Domestic violence, understandably, hits people differently. Doesn't matter why or how, it just does. Its one of the reasons why I'll be surprised if he's the choice. Of any "issue" someone could have, that's one of the most difficult ones for all parties involved to move past.
The other main reason, that's tied to the initial one I mentioned, is it cuts Beard's margin for errors and mistakes down to basically nothing. He'd be starting his tenure at IU, basically, with a zero tolerance policy hanging over him. So...while a coach with a "clean" slate can absorb certain controversies, issues, transgressions, and move past them. Beard will never be able to do that.
For me, its MUCH less about the morality questions...but that's just me, DV hasn't been a big part of my personal story. But I do still have PTSD from the Sampson dumpster fire. And of all the coaches being opined about, Beard has the highest likelihood of burning the house down again. I'm wary of that.