lecture us on what an awesome person he is because he raised money for charity and petted their puppy and told them it was cute.
Knight is water under the bridge. Whatever. Let's move on. He is nothing he preaches others to be. I am extremely disappointed for his actions the last few years. But hey, who cares? More people would probably care about him a lot more before. Not anymore.
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Basically what he said several years ago. If BK outlive's those in IU Administration only then will he come back to IU. Need to just do something off campus then for the IU Fans, former IU players, and IU Alumni.
What an ass. That's it for me. If I ever say "but he gave to the library" or something I hope someone reminds me of this. I forgave him for supporting Trump figuring his mind had gone but he's got no heart either. He's dead to me.
They are both still campaigning.
This isn't anything new. He's a jerk who was an amazing coach. He's a jerk who did a lot of good things for a lot of people. He's a jerk who treated a lot of people like dog crap and did terrible things to them. He's all of these things. And he has been for a long, long time.

He's not coming back. He was never coming back. I don't like it. I think it's petty, but I also don't blame him.

He's complicated. It's complicated. I thank him for everything he did for IU.
Not exactly sure why people are being so critical over his comments...He said he always enjoyed the iu fans, & even on his dying day hell think about how great the fans at Indiana were.

Of course hes going to resent/wish the people dead that are still down there at Bloomington . Has everybody here really been so fortunate to live a rose colored life.
They had a choice to stick by his side, they failed to do so, he built that brand, and then they kicked him off too Texas tech while they all chose to remain at Indiana.Not one person stuck by his side to my knowledge.
That does something to someone.
Of course hes going to resent/wish the people dead that are still down there at Bloomington . Has everybody here really been so fortunate to live a rose colored life.

I am not sure where to start with this one.

From Wikipedia: The expression Going postal, is derived from a series of incidents from 1986 onward in which United States Postal Service (USPS) workers shot and killed managers, fellow workers, and members of the police or general public in acts of mass murder. Between 1986 and 1997, more than 40 people were gunned down by current or former employees in at least 20 incidents of workplace rage.

I am going to go out on a limb and suggest that most workers - even those who have been fired - do not wish death on their co-workers
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I am not sure where to start with this one.

From Wikipedia: The expression Going postal, is derived from a series of incidents from 1986 onward in which United States Postal Service (USPS) workers shot and killed managers, fellow workers, and members of the police or general public in acts of mass murder. Between 1986 and 1997, more than 40 people were gunned down by current or former employees in at least 20 incidents of workplace rage.

I am going to go out on a limb and suggest that most workers - even those who have been fired - do not wish death on their co-workers

Most probably dont, I'd agree, what's your point?
At this point it'd be better for IU if he didn't ever return to Campus. No real upside in a return but plenty of down...
Not exactly sure why people are being so critical over his comments...He said he always enjoyed the iu fans, & even on his dying day hell think about how great the fans at Indiana were.

Of course hes going to resent/wish the people dead that are still down there at Bloomington . Has everybody here really been so fortunate to live a rose colored life.
They had a choice to stick by his side, they failed to do so, he built that brand, and then they kicked him off too Texas tech while they all chose to remain at Indiana.Not one person stuck by his side to my knowledge.
That does something to someone.

His apologists sure are a special breed...........
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Not exactly sure why people are being so critical over his comments...He said he always enjoyed the iu fans, & even on his dying day hell think about how great the fans at Indiana were.

Of course hes going to resent/wish the people dead that are still down there at Bloomington . Has everybody here really been so fortunate to live a rose colored life.
They had a choice to stick by his side, they failed to do so, he built that brand, and then they kicked him off too Texas tech while they all chose to remain at Indiana.Not one person stuck by his side to my knowledge.
That does something to someone.

Of course you left out the fact that it was his own damn fault that he got fired. If he wants
Dan Patrick is really good at what he does. Way better than Colin Blowhard. That was a cool interview and can't wait to see the show about the 76 team. Knight is the best college X and O coach in my lifetime and I appreciate what he did for IU basketball even if he was a jerk. Mcginnis then Knight and years from 73-76 reeled me in as an IU fan for life when I was a teenager.

Classic Knight. He answered the question. I don't care whether he returns or what he says or about the people he is referring to. Going postal. lol. It's not like he gunned those people down with his hunting rifle.
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Dan Patrick is really good at what he does. Way better than Colin Blowhard. That was a cool interview and can't wait to see the show about the 76 team. Knight is the best college X and O coach in my lifetime and I appreciate what he did for IU basketball even if he was a jerk. Mcginnis then Knight and years from 73-76 reeled me in as an IU fan for life when I was a teenager.

Classic Knight. He answered the question. I don't care whether he returns or what he says or about the people he is referring to. Going postal. lol. It's not like he gunned those people down with his hunting rifle.

They want the truth...they 'can't handle the truth!! '
If it was his fault then you need to give back those championship banners...
So the banners in the Hall are fakes? Hoosiers Rising stole them and has them in his basement?

hoosier_est_1984, I think the players had a lot to do with those banners. Let's keep them at Assembly Hall for them, if that is okay with you.
So the banners in the Hall are fakes? Hoosiers Rising stole them and has them in his basement?

hoosier_est_1984, I think the players had a lot to do with those banners. Let's keep them at Assembly Hall for them, if that is okay with you.

I think youre missing what was a point too a already irrelevant statement.
I am not sure where to start with this one.

From Wikipedia: The expression Going postal, is derived from a series of incidents from 1986 onward in which United States Postal Service (USPS) workers shot and killed managers, fellow workers, and members of the police or general public in acts of mass murder. Between 1986 and 1997, more than 40 people were gunned down by current or former employees in at least 20 incidents of workplace rage.

I am going to go out on a limb and suggest that most workers - even those who have been fired - do not wish death on their co-workers
Or at least fess up to it in public.
The University. Indiana University. And just about everything associated with same.
Just now noticed this. ..Why do you think that? I'm not disagreeing ,I just don't see any downside nor upside besides maybe* a quick first fizzle of the whole situation being 'put to rest ' for some* fans
Holy cow. Sorry but this guy thinks and thought he was bigger then IU. I cant stand the guy. Wishing death on people who disagreed with your thinking and approach to coaching shows his lack of being a productive person in our society. I do not wish death on the man. But i hope in his later years he will be treated like a Bill Cosby. Just a fake of a human and A loser.
Not exactly sure why people are being so critical over his comments...He said he always enjoyed the iu fans, & even on his dying day hell think about how great the fans at Indiana were.

Of course hes going to resent/wish the people dead that are still down there at Bloomington . Has everybody here really been so fortunate to live a rose colored life.
They had a choice to stick by his side, they failed to do so, he built that brand, and then they kicked him off too Texas tech while they all chose to remain at Indiana.Not one person stuck by his side to my knowledge.
That does something to someone.

Your an idiot. You think its ok and justified that this low life wishes death on people? Only because they got tired of his antics and embarrassing IU? Ok im sure you have a family and loved ones. How . Would you feel if i wished death on you? Think about your children and loved ones having to read that.

For this man to wish death on any person shows just how shallow he is. So he would be happy if another person died knowing they have children, grandchildren a wife? And only then would he come back to IU for cheers and a celebration.

I really hope IU fans never show to one of his meet and greets. If you support this trash then your no better then hm.
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L 0 L ...I'm sure hes accomplished more for society then you would in ten life times...Ohhh the irony

Not so sure guy. I spent 8 years in the military and another 15 at the city of Memphis fire dept. So ya . Ill put my civil duties and my contribution to society up against this peace of trash any day. It is ironic a man like this gets credit like that from people like you for being a coach. Maybe look in your community kid , at those real men bettering your community. And stop looking up to a fake peace of crap who only prays on your community's for his ego boost.
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