
Feb 3, 2004
sarc - my gosh she is a white nationalist just look at her hands-sarc off I just had to show how ridiculous the white national issue about the first finger and thumb touching is. Her legs are pretty amazing.
sarc - my gosh she is a white nationalist just look at her hands-sarc off I just had to show how ridiculous the white national issue about the first finger and thumb touching is. Her legs are pretty amazing.
No idea WTH you're talking about, but I give it my old-guy, white non-nationalist middle finger! Sounds like Cooler talk! Of course, I'd like to give her that... and more!
She looks fake. Like her upper body was surgically placed on a different humans lower body.

Don’t get me wrong, id still do it.
chicks want that big bubble butt, so they'll try and accentuate it. Looks OK to me, but I'm willing to investigate further. Preferably under cover(s)!
She looks fake. Like her upper body was surgically placed on a different humans lower body.

Don’t get me wrong, id still do it.
Actually, I think you might be right. I think it might be a fake pic.
If you look at her rear end, the contrast line between her black skirt and the background colors is fuzzy and too bright. That is usually a tell-tale sign of potential photoshop enhancement.

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