Both bureaucratic lethargy and on-the-ground incompetence. Receiving dock work is pretty simple, provided you can read. Matching receiving documents and POs and moving everything to A/P and processing payments is pretty basic. There was no concern about the process being done expeditiously. I would venture that patient care suffered and the prices they paid were higher.
Later, in another situation, I received RFPs from all levels of government. Some counties were fine. Cincinnati, Hamilton County and the Feds packages I pitched, for various reasons. But one of the main reasons was that the request package always stated that the rewarded bidder should not expect payment on any invoice for at least 90 days. GE Aircraft Engines was the same but they didn’t have the other onerous provisions of the government packages.
It’s all a different mindset with government deals. It’s why I know there is an abnormal amount of waste. Maybe not fraud, but it seems that one person in the private sector could do the work of three government employees. So, DOGE can do its thing.
And don’t get me started on the FDA, OSHA, the DOL and NIOSH. The stuff of nightmares.