Sorry buddy, that doesn't float when you are talking to me. I have complained about H1Bs. I argued against the whole "learn to code" idea. I have spoken out against offshoring of jobs.
And here is going to be what really sticks in your craw. Maybe your issue isn't with labor, maybe your issue is with management. "Hey, I get ****ed in the ass by a bunch of sociopathic assholes who always have a golden parachute and land on their feet and so I want to make sure everyone else gets that same treatment." You getting laid off and those tech workers being out of a job isn't government workers faults, it is the fault of poor management and sociopaths like Elon Musk who get off on abusing their work force. Government workers didn't send manufacturing to Mexico and China, the Chamber of Commerce did. Government workers didn't lay off capable tech employees and turn around and hire H1Bs to steal their job, guys like Elon did.
Indiana just took away the rules on the types of hours teenagers can work. It was sold as freedom. Get out of your ideology a little bit and you start to see that maybe the pendulum is a little out of whack. "Government workers get the courtesy of some notification before they get fired, what entitled assholes." Maybe you should be asking why when things go bad you get laid off and your CEO gets a bonus. That gets people out of their comfort zone though.
And for Democrats, there are absolutely people working in government who should be let go. Their protections are too far but I find it interesting when the criticism is "They work 40 hours and get to go home and have a good health plan and a pension" and the move is to take that away instead of demand that for yourself from private employers. The bar is so ****ing low for them and if you want to be "MAGA" Well corporate America was expected to shoulder some of that load in the 1950's and 60's. Which is the dirty secret that many conservatives don't want to deal with. That and a Democrat already laid out how to balance the budget and it sure as shit didn't involve lowering taxes on the top tax brackets and dropping taxes to zero on people making less than $150k.
You are miserable about what was done to you and you took the side of your abuser.
This ain't getting fixed until both sides realize that there is give and take on this and more pragmatism is going to be essential.