Thanks, GOP & NRA! 231 Mass Shooting in 2024 (UPDATED 06/20/24)

Not much talk about the Mass Shooting in Philly last weekend. 5 dead. Another gender bender of course. Authorities are being pretty tight lipped on “motive”.

Any sign of that Nashville shooter manifesto? Anyone paying attention yet?
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Not much talk about the Mass Shooting in Philly last weekend. 5 dead. Another gender bender of course. Authorities are being pretty tight lipped on “motive”.

Any sign of that Nashville shooter manifesto? Anyone paying attention yet?
Now now, NBC is gnashing their teeth over the “hateful rhetoric” surrounding this person. They titled their story about it “Philadelphia suspect isn’t trans, officials say” even though the officials only said that the suspect identified themselves as male when arrested. They never said the person isn’t trans.

They also acknowledged that the Facebook posts of the person in women’s clothing, bra, and jewelry are legitimate.

Still no proof that this person is trans though.


You just gotta laugh.
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None of these shooting phase me anymore and that’s f’d up. Mostly I’m worried about my family getting shot while we’re out to dinner tonight. Wish me luck!
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Wow. In just a little more than one month since the count was just updated, nearly 100 more mass shootings in this country.

At least we have more GOP thoughts and prayers. That helps a lot.
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Wow. In just a little more than one month since the count was just updated, nearly 100 more mass shootings in this country.

At least we have more GOP thoughts and prayers. That helps a lot.
No responsibility on the part of Dems? Personal responsibility? Accountability? Pandering? Anti cop rhetoric? Worthless progressive DAs. Just GOP?

you realize these are largely urban shootings right? Illegal guns. Not people waiting at bass pro to purchase right?
Wow. In just a little more than one month since the count was just updated, nearly 100 more mass shootings in this country.

At least we have more GOP thoughts and prayers. That helps a lot.
you want to pose this as a GOP issue but that's only part of the equation. the reality is that it is bipartisan and despite people being loathsome to do it it's a race issue. it's primarily a black america issue. assault weapons get the media play (left media) but they acct for something like 3% of murders. pistols are 70%. a good read on this topic (from a Dem to boot) attached, unless you just want to carry on w/ your vapid troll posts

No responsibility on the part of Dems? Personal responsibility? Accountability? Pandering? Anti cop rhetoric? Worthless progressive DAs. Just GOP?

you realize these are largely urban shootings right? Illegal guns. Not people waiting at bass pro to purchase right?

Are you serious? You think not mentioning failings of the Democratic party is my post means that only Republicans are blameworthy?

I'm merely citing that the GOP is consistently against solutions to solve this gun epidemic, and consistently supports the corrupt and inept NRA.
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Are you serious? You think not mentioning failings of the Democratic party is my post means that only Republicans are blameworthy?

I'm merely citing that the GOP is consistently against solutions to solve this gun epidemic, and consistently supports the corrupt and inept NRA.
i suggest you read the article. Here's an excerpt. ghost guns. illegal guns. guns that are lawfully purchased but stolen and traded. you condemn the gop w/ almost zero understanding of this issue and its prevalence. i'm not a gun guy. i don't support the nra. but assault weapons are a nothingburger in terms of the big picture. that's a constituent group pandered to by the dems. it's a race issue as well. i hear very little from the dems to address it.

The vast majority of gun deaths among Black Americans are gun homicides, and Black Americans make up the majority of gun homicide victims in the US. In fact, 83% of all gun deaths among Black Americans are gun homicides.11 Despite the fact that Black boys and men account for just six percent of the total population, they comprise more than half of all gun homicide victims.12
The disparities in Black and white homicide rates are particularly stark in large cities and counties. Research suggests that roughly half of all gun homicides take place in just 127 cities,13 driving the elevated rates of homicides in these geographies. In the nation’s 20 largest counties, Black men ages 18 to 25 die from gun homicides at a rate nearly 19 times that of white residents.14 This disparity means that while five out of every 100,000 young white people in these counties die from gun homicides, more than one in every 10,000 young Black people are killed in such incidents.15
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Are you serious? You think not mentioning failings of the Democratic party is my post means that only Republicans are blameworthy?

I'm merely citing that the GOP is consistently against solutions to solve this gun epidemic, and consistently supports the corrupt and inept NRA.
i suggest you read the article. Here's an excerpt. ghost guns. illegal guns. guns that are lawfully purchased but stolen and traded. you condemn the gop w/ almost zero understanding of this issue and its prevalence. i'm not a gun guy. i don't support the nra. but assault weapons are a nothingburger in terms of the big picture. that's a constituent group pandered to by the dems. it's a race issue as well. i hear very little from the dems to address it.

The vast majority of gun deaths among Black Americans are gun homicides, and Black Americans make up the majority of gun homicide victims in the US. In fact, 83% of all gun deaths among Black Americans are gun homicides.11 Despite the fact that Black boys and men account for just six percent of the total population, they comprise more than half of all gun homicide victims.12
The disparities in Black and white homicide rates are particularly stark in large cities and counties. Research suggests that roughly half of all gun homicides take place in just 127 cities,13 driving the elevated rates of homicides in these geographies. In the nation’s 20 largest counties, Black men ages 18 to 25 die from gun homicides at a rate nearly 19 times that of white residents.14 This disparity means that while five out of every 100,000 young white people in these counties die from gun homicides, more than one in every 10,000 young Black people are killed in such incidents.15
The noise you just heard was the dem party explosion from too many facts being listed here. ;). Sad but TRUE
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you want to pose this as a GOP issue but that's only part of the equation. the reality is that it is bipartisan and despite people being loathsome to do it it's a race issue. it's primarily a black america issue. assault weapons get the media play (left media) but they acct for something like 3% of murders. pistols are 70%. a good read on this topic (from a Dem to boot) attached, unless you just want to carry on w/ your vapid troll posts

The GOP have fought most attempts at regulating guns, which is why they receive most of the blame.

Unless you are bringing to the table banning all weapons entirely, then not sure what your point is. It is much easier to have a mass shooting with an assault rifle over a pistol.

No, the problem won't be fixed just by more regulations on guns/assault rifles but it's a start...a start that GOP fights against.
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The GOP have fought most attempts at regulating guns, which is why they receive most of the blame.

Unless you are bringing to the table banning all weapons entirely, then not sure what your point is. It is much easier to have a mass shooting with an assault rifle over a pistol.

No, the problem won't be fixed just by more regulations on guns/assault rifles but it's a start...a start that GOP fights against.
my point is that you can frame it as a gun issue. you can also frame it as a race issue. perhaps too many are too pc to be blunt. a tiny percentage of black america accounts for most of the homicides. read the article i linked from a democrat to boot. stl city is number one on most dangerous city lists. here are the murder suspects as of today for 2023.

black 63
white 3
hispanic 0
asian 0

city is 45% black and 45% white

Read the stats gifford includes in her article

regulation does little for stolen guns, borrowed guns, illegal guns, ghost guns, etc. stl wouldn't be thought of as a dangerous place if you removed the black murders. whites, hispanics, and asians had just 3 murders all year. just reality. you won't hear much in the way of these demographics tho from biden and harris and cori bush
Are you serious? You think not mentioning failings of the Democratic party is my post means that only Republicans are blameworthy?

I'm merely citing that the GOP is consistently against solutions to solve this gun epidemic, and consistently supports the corrupt and inept NRA.

the gop loves finger pointing, not solutions.
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The GOP have fought most attempts at regulating guns, which is why they receive most of the blame.

Unless you are bringing to the table banning all weapons entirely, then not sure what your point is. It is much easier to have a mass shooting with an assault rifle over a pistol.

No, the problem won't be fixed just by more regulations on guns/assault rifles but it's a start...a start that GOP fights against.
A quote from National Criminal Justice Association in March of this year

“From 1966 to 2019, 77% of mass shooters purchased at least some of the weapons used in the shootings legally, says the National Institute of Justice.

Many mass shootings since 2019 have also underscored the same reality, Axios reports. Illegal purchases were made by just 13% of mass shooters. More than 80% of the assailants responsible for K-12 shootings stole their guns from family members.”
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the gop loves finger pointing, not solutions.
but use your head. if you are some hillbilly in rural america that's an nra guy and the stats are what they are why wouldn't you feel like wtf? i'm responsible. i'm not the one out committing these mass shootings. it's largely a black america problem. why should i be punished. there are a 100 plus counties in my state. only a handful will have murders. the stats will be that there are almost exclusively from the big cities and the black neighborhoods. like stl above. so again why would you care if you are a responsible nra guy in the sticks

The vast majority of gun deaths among Black Americans are gun homicides, and Black Americans make up the majority of gun homicide victims in the US. In fact, 83% of all gun deaths among Black Americans are gun homicides.11 Despite the fact that Black boys and men account for just six percent of the total population, they comprise more than half of all gun homicide victims.12
The disparities in Black and white homicide rates are particularly stark in large cities and counties. Research suggests that roughly half of all gun homicides take place in just 127 cities,13 driving the elevated rates of homicides in these geographies. In the nation’s 20 largest counties, Black men ages 18 to 25 die from gun homicides at a rate nearly 19 times that of white residents.14 This disparity means that while five out of every 100,000 young white people in these counties die from gun homicides, more than one in every 10,000 young Black people are killed in such incidents.15

Read the article. It is hardly slanted. If anything it's pro dem re beliefs in systemic racism and present racism

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i suggest you read the article. Here's an excerpt. ghost guns. illegal guns. guns that are lawfully purchased but stolen and traded. you condemn the gop w/ almost zero understanding of this issue and its prevalence. i'm not a gun guy. i don't support the nra. but assault weapons are a nothingburger in terms of the big picture. that's a constituent group pandered to by the dems. it's a race issue as well. i hear very little from the dems to address it.​

The vast majority of gun deaths among Black Americans are gun homicides, and Black Americans make up the majority of gun homicide victims in the US. In fact, 83% of all gun deaths among Black Americans are gun homicides.11 Despite the fact that Black boys and men account for just six percent of the total population, they comprise more than half of all gun homicide victims.12
The disparities in Black and white homicide rates are particularly stark in large cities and counties. Research suggests that roughly half of all gun homicides take place in just 127 cities,13 driving the elevated rates of homicides in these geographies. In the nation’s 20 largest counties, Black men ages 18 to 25 die from gun homicides at a rate nearly 19 times that of white residents.14 This disparity means that while five out of every 100,000 young white people in these counties die from gun homicides, more than one in every 10,000 young Black people are killed in such incidents.15
Notably, you leave out this part:

Importantly, gun violence in Black communities is a direct cause and consequence of the systematic, structural disadvantaging of these populations. Research shows that high rates of gun violence seen today have been forged by past and present racial discrimination, including historic racial segregation and disinvestment.5 As gun violence plagues these communities, it leads to diminished economic opportunities and a lack of investment, creating a vicious cycle.6 This reality provides not only a strong impetus for action, but also a reminder that solutions to this problem must address the underlying inequalities driving gun violence in Black communities.​
When you say it's a "black America issue", it sounds like you're saying the problem is black people. That's pretty obviously fraught with troubling insinuations, especially when the attributing context is left out of the quote you're providing. Also, Republicans are opposed to those solutions as well.

It doesn't have to be a particular party issue and it obviously doesn't have to be a single aspect fix. Many things can be true at once. I'm not sure who said otherwise. But it seems obvious that the Republican Party has no real interest in fixing or tending to any of it.
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Notably, you leave out this part:

Importantly, gun violence in Black communities is a direct cause and consequence of the systematic, structural disadvantaging of these populations. Research shows that high rates of gun violence seen today have been forged by past and present racial discrimination, including historic racial segregation and disinvestment.5 As gun violence plagues these communities, it leads to diminished economic opportunities and a lack of investment, creating a vicious cycle.6 This reality provides not only a strong impetus for action, but also a reminder that solutions to this problem must address the underlying inequalities driving gun violence in Black communities.​
When you say it's a "black America issue", it sounds like you're saying the problem is black people. That's pretty obviously fraught with troubling insinuations, especially when the attributing context is left out of the quote you're providing. Also, Republicans are opposed to those solutions as well.

It doesn't have to be a particular party issue and it obviously doesn't have to be a single aspect fix. Many things can be true at once. I'm not sure who said otherwise. But it seems obvious that the Republican Party has no real interest in fixing or tending to any of it.
i included the entire article as an attachment. and agree with you. and i agree with you that i don't believe the republican party has any real interest in fixing it. as i noted above you take my state. you have 100 counties. 95 won't have a single murder. red republican country. 98% will occur in the blue urban core amongst blacks. dem control. so no the gop doesn't have much of a vested interest - at least an argument can be made.

as for forged by past and present racial discrimination. past certainly played a role. present i don't know. it may be more economic than racial at this point. inequalities absolutely exist and should be addressed by both parties. i got into a fight with hoops over this but i do think there is a cultural element to it. gang culture. kids glamorize it in certain areas. here. it's a very complex issue and i concur with you that republicans have done very little to ameliorate the matter.

if you look at who is committing murders it's easy to see why some republicans say i'm not the problem why are you coming for my guns
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A quote from National Criminal Justice Association in March of this year

“From 1966 to 2019, 77% of mass shooters purchased at least some of the weapons used in the shootings legally, says the National Institute of Justice.

Many mass shootings since 2019 have also underscored the same reality, Axios reports. Illegal purchases were made by just 13% of mass shooters. More than 80% of the assailants responsible for K-12 shootings stole their guns from family members.”

I think those statistics bring up the following question: "Should an entire family have to pass a psych eval / background check in order for someone in the household to get a gun?"

There seems to be an issue with gun owners not properly storing their guns and having crazy relatives in the house.
i included the entire article as an attachment. and agree with you. and i agree with you that i don't believe the republican party has any real interest in fixing it. as i noted above you take my state. you have 100 counties. 95 won't have a single murder. red republican country. 98% will occur in the blue urban core amongst blacks. dem control. so no the gop doesn't have much of a vested interest - at least an argument can be made.

as for forged by past and present racial discrimination. past certainly played a role. present i don't know. it may be more economic than racial at this point. inequalities absolutely exist and should be addressed by both parties. i got into a fight with hoops over this but i do think there is a cultural element to it. gang culture. kids glamorize it in certain areas. here. it's a very complex issue and i concur with you that republicans have done very little to ameliorate the matter.

if you look at who is committing murders it's easy to see what some republicans say i'm not the problem why are you coming for my guns
By the way, is it just me or is the stat line “5 out of 100,000” vs. “1 out of 10,000” curious?

Wouldn’t the former simply be “1 out of 20,000”? If so, why unnecessarily confuse with factoids? Especially when a disparity still exists?
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By the way, is it just me or is the stat line “5 out of 100,000” vs. “1 out of 10,000” curious?

Wouldn’t the former simply be “1 out of 20,000”? If so, why unnecessarily confuse with factoids? Especially when a disparity still exists?
when you pare this stuff down it really does seem like something that can be fixed. city of saint louis is always either 1 or 2 on most dangerous cities list and considered the murder capital of the country. it only has 280,000 plus people. the state has over 6 million. something like 1/3 of the murders for the entire state come from this 280,000 population. then you can pare it down even further to just a handful of neighborhoods of the approximately 80 in the city. so again if you believe that economics/inequality of opportunity etc are the issue it does seem like something that could be honed in on and fixed with the same approach/best practices extrapolated all over the country. here's the "plan" for the region here. pretty interesting.

when you pare this stuff down it really does seem like something that can be fixed. city of saint louis is always either 1 or 2 on most dangerous cities list and considered the murder capital of the country. it only has 280,000 plus people. the state has over 6 million. something like 1/3 of the murders for the entire state come from this 280,000 population. then you can pare it down even further to just a handful of neighborhoods of the approximately 80 in the city. so again if you believe that economics/inequality of opportunity etc are the issue it does seem like something that could be honed in on and fixed with the same approach/best practices extrapolated all over the country. here's the "plan" for the region here. pretty interesting.

Again though, even if so, it still sounds like you’re saying “it” is “the” problem. Gun violence in America is far broader and deeper than that and requires attention if anything is to change.
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Are you serious? You think not mentioning failings of the Democratic party is my post means that only Republicans are blameworthy?

I'm merely citing that the GOP is consistently against solutions to solve this gun epidemic, and consistently supports the corrupt and inept NRA.

the gop loves finger pointing, not solutions.
What solutions can you two geniuses come up with?
I think those statistics bring up the following question: "Should an entire family have to pass a psych eval / background check in order for someone in the household to get a gun?"

There seems to be an issue with gun owners not properly storing their guns and having crazy relatives in the house.
Again though, even if so, it still sounds like you’re saying “it” is “the” problem. Gun violence in America is far broader and deeper than that and requires attention if anything is to change.
Disagree. I think Missouri and Saint Louis evidence just how narrow and localized it actually is. Literally addressing a handful of neighborhoods has a material impact on the state stats. That’s a good thing. I know the same holds true for Baltimore Memphis etc
The GOP enables the NRA. Americans want reasonable gun regulations, but instead of trying to save lives, the GOP offers thoughts and prayers only.

Explain to me how gun regulation is going to materially make a difference. Guns already in existence. Where most of the murders occur. In urban areas with black youth/men. You don’t think they’ll be able to get guns?
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The majority of Americans feel that way.
But maybe that isn’t the problem. Or maybe there’s a better fix that doesn’t take something away from people who don’t misuse it. Maybe there’s a fix that doesn’t involve the constitution etc and improves lives. Maybe crime is the problem and can be fixed
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The GOP enables the NRA. Americans want reasonable gun regulations, but instead of trying to save lives, the GOP offers thoughts and prayers only.

Those nasty ole white republicans are at it again

Disagree. I think Missouri and Saint Louis evidence just how narrow and localized it actually is. Literally addressing a handful of neighborhoods has a material impact on the state stats. That’s a good thing. I know the same holds true for Baltimore Memphis etc
I'd be curious if there is data for gun violence with rural African American populations vs urban?

I also think the gun violence problem is related to lack of a strong father or absent father. I think you'd find the same thing with these mass shooters. Urban areas have gang culture, goofy white incels have online gaming culture.
I'd be curious if there is data for gun violence with rural African American populations vs urban?

I also think the gun violence problem is related to lack of a strong father or absent father. I think you'd find the same thing with these mass shooters. Urban areas have gang culture, goofy white incels have online gaming culture.
But when you pare it down as the commission here is doing you can see how narrow the issue really is. There hasn’t been a crazy columbine shooting in the city this year. It’s young blacks in a handful of neighborhoods responsible for most the murders. So maybe you flood those neighborhoods with cops and investment. Gentrify portions. Raze portions. Really concentrated efforts. Make a kickass school with incredible facilities to be proud of etc
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Don't any other developed countries on Earth have pockets where it is common that there is a lack of a strong father or an absent father? Don't any other developed countries on Earth have mental health issues? Why is the mass shooting carnage a USA-specific phenomenon?
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Don't any other developed countries on Earth have pockets where it is common that there is a lack of a strong father or an absent father? Don't any other developed countries on Earth have mental health issues? Why is the mass shooting carnage a USA-specific phenomenon?
It’s not mental health for the vast majority of murders. Enough with that. It’s gang banging kids
But maybe that isn’t the problem. Or maybe there’s a better fix that doesn’t take something away from people who don’t misuse it. Maybe there’s a fix that doesn’t involve the constitution etc and improves lives. Maybe crime is the problem and can be fixed
Asians and Latinos have a long history of being discriminated against in this country and they commit gun crimes at a fraction of the rate of blacks. Hell, 80 years ago we were putting Asians in internment camps.

I’m not saying their experience is comparable to blacks. It’s not. But, in my opinion, the racism excuse is way overblown.

It’s a cultural and economic issue as much as any.

Hell, every week there’s a rapper getting shot somewhere. This stuff is glorified to an unhealthy degree within the black community.

The culture is part of the problem
you can also frame it as a race issue
It's economic ... not race.

Plus gang warfare is just two elements of a unregulated militia firing on each other. We need the well regulated regulations that the constitution called for.

Also, what you don't get ... with more regulation the harder the guns and ammo become to get, and the more they will cost. With severe regulation illegal gun prices would skyrocket. It would impact gangs financially which would lesson their effectiveness criminally..

Yes there is a gang problem, allowing guns and ammo to be readily available isn't helping solve that problem one bit.
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It's economic ... not race.

Plus gang warfare is just two elements of a unregulated militia firing on each other. We need the well regulated regulations that the constitution called for.

Also, what you don't get ... with more regulation the harder the guns become to get, and the more they will cost. With severe regulation Illegal gun prices would skyrocket. It would impact gangs financially which would lesson their effectiveness criminally..
That’s a good point on black market prices

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