Stone skyscrapers on the horizon?


All-Big Ten
Silver Member
Sep 7, 2023
Great substack here:

Great substack here:

What goes around comes around.

Chaco Canyon:

Then in roughly AD 850, a great change took place. The people began building in a radically different manner, constructing massive stone buildings unlike any that had been built before. These structures soared to four or five stories and contained up to seven hundred rooms and dozens of kivas . Connected to one another by lines of sight that would have enabled rapid communication, thesegreat houses were feats of engineering. Often built along celestial alignments , they included water-collection systems and were linked to outlying communities by an extensive network of roads. These elaborate buildings evidence a sophisticated and highly organized culture, with Chaco Canyon at its center.​
A very interesting place to visit.

Great substack here:


Would be amazing. My little downtown is undergoing a transformation like I’ve never seen before. Entire blocks of characterless glass buildings. One after another. This all glass design is so bland
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