The Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group . . .

Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump…you’ve got it bad
You misquoted the substance.

The overbearing, incessant drumbeat message is, "me me me me me me me me me me."
Good? No. I'm not sure if he'll go through with it or not but I'd love it if he did.

Re requirements, you do not have to have played varsity to qualify. You do have to pass a fairly rigorous fitness test:

Maximum Performance Scores by Event and Gender:​

B-Ball ThrowPull-UpsShuttle RunCrunchesPush-Ups1-Mile

Testing Sequence​

The test sequence will follow the order listed below. This order cannot be modified. There are no exceptions to this sequence or timing.

EventsTest Start TimeTesting TimeRestTotal Elapsed Time
Basketball Throw0:002 minutes3 minutes5:00
Pull-Ups5:002 minutes3 minutes10:00
Shuttle Run10:002 minutes3 minutes15:00
Crunches15:002 minutes3 minutes20:00
Push-Ups20:002 minutes3 minutes25:00
1-Mile Run30:0010 minutes5 minutes*40:00
* The 5-minute rest includes the transition time to the outdoor track. If the 1-mile run cannot be started by minute 30, an alternative arrangement for a running surface must be found.
18 pull-ups is no joke. And 95 crunches and 75 push-ups in 2 minutes is a challenge.

A 1 mile run in 5:20 is not much of a challenge. I've never heard of the 'basketball throw' as a PT requirement.

EDIT: Just read it again and those are maximum scores, not requirements. We'd get a score on each event and then your total score had to reach a minimum to pass in Basic. I f'd up the monkey bars so I had to run my guts out on our 2 mile run - in combat boots (everything was done in combat boots back then)
Good? No. I'm not sure if he'll go through with it or not but I'd love it if he did.

Re requirements, you do not have to have played varsity to qualify. You do have to pass a fairly rigorous fitness test:

Maximum Performance Scores by Event and Gender:​

B-Ball ThrowPull-UpsShuttle RunCrunchesPush-Ups1-Mile

Testing Sequence​

The test sequence will follow the order listed below. This order cannot be modified. There are no exceptions to this sequence or timing.

EventsTest Start TimeTesting TimeRestTotal Elapsed Time
Basketball Throw0:002 minutes3 minutes5:00
Pull-Ups5:002 minutes3 minutes10:00
Shuttle Run10:002 minutes3 minutes15:00
Crunches15:002 minutes3 minutes20:00
Push-Ups20:002 minutes3 minutes25:00
1-Mile Run30:0010 minutes5 minutes*40:00
* The 5-minute rest includes the transition time to the outdoor track. If the 1-mile run cannot be started by minute 30, an alternative arrangement for a running surface must be found.
That looks similar to the requirements for the Dream Team in Auburn. We also have several additional requirements:

-Skin an opossum in 5 minutes
-Drink 6 beers and take 2 6mg Zyns within 30 minutes
-Win a local chili cook off at a Dream Team sanctioned county fair
Goat is nowhere close to correct. He and others are just being smart/dumb asses

The point of the thread is why do we have billions of dollars of lethal force neutralized by a stupid mistake. The navy has no logistical redundancy because of a failure to meet recruitment goals. White male dropout is a factor in my view.

Why the Big Horn ran aground is a separate matter and has little or nothing to do about who was at the helm. I would think that any computer aided guidance system would certainly use ocean depth as a relevant input. This should never have happened.

Goat’s and others take on this thread leads me to believe that the board has become worthless.
Not necessarily the board...
Certainly a handful of it's midwits meet your observation.
That strike group remains an operating strike group and it will be refueled. There are other sources in the Middle East including refueling in port.

The problem with logistics ships has been years in developing. We’re not replacing aging ships fast enough and the merchant marine workforce (civilians that man the USNS auxiliary ships) has been contracting and it needs expanded. This is a separate issue from Navy active duty recruiting. There are challenges there too. You recognized it was complicated but emphasized white males dropping out as being the problem. Maybe, a small factor, but not the primary or secondary. The primary factors are that the military life is tough and only a fraction of serving age people qualify and the Navy (and the rest of the military has to compete against the civilian sector for them. It’s tougher when the economy is good.
How fast would 2 theaters of conflict burn thru all of our contingency supplies of fuel?

US refineries store about 40 million gallons of military-grade jet fuel at any given time. I should have probably included only.
That strike group remains an operating strike group and it will be refueled. There are other sources in the Middle East including refueling in port.

The problem with logistics ships has been years in developing. We’re not replacing aging ships fast enough and the merchant marine workforce (civilians that man the USNS auxiliary ships) has been contracting and it needs expanded. This is a separate issue from Navy active duty recruiting. There are challenges there too. You recognized it was complicated but emphasized white males dropping out as being the problem. Maybe, a small factor, but not the primary or secondary. The primary factors are that the military life is tough and only a fraction of serving age people qualify and the Navy (and the rest of the military has to compete against the civilian sector for them. It’s tougher when the economy is good.
Are the logistics ships 100% civilian? I was under the impression that the officers were Navy. Regardless, the problems are rooted in manpower shortages. Working age men dropping out is well documented and most of those are white dudes. This is a problem that needs attention. According to the link, new Lewis- class oilers are not in service because of man power shortages.

Saying this is a problem in the making for a long time doesn’t seem very comforting.
Are the logistics ships 100% civilian? I was under the impression that the officers were Navy. Regardless, the problems are rooted in manpower shortages. Working age men dropping out is well documented and most of those are white dudes. This is a problem that needs attention. According to the link, new Lewis- class oilers are not in service because of man power shortages.

Saying this is a problem in the making for a long time doesn’t seem very comforting.
They are civilians. The CO equivalent is a Ship’s Master. We occasionally put a small Navy detachment on them for special missions, but that’s not needed for their normal logistics missions.

New Lewis class ships aren’t in service because the ships still have issues, not because they can’t be manned.
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Are the logistics ships 100% civilian? I was under the impression that the officers were Navy. Regardless, the problems are rooted in manpower shortages. Working age men dropping out is well documented and most of those are white dudes. This is a problem that needs attention. According to the link, new Lewis- class oilers are not in service because of man power shortages.

Saying this is a problem in the making for a long time doesn’t seem very comforting.
We don’t have fuel replenishment capacity….its an issue that needs addressed if we are to project force
How does the single most mission critical ship in the theater RUN ****ING AGROUND?
Sadly reminiscent of a while back when American warships were colliding with 12 knot cargo ships and running aground to the point it was common...
It's all about this DEI bullshit which has infected the Navy from the top down through the Academy, specialist schools , everywhere..
****ing pitiful...
The result could be dead Americans, a lot of them.

Get ready, it's about to get real.
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i don't get it? what are they doing? they already made their money and shut it down?

Oxy. Welfare. Etc.

I guess you have to watch the video to find out. I didn't bother.

I'm guessing a number of them have a working partner that makes enough to take care of the household. No one ever batted an eye when it was men working and women staying out of the workforce. But reverse the roles and it's some kind of crisis...
Here's a relatively in depth article that spells out the problem as more than just a manpower issue (but that's certainly a major problem)... No worries though Pete Buttigieg is in charge 🙄 (in other words no one is in charge and we may well be screwed...)

I guess you have to watch the video to find out. I didn't bother.

I'm guessing a number of them have a working partner that makes enough to take care of the household. No one ever batted an eye when it was men working and women staying out of the workforce. But reverse the roles and it's some kind of crisis...
You're saying the rise of men being unemployed is due to them being stay-at-home husbands/fathers? Do you have data to back that up?
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Here's a relatively in depth article that spells out the problem as more than just a manpower issue (but that's certainly a major problem)... No worries though Pete Buttigieg is in charge 🙄 (in other words no one is in charge and we may well be screwed...)

Good article. The problem is deep and complicated. I read Beans, Bullets, and Black Oil many years ago. I wonder if anybody now in charge has read it

Beans, Bullets, and Black Oil - The Story of Fleet Logistics Afloat in the Pacific During World War II
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You'll get nothing and like it!! (personal usage in the hundres of times at this point)

Lacey Underalls: Here's a check for $70,000
Ty Webb: Keep it
Lacey Underalls: And a summons....

Ty Webb: What's wrong with lumberyards? I own two of them.
Danny: I notice you don't spend a lot of time there.
Ty Webb: I'm not really sure where they are.
You guys think you’re funny but all I see are a bunch of white guys quoting Caddyshack and not filling ****ing tankers.
Good article. The problem is deep and complicated. I read Beans, Bullets, and Black Oil many years ago. I wonder if anybody now in charge has read it

Beans, Bullets, and Black Oil - The Story of Fleet Logistics Afloat in the Pacific During World War II

There's an old adage that applies here:

Amateurs talk strategy and tactics, Professionals talk Logistics...

Sounds as though most of our Pros may have retired...

My father (USMC ret.) once told me that: "Anyone can put up a fight for a couple of weeks but after that only the outfits that understand logistics and can find a way to resupply their people can actually win".
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There's an old adage that applies here:

Amateurs talk strategy and tactics, Professionals talk Logistics...

Sounds as though most of our Pros may have retired...

My father (USMC ret.) once told me that: "Anyone can put up a fight for a couple of weeks but after that only the outfits that understand logistics and can find a way to resupply their people can actually win".
Our knowledge and execution of logistics is far and away our greatest military strength.
  • Like
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There's an old adage that applies here:

Amateurs talk strategy and tactics, Professionals talk Logistics...

Sounds as though most of our Pros may have retired...

My father (USMC ret.) once told me that: "Anyone can put up a fight for a couple of weeks but after that only the outfits that understand logistics and can find a way to resupply their people can actually win".
Our knowledge and execution of logistics is far and away our greatest military strength.
Planning, organization, and logistics were Ike’s strength. He never had a combat command. He wrote about that in some of his memoirs.
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Our knowledge and execution of logistics is far and away our greatest military strength.

Evidently not anymore:

The Navy has real problems that aren't being addressed...

//The Chinese read this stuff too...//
Is one of the most lethal forces on the planet. It is positioned in the Persian Gulf. It’s now nothing more than a collection of floating funny looking excursion boats. Why? It can’t get more jet fuel. The Navy’s oiler attached to the strike group ran aground and is out of service. Our navy has no ready replacement. Why? Because of failure to meet recruiting goals, the Navy sidelined logistical ships.

Why can’t we meet recruiting goals? Many reasons and the issue is complicated. But we do know that white males are dropping out of everything, from being students to being accomplished tradesmen, well-educated professionals and signing up for the military.

We have a problem.

Most of the reports I've read discuss young males not attending college or working, not just white males.

One reason could be the jobs required these days don't interest males such as health care (home care nursing for example) and retail. Manufacturing not being what it used to be.

More women attending college and graduating has been on the upswing for sometime. Not exactly a recent phenomenon.

Then there is the increase in young stay at home young married men with and without children.

Years ago employers prefered black women to black males. It now appears white women are becoming more and more the gender of choice in the growing fields of employment.
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Evidently not anymore:

The Navy has real problems that aren't being addressed...

//The Chinese read this stuff too...//
The 'Yano' was named for SFC Rodney J. T. Yano, MOH recipient, 11th ACR (my unit) who died of severe burns suffered during combat ops on New Years Day, 1969.
Our knowledge and execution of logistics is far and away our greatest military strength.
My 'logistics' story.
Shared a number of beverages at Rick's Boatyard in Indy with a guy in management with Bettenhausen Racing (Indycar).

He was sent to VN as a young 2LT in logistics, and ended up in Cam Ranh Bay(see China Beach/Dana Delaney).

His job was OIC of the office responsible for managing all Air Force cargo arriving by ship at CRB...that cargo, as you might imagine was rare. Very rare.

A normal week: Monday morning, he would call his NCOIC, with the question; 'Anything this week?' The answer was usually no Sir!

After getting organized, he had an American nurse girlfriend, and anytime she was off duty, they were together..water skiing, sailing, clubbing...a Tropical Adventure..
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