SIAP: Steve Kerr on the Texas shooting

Chicago has the most stringent gun control laws in the country - how are they doing? Double digit shooting on a weekend is the norm. There are gun laws and I am for common sense laws, saying we don't have basic laws is not factual. When are we going to enforce the laws we have?
Guns from Chicago often come from Indiana, with very loose gun laws.
Really? I used to think that way, when these things were rare. Now it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if some crazy lunatic shot up a place where I was or was near.

After the Las Vegas shooting, getting bump stocks banned was a struggle.

being in a place where two groups are getting more and more heated and where you can see things are getting to a breaking point, common judgement tells you that you need to get away.

That’s not possible when you’re strolling down the aisles at Kroger.
Not a fan of math or statistics I see…I wonder which states have the most shootings & how that relates to their gun laws?
I agree with Kerr that the current govt is useless and only cares about themselves. Has been that way in my entire lifetime. Maybe he should quit voting for Democrats (party of hate and divide) or Republicans (AAA party - Arrogant A-holes Anonymous).
Every single one who refuses to do anything about gun control laws. So in other words, all of them.

So you want more laws after you just pointed out the Illinois laws are not effective as guns are coming from Indiana?
So you want more laws after you just pointed out the Illinois laws are not effective as guns are coming from Indiana?
Yes I do, as a matter of fact. Even if it stops a few, it’s a start. Better than nothing.
If your professor Dad gets gunned down by terrorists in Lebanon, then you have the right to talk about any gun violence that you want to talk about. In my opinion, school shootings and gun violence are terrorism. This is the land of the free and rights, but kids getting gunned down in schools (or anywhere) on a regular basis sure as hell isn't that.

This was a 3 minute clip. Kerr would need a year to address every facet of the gun violence issue in America. Giving him a hard time about not addressing Milwaukee or anywhere else is like giving the participants in the summaraize Proust competition on Monty Python a hard time.

The "right to life" argument for pro-lifers is also the opposing side of the argument for gun rights, which is weird. I can say abortions are regulated a hell of a lot more than guns are, though. When was the last time a gun dealer was murdered for his trade or even protested?
You lead with your feelings and always seem to lose the facts. So let me dumb it down for you. The topic was political agenda and mass shootings. Not the number killed. He mentioned the California and Buffalo shootings as well. One death in Calif incidentally. Somehow you are now acting like he didn't bring up the other two shootings. The other shootings are the point. He. Brought. Them. Up. 3 shootings. Not just the school.

Milwaukee had 21 shot. It evinced total disregard for how many were hit as they shot into a massive crowd. The shooters had no idea how many would die. The salient difference in all of these mass shootings is that Kerr left one out. Milwaukee. Do you understand that fact? Are you able to follow that? He mentioned 3 and excluded one.

I don't think that omission was by accident. He's a lefty. Lincoln project guy. The left doesn't like to bring attention to black crime for fear of pissing off voters. As well as the fact that's it's becoming culturally normalized. 4 mass shootings. One omitted. The point....

Yet another misfire from you that will serve to reduce your already abysmal reaction score
Ok. Dead serious here. Your midnight to 3am rant is scary. You go after multiple posters with comments like "STFU," "dickhead," and again mocking someone for their "reaction score." It's like reading the social media posts of a teenage girl - - on speed.

With respect to the Steve Kerr presser, you're repeating yourself over and over. Doubling and tripling down on stupid doesn't make a comment less stupid.

Then, holy crap, you're back in the same thread with more nonsense at 7:30.

Come down, man. Get some sleep. Take an inventory of your life. This is alarming.
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Of course it's agenda driven. He left the Milwaukee shooting out. Surprise to no one. We need gun control. Desperately. But the "celebs" and woke left's willful ignoring of black murders and gun violence renders all speeches like this political.

Gun violence isn't limited to mass shootings. We have lost triple that many kids in Stl already this year without hardly a peep. Kerr won't want to talk about that tho
Left out the California shooting, but that shooter was Chinese shooting Taiwanese, so no biggie.

And you're right - kids in Chicago and other big cities get killed all the time and it doesn't get near the publicity.
I said we have no gun control laws. When the ATF can’t even have computers, there is a serious problem. The Parkland shooter was deemed mentally I’ll and was still able to legally buy an AR-15.

The fact that we can’t even have the most BASIC gun control laws is absurd.
The fact that you support any maniac out there to own any type of weapon they want is what’s disturbing.

You going to tow this line when your children are gunned down in their classroom?
We do have BASIC gun control laws.

What laws do you want that we don't have? Time to put up or shut up.
Wut? Either he's far left or Lincoln Project, he can't be both.

Are you just making shit up, again?
Of course he can. How stupid are you. Look up the largest donors to the Lincoln project. The left joined to defeat trump. They weren't conservatives.
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Tell me why an 18 year old with a history of mental illness is allowed to, at the age of 18, stroll into a gun store, buy an AR LEGALLY, and commit the deadliest school shooting in US history.

what is your line?
I assume you're talking about the Buffalo shooter.

Why don't you ask the New York Governor? It's their laws - are they not tough enough in the Liberal Paradise?
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Ok. Dead serious here. Your midnight to 3am rant is scary. You go after multiple posters with comments like "STFU," "dickhead," and again mocking someone for their "reaction score." It's like reading the social media posts of a teenage girl - - on speed.

With respect to the Steve Kerr presser, you're repeating yourself over and over. Doubling and tripling down on stupid doesn't make a comment less stupid.

Then, holy crap, you're back in the same thread with more nonsense at 7:30.

Come down, man. Get some sleep. Take an inventory of your life. This is alarming.
You on shift break? You're taking yourself way too seriously HickoryBowl. You're butthurt from being Danc's bitch on the board and lashing out again
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Look up the largest donors to the Lincoln project. The left joined to defeat trump. They weren't conservatives.
Oh so they have a left leaning political philosophy? No. They. Do. Not.

The left joining LP to defeat Trump does not make LP left, nor does it make the left conservative. It just makes them anti-Trump, like all smart people should be.

Just as the allies in WW2 joining the Soviet Union to fight Nazis did not make the US and UK communists.

So yes, you were in fact just making shit up, again, by redefining political affiliation to fit your bullshit narrative that anyone who was anti orange con man is far left.

Do better ...
Yeah, that’s not relevant at all🙄🙄

You asked if they were purchased legally or illegally. I answered your question.
Many are strawman purchases which are illegal. I'd say that is relevant to your post
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Oh so they have a left leaning political philosophy? No. They. Do. Not.

The left joining LP to defeat Trump does not make LP left, nor does it make the left conservative. It just makes them anti-Trump, like all smart people should be.

Just as the allies in WW2 joining the Soviet Union to fight Nazis did not make the US and UK communists.

So yes, you were in fact just making shit up, again, by redefining political affiliation to fit your bullshit narrative that anyone who was anti orange con man is far left.

Do better ...
I said Kerr is a lefty. He joined the LIncoln Project to get Biden elected. The goal of the Lincoln Project was to get a Democrat elected. Biden.

"Steve Kerr isn’t just one of the winningest coaches in the NBA, he’s one of the more outspoken ones as well. Known for his progressive politics"

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I said Kerr is a lefty. He joined the LIncoln Project to get Biden elected. The goal of the Lincoln Project was to get a Democrat elected. Biden.

"Steve Kerr isn’t just one of the winningest coaches in the NBA, he’s one of the more outspoken ones as well. Known for his progressive politics"

It was to defeat Trump and it was founded by dyed in the wool conservatives. People not conservative jumped. on the bandwagon.
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You on shift break? You're taking yourself way too seriously HickoryBowl. You're butthurt from being Danc's bitch on the board and lashing out again
Now that's actually funny, guy. Hopefully this means the stuff from last night wore off.

That's some serious projection, though. You and danc give each other virtual reach-arounds so often that you should get a room. Same sophomoric posting style, same fabrication of "facts," same repetitive nonsense, same incessant bullshit and constant "likes" of each other's posts. The only difference is he alludes to the "Russian collusion hoax" in every thread, whereas your daily drivel tends to focus on "wokeness" and "virtue-signaling." Also, you seem to have an odd fixation with Buttigieg? A bit conflicted, are you?

With your illiterate bud cray, you guys are kind of like the unholy trinity. Or maybe the Three Stooges is more apt.

Seriously, though, try to get some sleep tonight. It might help with clarity and rationality.
Now that's actually funny, guy. Hopefully this means the stuff from last night wore off.

That's some serious projection, though. You and danc give each other virtual reach-arounds so often that you should get a room. Same sophomoric posting style, same fabrication of "facts," same repetitive nonsense, same incessant bullshit and constant "likes" of each other's posts. The only difference is he alludes to the "Russian collusion hoax" in every thread, whereas your daily drivel tends to focus on "wokeness" and "virtue-signaling." Also, you seem to have an odd fixation with Buttigieg? A bit conflicted, are you?

With your illiterate bud cray, you guys are kind of like the unholy trinity. Or maybe the Three Stooges is more apt.

Seriously, though, try to get some sleep tonight. It might help with clarity and rationality.
AHHH the perfect hypocritical cultist (who couldn't define a cult) making homophobic inuendos. Fitting really. Anyway, I trust your boss will be calling soon. Better get back. Hickory will be along soon to give you your like
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Lol. You don't know that. Nor do I. Here's what we do know. He's a lefty. Made ads to vote against Trump. Made ads for the Lincoln Project. Noted every recent mass shooting except Milwaukee where 21 were shot outside an nba arena. The only one where blacks were the shooters. Those are the facts. Draw your own conclusion. Mine is that it was intentional and in keeping with a left agenda
Isn't the Lincoln Project a group formed by Republicans? Why do you keep saying far left Lincoln Project? Honest question.
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Now that's actually funny, guy. Hopefully this means the stuff from last night wore off.

That's some serious projection, though. You and danc give each other virtual reach-arounds so often that you should get a room. Same sophomoric posting style, same fabrication of "facts," same repetitive nonsense, same incessant bullshit and constant "likes" of each other's posts. The only difference is he alludes to the "Russian collusion hoax" in every thread, whereas your daily drivel tends to focus on "wokeness" and "virtue-signaling." Also, you seem to have an odd fixation with Buttigieg? A bit conflicted, are you?

With your illiterate bud cray, you guys are kind of like the unholy trinity. Or maybe the Three Stooges is more apt.

Seriously, though, try to get some sleep tonight. It might help with clarity and rationality.
Oh so they have a left leaning political philosophy? No. They. Do. Not.

The left joining LP to defeat Trump does not make LP left, nor does it make the left conservative. It just makes them anti-Trump, like all smart people should be.

Just as the allies in WW2 joining the Soviet Union to fight Nazis did not make the US and UK communists.

So yes, you were in fact just making shit up, again, by redefining political affiliation to fit your bullshit narrative that anyone who was anti orange con man is far left.

Do better ...

It was to defeat Trump and it was founded by dyed in the wool conservatives. People not conservative jumped. on the bandwagon.
How many times must we outline this grift to you people? If they were truly "Dyed in Wool Conservatives" one would think they'd be throwing their weight behind conservatives they see as worthwhile. Where were they in Kemp's primary? The one Republican who has stood in the breach against Trump more than any other. You would think they would support him.

Instead they mock him:

They are a bunch of losers who's political careers had collapsed and realized they could make a buck off of Democrats. They don't give a damn about "saving" the GOP.

Stop defending the sexual harassment creeps.
Ok. Dead serious here. Your midnight to 3am rant is scary. You go after multiple posters with comments like "STFU," "dickhead," and again mocking someone for their "reaction score." It's like reading the social media posts of a teenage girl - - on speed.

With respect to the Steve Kerr presser, you're repeating yourself over and over. Doubling and tripling down on stupid doesn't make a comment less stupid.

Then, holy crap, you're back in the same thread with more nonsense at 7:30.

Come down, man. Get some sleep. Take an inventory of your life. This is alarming.

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Now that's actually funny, guy. Hopefully this means the stuff from last night wore off.

That's some serious projection, though. You and danc give each other virtual reach-arounds so often that you should get a room. Same sophomoric posting style, same fabrication of "facts," same repetitive nonsense, same incessant bullshit and constant "likes" of each other's posts. The only difference is he alludes to the "Russian collusion hoax" in every thread, whereas your daily drivel tends to focus on "wokeness" and "virtue-signaling." Also, you seem to have an odd fixation with Buttigieg? A bit conflicted, are you?

With your illiterate bud cray, you guys are kind of like the unholy trinity. Or maybe the Three Stooges is more apt.

Seriously, though, try to get some sleep tonight. It might help with clarity and rationality.
How many times must we outline this grift to you people? If they were truly "Dyed in Wool Conservatives" one would think they'd be throwing their weight behind conservatives they see as worthwhile. Where were they in Kemp's primary? The one Republican who has stood in the breach against Trump more than any other. You would think they would support him.

Instead they mock him:

They are a bunch of losers who's political careers had collapsed and realized they could make a buck off of Democrats. They don't give a damn about "saving" the GOP.

Stop defending the sexual harassment creeps.
You’re probably right. All these folks played the long con. They ACTED like conservatives for decades in the hope that someday Trump would be the GOP presidential nominee. Then and only then would these wild liberals pounce.
Isn't the Lincoln Project a group formed by Republicans? Why do you keep saying far left Lincoln Project? Honest question.

They had a common enemy. I’m truly confused by your argument. The founders of LP have serious bona fides as GOP stalwarts and insiders.
My argument has always simply been that Kerr is a lefty. His politics are progressive. He joined the Lincoln Project like many liberals in hopes of getting Biden elected. In keeping with his politics I believe he intentionally left out the Milwaukee shooting. Those are actors he, and progressives, don't like to call out. And the Lincoln Project is a scam, as an aside.

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