The DOGE Clown Show

there is a fundamental difference between

1) being canned because your job or company is eliminated
2) being canned with a bogus but official reason that you have habitually poor job performance

#1 and you will find a job easily.
#2 and you are materially harmed from finding that next job
Context matters. In this circumstance numbers 2 and 1 are synonymous
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when and if the average voter is not feeling the effect of these layoffs, it serves as vindication to the DOGE efforts.
The average veteran getting medical care through the VA is certainly feeling the effects. No wheelchair for you, dude. No prosthetic arm for you, big fella. Your appointment? Rescheduled to June. doctor to be determined, based on who's still left

My family and I are also feeling the effects on a daily basis.

My daughter's study abroad funding for this summer was cancelled, as anthropology is I guess "too woke".
My son's trip to a math logic conference was supposed to be under an NSF Fellowship. Got cancelled.
5 NIH grant applications I have submitted are scheduled for review this month or next. All are apparently on hold, as antivirals research, ALS research, and metastatic cancer research is "too woke".
Not a chance in hell that any sort of analysis was done to come up with the list of lease cancellations:

If that happened to you, and you actually had a stack of great job performance assessments and a long list of accomplishments, would you be fine with it?

there is a fundamental difference between

1) being canned because your job or company is eliminated
2) being canned with a bogus but official reason that you have habitually poor job performance

#1 and you will find a job easily.
#2 and you are materially harmed from finding that next job
Stop moving the goalposts. If you have a stack of great assessments and a long list of accomplishments, a bogus reason for being let go doesn't matter. You're hired for the long list of accomplishments and the great assessments that show the accomplishments weren't at the expense of a managerial headache.

And just admit you read all my posts despite "having me on ignore"
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The average veteran getting medical care through the VA is certainly feeling the effects. No wheelchair for you, dude. No prosthetic arm for you, big fella. Your appointment? Rescheduled to June. doctor to be determined, based on who's still left

My family and I are also feeling the effects on a daily basis.

My daughter's study abroad funding for this summer was cancelled, as anthropology is I guess "too woke".
My son's trip to a math logic conference was supposed to be under an NSF Fellowship. Got cancelled.
5 NIH grant applications I have submitted are scheduled for review this month or next. All are apparently on hold, as antivirals research, ALS research, and metastatic cancer research is "too woke".
If what you say is true and not just conjecture and projection to fit your pre-conceived notions, then Republicans should feel it at the polls.

Why is your family so dependent of Federal government money btw?
You're a silly fake poster 100 percent of the time but this post by you is one of the silliest ever. It should be deleted for violating the Silly Rule. If we don't have a rule, we should have one and call it the Lucy Rule.
Trump‘s not gonna pay any attention to the judges anyway! Just like I don’t pay attention to you!
Left NationsBank Houston (first job outta Kelley) to take a job at a smaller bank in Dallas for more money. One month later we were bought for assets and closed. Thanks kid. 😄
If what you say is true and not just conjecture and projection to fit your pre-conceived notions, then Republicans should feel it at the polls.

Why is your family so dependent of Federal government money btw?
Left NationsBank Houston (first job outta Kelley) to take a job at a smaller bank in Dallas for more money. One month later we were bought for assets and closed. Thanks kid. 😄

The average veteran getting medical care through the VA is certainly feeling the effects. No wheelchair for you, dude. No prosthetic arm for you, big fella. Your appointment? Rescheduled to June. doctor to be determined, based on who's still left

My family and I are also feeling the effects on a daily basis.

My daughter's study abroad funding for this summer was cancelled, as anthropology is I guess "too woke".
My son's trip to a math logic conference was supposed to be under an NSF Fellowship. Got cancelled.
5 NIH grant applications I have submitted are scheduled for review this month or next. All are apparently on hold, as antivirals research, ALS research, and metastatic cancer research is "too woke".
What are the odds? Your entire family was sucking off the teet of government and DOGE was able to cut it all off. Kudos to Elon for being surgical with all these cuts.
What are the odds? Your entire family was sucking off the teet of government and DOGE was able to cut it all off. Kudos to Elon for being surgical with all these cuts.
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Not a chance in hell that any sort of analysis was done to come up with the list of lease cancellations:

This is a topic I have some inside baseball on.

Page 89 of that document from the first Trump administration talks about more efficient use of government buildings and private lease space. Many federal agencies combined that instruction with the Telework Act of 2010 to decrease their footprint and go to hoteling of desk spaces. In several instances this lead to multiple agencies giving up private leases and moving into GSA buildings to share space. This costs the government less money.

Elon and his DOGE idiots (along with Trump's misplaced revenge tour) started by telling all those agencies who followed his first administration's directive that they had to cram all those people into their shared spaces and then followed it up by making those very same type of shared spaces the primary targets of the GSA sell list. And if those properties are sold and the full in office requirement (instead of the split work environment) remain in effect, it will cost more money that leaves the government (instead of being cycled back through GSA) and is therefore the opposite of creating efficiency.

So frankly, this is one of many of those instances where I know for a fact that Elon's team is a bunch of ****ing morons who don't understand anything about what they are interacting with. Which is why that initial list was 900, then 600, then 300 properties and eventually was yanked down off the site altogether. They don't know what they are doing because they fail, time after time, to actually understand and get the big picture before they set about breaking shit.

And that is why they lost the OPM lawsuit as well. They should have called for a RIF but the genius knew better. And the thing that is going to piss a bunch of conservatives off about this is that the way they went about firing people without the RIF is likely going to hand the people they want to RIF yet another route to sue the government (and cost money).

"Well things shouldn't be that way...." says the "life isn't fair" wing of the conservative movement. Well guess what dudes, it is that way. If the "genius" and all his 20 year old "wunderkinds" that were put in charge of all of this would have taken just a few minutes to study the rules of the game before diving in, they wouldn't have to cry about all the penalty flags being thrown now.

Elon's Twitter feed alone is going to cause them headaches in lawsuit after lawsuit about this. And it will go on for years after he has moved on to chasing his next squirrel. Super efficient. Super smart.
This is a topic I have some inside baseball on.

Page 89 of that document from the first Trump administration talks about more efficient use of government buildings and private lease space. Many federal agencies combined that instruction with the Telework Act of 2010 to decrease their footprint and go to hoteling of desk spaces. In several instances this lead to multiple agencies giving up private leases and moving into GSA buildings to share space. This costs the government less money.

Elon and his DOGE idiots (along with Trump's misplaced revenge tour) started by telling all those agencies who followed his first administration's directive that they had to cram all those people into their shared spaces and then followed it up by making those very same type of shared spaces the primary targets of the GSA sell list. And if those properties are sold and the full in office requirement (instead of the split work environment) remain in effect, it will cost more money that leaves the government (instead of being cycled back through GSA) and is therefore the opposite of creating efficiency.

So frankly, this is one of many of those instances where I know for a fact that Elon's team is a bunch of ****ing morons who don't understand anything about what they are interacting with. Which is why that initial list was 900, then 600, then 300 properties and eventually was yanked down off the site altogether. They don't know what they are doing because they fail, time after time, to actually understand and get the big picture before they set about breaking shit.

And that is why they lost the OPM lawsuit as well. They should have called for a RIF but the genius knew better. And the thing that is going to piss a bunch of conservatives off about this is that the way they went about firing people without the RIF is likely going to hand the people they want to RIF yet another route to sue the government (and cost money).

"Well things shouldn't be that way...." says the "life isn't fair" wing of the conservative movement. Well guess what dudes, it is that way. If the "genius" and all his 20 year old "wunderkinds" that were put in charge of all of this would have taken just a few minutes to study the rules of the game before diving in, they wouldn't have to cry about all the penalty flags being thrown now.

Elon's Twitter feed alone is going to cause them headaches in lawsuit after lawsuit about this. And it will go on for years after he has moved on to chasing his next squirrel. Super efficient. Super smart.
It really is a clown show.
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Perhaps. But when I fail or life sends me a major FU, I’ve always found it constructive to focus, on what I did wrong, could have done differently and how I contributed to the failure/ crisis.

A decidedly different perspective from government workers to be sure.
You are entirely ignorant about what government workers do or what their perspective is. Once again, when you're ignorant you should just STFU.

It's also no surprise, at all, that you've been fired.
You are entirely ignorant about what government workers do or what their perspective is. Once again, when you're ignorant you should just STFU.

It's also no surprise, at all, that you've been fired.
Laid off technically. If you’ve paid attention, a lot of the posters in this board have talked about being laid off. Hoooky, Lars, others I’m sure I’m missing.

It doesn’t mean we’re poor employees, just that we didn’t make ourselves indispensable enough to overcome external factors that lead to our layoff.

Why so pissed at me? I thought accepting personal responsibility was a big thing in military leadership.

Not for you?
You are entirely ignorant about what government workers do or what their perspective is. Once again, when you're ignorant you should just STFU.

It's also no surprise, at all, that you've been fired.
The perception of gov work being lighter isn’t fiction. I mean it literally popped up in conversation yesterday. My buddy is going to put in for app Ct and two other lawyers there said f it maybe I should put in for a judgeship. Exhausted. Then as god as my witness the one said something along the lines of with all the doge cuts I love how people are pretending they don’t go into gov bc it’s less work

I don’t necessarily think there’s anything wrong with it. Trade hours and pay for less hours less pay
Perhaps. But when I fail or life sends me a major FU, I’ve always found it constructive to focus, on what I did wrong, could have done differently and how I contributed to the failure/ crisis.
For the people who won the lawsuit, they were well rated employees. The only thing they did wrong was have their job in the first place.
A decidedly different perspective from government workers to be sure.
I have worked in both. Employees are employees.
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Evidently not. When 100’s of thousands of tech jobs were lost the last few years I don’t remember this massive consternation.

There is a sense of entitlement that needs to be done away with.
Sorry buddy, that doesn't float when you are talking to me. I have complained about H1Bs. I argued against the whole "learn to code" idea. I have spoken out against offshoring of jobs.

And here is going to be what really sticks in your craw. Maybe your issue isn't with labor, maybe your issue is with management. "Hey, I get ****ed in the ass by a bunch of sociopathic assholes who always have a golden parachute and land on their feet and so I want to make sure everyone else gets that same treatment." You getting laid off and those tech workers being out of a job isn't government workers faults, it is the fault of poor management and sociopaths like Elon Musk who get off on abusing their work force. Government workers didn't send manufacturing to Mexico and China, the Chamber of Commerce did. Government workers didn't lay off capable tech employees and turn around and hire H1Bs to steal their job, guys like Elon did.

Indiana just took away the rules on the types of hours teenagers can work. It was sold as freedom. Get out of your ideology a little bit and you start to see that maybe the pendulum is a little out of whack. "Government workers get the courtesy of some notification before they get fired, what entitled assholes." Maybe you should be asking why when things go bad you get laid off and your CEO gets a bonus. That gets people out of their comfort zone though.

And for Democrats, there are absolutely people working in government who should be let go. Their protections are too far but I find it interesting when the criticism is "They work 40 hours and get to go home and have a good health plan and a pension" and the move is to take that away instead of demand that for yourself from private employers. The bar is so ****ing low for them and if you want to be "MAGA" Well corporate America was expected to shoulder some of that load in the 1950's and 60's. Which is the dirty secret that many conservatives don't want to deal with. That and a Democrat already laid out how to balance the budget and it sure as shit didn't involve lowering taxes on the top tax brackets and dropping taxes to zero on people making less than $150k.

You are miserable about what was done to you and you took the side of your abuser.

This ain't getting fixed until both sides realize that there is give and take on this and more pragmatism is going to be essential.
The perception of gov work being lighter isn’t fiction. I mean it literally popped up in conversation yesterday. My buddy is going to put in for app Ct and two other lawyers there said f it maybe I should put in for a judgeship. Exhausted. Then as god as my witness the one said something along the lines of with all the doge cuts I love how people are pretending they don’t go into gov bc it’s less work

I don’t necessarily think there’s anything wrong with it. Trade hours and pay for less hours less pay
Some people also do it for public service. You want over qualified people to take roles in an administration for 4-8 years. A lot of those folks do it because they are compelled to public service.
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Sorry buddy, that doesn't float when you are talking to me. I have complained about H1Bs. I argued against the whole "learn to code" idea. I have spoken out against offshoring of jobs.

And here is going to be what really sticks in your craw. Maybe your issue isn't with labor, maybe your issue is with management. "Hey, I get ****ed in the ass by a bunch of sociopathic assholes who always have a golden parachute and land on their feet and so I want to make sure everyone else gets that same treatment." You getting laid off and those tech workers being out of a job isn't government workers faults, it is the fault of poor management and sociopaths like Elon Musk who get off on abusing their work force. Government workers didn't send manufacturing to Mexico and China, the Chamber of Commerce did. Government workers didn't lay off capable tech employees and turn around and hire H1Bs to steal their job, guys like Elon did.

Indiana just took away the rules on the types of hours teenagers can work. It was sold as freedom. Get out of your ideology a little bit and you start to see that maybe the pendulum is a little out of whack. "Government workers get the courtesy of some notification before they get fired, what entitled assholes." Maybe you should be asking why when things go bad you get laid off and your CEO gets a bonus. That gets people out of their comfort zone though.

And for Democrats, there are absolutely people working in government who should be let go. Their protections are too far but I find it interesting when the criticism is "They work 40 hours and get to go home and have a good health plan and a pension" and the move is to take that away instead of demand that for yourself from private employers. The bar is so ****ing low for them and if you want to be "MAGA" Well corporate America was expected to shoulder some of that load in the 1950's and 60's. Which is the dirty secret that many conservatives don't want to deal with. That and a Democrat already laid out how to balance the budget and it sure as shit didn't involve lowering taxes on the top tax brackets and dropping taxes to zero on people making less than $150k.

You are miserable about what was done to you and you took the side of your abuser.

This ain't getting fixed until both sides realize that there is give and take on this and more pragmatism is going to be essential.
Agree with much of this. As for demanding more from private employers you have to remember half of the private sector is employed by small and micro businesses. They aren’t getting anything. No health benefits. No pension. No notice. At will. And for their employers that’s not a product of greed but financial reality.

So you have half of working people working under those circumstances so you have some resentment and when you hear we didn’t get this or that the response from half of working people is welcome to my life
Sorry buddy, that doesn't float when you are talking to me. I have complained about H1Bs. I argued against the whole "learn to code" idea. I have spoken out against offshoring of jobs.

And here is going to be what really sticks in your craw. Maybe your issue isn't with labor, maybe your issue is with management. "Hey, I get ****ed in the ass by a bunch of sociopathic assholes who always have a golden parachute and land on their feet and so I want to make sure everyone else gets that same treatment." You getting laid off and those tech workers being out of a job isn't government workers faults, it is the fault of poor management and sociopaths like Elon Musk who get off on abusing their work force. Government workers didn't send manufacturing to Mexico and China, the Chamber of Commerce did. Government workers didn't lay off capable tech employees and turn around and hire H1Bs to steal their job, guys like Elon did.

Indiana just took away the rules on the types of hours teenagers can work. It was sold as freedom. Get out of your ideology a little bit and you start to see that maybe the pendulum is a little out of whack. "Government workers get the courtesy of some notification before they get fired, what entitled assholes." Maybe you should be asking why when things go bad you get laid off and your CEO gets a bonus. That gets people out of their comfort zone though.

And for Democrats, there are absolutely people working in government who should be let go. Their protections are too far but I find it interesting when the criticism is "They work 40 hours and get to go home and have a good health plan and a pension" and the move is to take that away instead of demand that for yourself from private employers. The bar is so ****ing low for them and if you want to be "MAGA" Well corporate America was expected to shoulder some of that load in the 1950's and 60's. Which is the dirty secret that many conservatives don't want to deal with. That and a Democrat already laid out how to balance the budget and it sure as shit didn't involve lowering taxes on the top tax brackets and dropping taxes to zero on people making less than $150k.

You are miserable about what was done to you and you took the side of your abuser.

This ain't getting fixed until both sides realize that there is give and take on this and more pragmatism is going to be essential.
Sorry, for nitpicking your post. Raising taxes wouldn’t solve the budget issues. It would throw the economy into a recession. Democrats know that and it’s why they never do it when they’re in control. If Democrats don’t like cuts, they should raise taxes to pay for all their shit.
Sorry buddy, that doesn't float when you are talking to me. I have complained about H1Bs. I argued against the whole "learn to code" idea. I have spoken out against offshoring of jobs.

And here is going to be what really sticks in your craw. Maybe your issue isn't with labor, maybe your issue is with management. "Hey, I get ****ed in the ass by a bunch of sociopathic assholes who always have a golden parachute and land on their feet and so I want to make sure everyone else gets that same treatment." You getting laid off and those tech workers being out of a job isn't government workers faults, it is the fault of poor management and sociopaths like Elon Musk who get off on abusing their work force. Government workers didn't send manufacturing to Mexico and China, the Chamber of Commerce did. Government workers didn't lay off capable tech employees and turn around and hire H1Bs to steal their job, guys like Elon did.

Indiana just took away the rules on the types of hours teenagers can work. It was sold as freedom. Get out of your ideology a little bit and you start to see that maybe the pendulum is a little out of whack. "Government workers get the courtesy of some notification before they get fired, what entitled assholes." Maybe you should be asking why when things go bad you get laid off and your CEO gets a bonus. That gets people out of their comfort zone though.

And for Democrats, there are absolutely people working in government who should be let go. Their protections are too far but I find it interesting when the criticism is "They work 40 hours and get to go home and have a good health plan and a pension" and the move is to take that away instead of demand that for yourself from private employers. The bar is so ****ing low for them and if you want to be "MAGA" Well corporate America was expected to shoulder some of that load in the 1950's and 60's. Which is the dirty secret that many conservatives don't want to deal with. That and a Democrat already laid out how to balance the budget and it sure as shit didn't involve lowering taxes on the top tax brackets and dropping taxes to zero on people making less than $150k.

You are miserable about what was done to you and you took the side of your abuser.

This ain't getting fixed until both sides realize that there is give and take on this and more pragmatism is going to be essential.
I only bring up my layoff in the context of simpletons asking “how would you like it?” I hold no ill will towards the company and in fact was re-offered a job there a couple years later.

Your view of labor is very Bernie Sandersesque. I don’t believe free trade, H1B’s and sociopathic management is ripping me off and abusing me.

Your post reads as if it was written by a Communist.
Agree with much of this. As for demanding more from private employers you have to remember half of the private sector is employed by small and micro businesses. They aren’t getting anything. No health benefits. No pension. No notice. At will. And for their employers that’s not a product of greed but financial reality.
In Farva's case though he has said he is working for a big company.
So you have half of working people working under those circumstances so you have some resentment and when you hear we didn’t get this or that the response from half of working people is welcome to my life
Yeah I know. Which ibegs the question, if private employees think what government workers get looks too good to be true, why not demand a little bit more of that for themselves instead of reveling in seeing it taken from others? "Well my employer can't print money...." For sure, but maybe there are things they could do.
In Farva's case though he has said he is working for a big company.

Yeah I know. Which ibegs the question, if private employees think what government workers get looks too good to be true, why not demand a little bit more of that for themselves instead of reveling in seeing it taken from others? "Well my employer can't print money...." For sure, but maybe there are things they could do.
I suspect most or many do. Fed gov avg salary is over $100k. The public is $65k. I just don’t think there’s a lot of sympathy amongst a massive group of the population. And many already harbored jealousy and resentment for fed workers.
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Laid off technically. If you’ve paid attention, a lot of the posters in this board have talked about being laid off. Hoooky, Lars, others I’m sure I’m missing.

It doesn’t mean we’re poor employees, just that we didn’t make ourselves indispensable enough to overcome external factors that lead to our layoff.

Why so pissed at me? I thought accepting personal responsibility was a big thing in military leadership.

Not for you?
You annoy me because you're ignorant about many things yet have strong opinions on those things.

I'd bet you were a poor and annoying employee.

Your last two sentences don't make any sense, and I'm not interested in hearing what you meant to say.
The perception of gov work being lighter isn’t fiction. I mean it literally popped up in conversation yesterday. My buddy is going to put in for app Ct and two other lawyers there said f it maybe I should put in for a judgeship. Exhausted. Then as god as my witness the one said something along the lines of with all the doge cuts I love how people are pretending they don’t go into gov bc it’s less work

I don’t necessarily think there’s anything wrong with it. Trade hours and pay for less hours less pay
Clearly depends on the job. There are tons of hard jobs in the federal government. Of course, I mostly dealt with hard charging type A personality people in DoD.
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