Texas Lt. Governor on Santa Fe massacre: Too many doors

They can have my door when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers!

Seriously though, I'm pretty sure there are laws in place that schools must have X number of doors per student or something...for about a 1000 good reasons, exiting in case of a fire being just one.

This guy is an idiot.
They can have my door when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers!

Seriously though, I'm pretty sure there are laws in place that schools must have X number of doors per student or something...for about a 1000 good reasons, exiting in case of a fire being just one.

This guy is an idiot.

That's the problem with the door culture in America.
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We definitely need to get tougher door control laws on the books. Exits and entrances are completely out of control with almost zero regard for human life.

That's the problem with the door culture in America.
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We definitely need to get tougher door control laws on the books. Exits and entrances are completely out of control with almost zero regard for human life.

I think we are on to something DrH. I think we can scam ... sorry, have some think-tank pay for our study.
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Don't tread on my doormat.
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This is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have ever heard as an excuse for yet another massacre.

Next step: Too many schools!!!

No, too many students. We don’t need all these folks gettin’ edjumicated.

On the other hand, doors have been a huge problem in this country for years. Especially the ones that are both an entrance and an exit. What kind of pinko commie socialist bullshit is that? Some of these doors have no morals and swing both ways. Sometimes the knob is even on “the left”.

We need to do something about all these doors. This is about freedom, it’s about happiness, and it’s about putting power and choice back into the hands of the American people.

You know, there were two “good ol’ boys” from down in Hazzard that didn’t have much use for doors and they did alright. A shining example of what we could (and should) all be. They never got shot...just sayin’
The Duke Boys always knew how to stick it to that Washington politician, Boss Hogg!


No, too many students. We don’t need all these folks gettin’ edjumicated.

On the other hand, doors have been a huge problem in this country for years. Especially the ones that are both an entrance and an exit. What kind of pinko commie socialist bullshit is that? Some of these doors have no morals and swing both ways. Sometimes the knob is even on “the left”.

We need to do something about all these doors. This is about freedom, it’s about happiness, and it’s about putting power and choice back into the hands of the American people.

You know, there were two “good ol’ boys” from down in Hazzard that didn’t have much use for doors and they did alright. A shining example of what we could (and should) all be. They never got shot...just sayin’
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No, too many students. We don’t need all these folks gettin’ edjumicated.

On the other hand, doors have been a huge problem in this country for years. Especially the ones that are both an entrance and an exit. What kind of pinko commie socialist bullshit is that? Some of these doors have no morals and swing both ways. Sometimes the knob is even on “the left”.

We need to do something about all these doors. This is about freedom, it’s about happiness, and it’s about putting power and choice back into the hands of the American people.

You know, there were two “good ol’ boys” from down in Hazzard that didn’t have much use for doors and they did alright. A shining example of what we could (and should) all be. They never got shot...just sayin’

Closing entrances and allowing exits only for emergencies is a common building security measure. These are common for courthouses, schools and other government facilities. What is your problem?

They don't understand that...,,and they cant grasp that others do...
Oliver North today says it’s the Ritalin. We know, it’s everything and anything but the guns.
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Oliver North today days it’s the Ritalin. We know, it’s everything and anything but the guns.

Oly could be right. Guns always get a bad rep in these mass shooting incidences. Leave the guy folks alone.

I blame the bullets. We should really go after the bullet manufacturers. Ban them.
Oly could be right. Guns always get a bad rep in these mass shooting incidences.

I blame the bullets.

The lefts solution:

"When in danger, when in doubt, run in circles, jump and shout!"

Or, failing that just attempt to slander a conservative...
I’ve covered gun violence for years. The solutions aren’t a big mystery.
America can prevent shootings. But it has to come to grips with the problem.

With another mass shooting in the US — this time, in Santa Fe High School in Texas — many Americans are once again horrified and bewildered by what feels like constantly occurring tragedies. Calls for action are already popping up on social media. But if this plays out like it has before, there’s a very high chance that little to nothing will happen on a national scale.
Since I began covering mass shootings at Vox, I have seen this pattern play out again and again: A shooting happens. There are demands for action. Maybe something gets introduced in Congress. The debate goes back and forth for a bit. Then people move on — usually after a week or two. And so, with little to nothing changed, there’s eventually another mass shooting.

Oliver North today days it’s the Ritalin. We know, it’s everything and anything but the guns.

You said a few months ago you went to a gun control meeting and it was same ol’ same ol’ ineffectual ranting (my take on what you said). There are some effective measures to be taken, all you lefties can manage is to rant and rave about the NRA. That doesn’t cut it. Talking about assault weapons and conservatives doesn’t cut it. We have a serious gun problem in the country, and all the left does is talk about talking points.
I’ve covered gun violence for years. The solutions aren’t a big mystery.
America can prevent shootings. But it has to come to grips with the problem.

The Vox piece ignores the single most effective measure. Repeal the federal immunity from civil liability for the gun industry! If the Democrats would pound this idea after every shooting and explain what the immunity means in practical terms, I think immunity would be repealed and much of the gun problem would be gone in less than a decade.
You said a few months ago you went to a gun control meeting and it was same ol’ same ol’ ineffectual ranting (my take on what you said). There are some effective measures to be taken, all you lefties can manage is to rant and rave about the NRA. That doesn’t cut it. Talking about assault weapons and conservatives doesn’t cut it. We have a serious gun problem in the country, and all the left does is talk about talking points.
I don't think that's what I said at all actually. The left is actually attempting to do something about gun control, which every other country has figured out, but we just aren't smart enough. Even Trump after Parkland talked big, until his NRA buddies got to him and scared him away. We have a serious gun problem in our country and the right is so obsessed with their toys, they refuse to even discuss it.
I don't think that's what I said at all actually. The left is actually attempting to do something about gun control, which every other country has figured out, but we just aren't smart enough. Even Trump after Parkland talked big, until his NRA buddies got to him and scared him away. We have a serious gun problem in our country and the right is so obsessed with their toys, they refuse to even discuss it.

That’s BS Zeke. None of the other countries have the second amendment. According to SCOTUS, that means we all have a right to own arms and guns. We have to live with the constitution we have, not the ones other countries have. The single most effective thing that can be done under our 2A is repeal immunity. Hillary talked about that. As far as I know no other politician has. The left is doing zilch if they don’t at least propose that.

The reason the left is all about gun control is because more rules and control is what the left always does. Well, in this instance, less law is best, stop giving the gun industry legal protection.
You said a few months ago you went to a gun control meeting and it was same ol’ same ol’ ineffectual ranting (my take on what you said). There are some effective measures to be taken, all you lefties can manage is to rant and rave about the NRA. That doesn’t cut it. Talking about assault weapons and conservatives doesn’t cut it. We have a serious gun problem in the country, and all the left does is talk about talking points.
That’s BS Zeke. None of the other countries have the second amendment. According to SCOTUS, that means we all have a right to own arms and guns. We have to live with the constitution we have, not the ones other countries have. The single most effective thing that can be done under our 2A is repeal immunity. Hillary talked about that. As far as I know no other politician has. The left is doing zilch if they don’t at least propose that.

The reason the left is all about gun control is because more rules and control is what the left always does. Well, in this instance, less law is best, stop giving the gun industry legal protection.
LOL at you picking on Zeke for ranting about the NRA while simultaneously opposing a law that was passed largely because of the NRA.

When's the last time you posted anything that wasn't "...because you're LIBERAL."
LOL at you picking on Zeke for ranting about the NRA while simultaneously opposing a law that was passed largely because of the NRA.

When's the last time you posted anything that wasn't "...because you're LIBERAL."

Huh? Do you really think I give a rip about the NRA? I have opinions and ideas about the gun issue and whether the NRA agrees with all, some, or none means zilch to me. As far as I am concerned, the liberals are useless as a rubber crutch when it comes to EFFECTIVE gun control. Like many things, the Democrats want an issue, not a solution.
That’s BS Zeke. None of the other countries have the second amendment. According to SCOTUS, that means we all have a right to own arms and guns. We have to live with the constitution we have, not the ones other countries have. The single most effective thing that can be done under our 2A is repeal immunity. Hillary talked about that. As far as I know no other politician has. The left is doing zilch if they don’t at least propose that.

The reason the left is all about gun control is because more rules and control is what the left always does. Well, in this instance, less law is best, stop giving the gun industry legal protection.
You libel the left, as usual. Many liberal politicians and office holders have tried to pursue the gun industry but such solutions are blocked by the same NRA coalition that blocks every other attempt to reasonable handle guns. It is not the "left" that blocks the reform you seek, it is the GOP and Dems (from Montana to Vermont) who must get elected in rural gun favoring areas.

But whatever you do remember this. Without radically decreasing the availability of guns the shootings will continue.
[T]here is a simpler and more powerful explanation of why there has been no similar school shooting in Germany since 2009; or in Canada since 2016; none in the United Kingdom since 1996—while conversely, more young Americans have died in school shootings in 2018 than in all the nation’s combat operations all over the world.

The answer is almost insultingly simple and has the virtue only of being true: It’s the guns.​
You libel the left, as usual. Many liberal politicians and office holders have tried to pursue the gun industry but such solutions are blocked by the same NRA coalition that blocks every other attempt to reasonable handle guns. It is not the "left" that blocks the reform you seek, it is the GOP and Dems (from Montana to Vermont) who must get elected in rural gun favoring areas.

But whatever you do remember this. Without radically decreasing the availability of guns the shootings will continue.
[T]here is a simpler and more powerful explanation of why there has been no similar school shooting in Germany since 2009; or in Canada since 2016; none in the United Kingdom since 1996—while conversely, more young Americans have died in school shootings in 2018 than in all the nation’s combat operations all over the world.

The answer is almost insultingly simple and has the virtue only of being true: It’s the guns.​

Of course it's blocked by the NRA. The left exploits the NRA for political purposes. But We also have to recognize that the left is proposing ineffectual measures, measures that would not have stopped most, if not all of the recent shootings. On the other hand we we have red-flag prevention measures all over the place, which should be effective, and those measures failed because of governmental and individual incompetence at the federal, state, and local, levels in Parkland. We had strict gun-possession prohibitions for the guy who shot up the church in Texas, those failed also because of governmental incompetence. Why doesn't the left talk about governmental incompetence? Rhetorical question. Easy answer. There is no left-wing political advantage to harping about ineffectual governmental regulations because the left answer to every problem is more regulation. The political advantage here is to bash the NRA. That is what the left does. That is what you did with your post.
The lefts solution:

"When in danger, when in doubt, run in circles, jump and shout!"

Or, failing that just attempt to slander a conservative...
Who is jumping and shouting? Reasonable people want changes to our laws that result in measurable and realistic positive impact to this problem. A whole lot of people backed by a whole lot of data believe that gun control is the right place to start to accomplish that.

The right is who starts jumping around uncontrollably when the words 'gun control' are uttered.
They can have my door when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers!

Seriously though, I'm pretty sure there are laws in place that schools must have X number of doors per student or something...for about a 1000 good reasons, exiting in case of a fire being just one.

This guy is an idiot.

Is it public record how much he is paid by the NRA?
Of course it's blocked by the NRA. The left exploits the NRA for political purposes.
The "left", as Bernie Sanders ably illustrates, doesn't actually care about the gun issue very much. The left, if the term has any meaning, is concerned about economic issues and civil rights.
But We also have to recognize that the left is proposing ineffectual measures, measures that would not have stopped most, if not all of the recent shootings. On the other hand we we have red-flag prevention measures all over the place, which should be effective, and those measures failed because of governmental and individual incompetence at the federal, state, and local, levels in Parkland. We had strict gun-possession prohibitions for the guy who shot up the church in Texas, those failed also because of governmental incompetence. Why doesn't the left talk about governmental incompetence? Rhetorical question. Easy answer. There is no left-wing political advantage to harping about ineffectual governmental regulations because the left answer to every problem is more regulation. The political advantage here is to bash the NRA. That is what the left does. That is what you did with your post.
The governmental "incompetence" is a feature not a bug. Congress and President's responding to the NRA and championed by the GOP has legislated incompetence. Just as the GOP (and you) are now talking about the FBI and our intelligence community so the GOP has talked about ATF as "jackbooted" thugs, so they have worked to prevent the creation of databases or research studies. The GOP doesn't want our laws against espionage by foreign powers helpful to the GOP to be enforced...just as they don't want our laws against guns to be enforced. The right has bombed the railway stations and now you have the temerity to ask why the left doesn't complain about the incompetence of railways because the trains don't run on time.
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Closing entrances and allowing exits only for emergencies is a common building security measure. These are common for courthouses, schools and other government facilities. What is your problem?

Many federal buildings have a limited number of guarded entrances. It's worth considering for schools. Cancelling Trump's military parade would cover a nice down payment.
In this case, I am mot sure of a gun control point. A shotgun and pistol are both likely to remain legal. This is not the same case as the high velocity weapons.

On the other hand, I have heard suggestions we need to make sure gun owners are more responsible. The guns were owned by the father, how did the son get them. There are gun incidents all the time, a small child finds a gun at home and kills his sibling type. We need to make sure the gun owner is held accountable in cases where the gun is misused.
Doors, Ritalin, bad parenting, mental illness, not enough God in school, homosexuality...

Everything but the machine manufactured to kill people.

Got it!

Closing entrances and allowing exits only for emergencies is a common building security measure. These are common for courthouses, schools and other government facilities. What is your problem?
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The governmental "incompetence" is a feature not a bug.

What does that mean? People dropped the ball in two recent mass shootings. The question is how do we fix that?

As for the rest of your screed, stay focused. What can we really do to prevent the gun violence. The left's answer seems to be scream at the conservatives and the NRA. My answer is to repeal immunity and up the competence of the processes now in place. What is your answer besides bitching about the "others"?
Doors, Ritalin, bad parenting, mental illness, not enough God in school, homosexuality...

Everything but the machine manufactured to kill people.

Got it!

You got squat!

If you do't think mental illness, bad or neglectful parenting, and not enough respect of life (my view of not enough God) play important roles, you have your head on upside-down. Homosexuality? That's a new one on me. Yeah, I know you were being facetious, that is pretty much all you do. If you have a serious comment that doesn't involve beating somebody up over beliefs different from yours, I'm all ears.
Many federal buildings have a limited number of guarded entrances. It's worth considering for schools. Cancelling Trump's military parade would cover a nice down payment.

Taking away the armed security for former presidents and spending the money on kids would be a nice down payment too. I think eveyone of them can afford their own security.
CO, you’re never “all ears”.

You got squat!

If you do't think mental illness, bad or neglectful parenting, and not enough respect of life (my view of not enough God) play important roles, you have your head on upside-down. Homosexuality? That's a new one on me. Yeah, I know you were being facetious, that is pretty much all you do. If you have a serious comment that doesn't involve beating somebody up over beliefs different from yours, I'm all ears.

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