SIAP: Steve Kerr on the Texas shooting

We've had triple that number of kids murdered in Stl already this year. Kerr won't talk about that tho. That's the problem with his messaging and why it's political. Not a word about Milwaukee. Hit every other but conveniently left that one out.
So you’re saying he left Milwaukee out, correct?

What makes you think he feels differently about Milwaukee? Ever had a mic in front of your face everyday?
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The press didn't ask anything. He offered. 21 people were shot outside the arena when the bucks lost to the Celtics. That's a hell of an omission. Kerr is a Lincoln project guy. He's political.
Maybe he feels strongly about a bunch of school children being massacred. Seems like a pretty normal reaction to reasonable people.
Agreed overall.

But wait… are you a Trump supporter? Your second paragraph couldn’t describe him less if you tried. Honest question. I really don’t know.
No I don't support trump. But I would vote for him over any progressive. And I don't give 2 shits about Kerr. A basketball coach. Reading his politics he's bent.

Far more interesting is perusing the NRA legislation website. I don't have time to vet their sources but if accurate it's pretty scary stuff. NRA is ridiculous on background checks and registration but their position people use straw men and all sorts of stuff to circumvent checks. That illegal trade and stolen guns are the salient concern. Clearly self-serving but if accurate paints a bleak picture for meaningful/effective reform.

Seems getting existing guns out of circulation should be the focus. Amnesty buybacks. Make it lucrative. I don't know
So you’re saying he left Milwaukee out, correct?

What makes you think he feels differently about Milwaukee? Ever had a mic in front of your face everyday?

His politics. His players. His league. And I could be wrong
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You should just shut up. You sure as hell didn't care about the 19M aborted black babies over the past 50 years. I know you don't give 2 shits about these children. And funny how NOW you refer to them as babies, but it's OK to abort up until birth according to many libs, including Mayor Eric Adams.

Does anyone need an AR-15?
Funny Zeke, you are so concerned about 19 '' dead babies'' but you don't give a damn about all the dead babies aborted every year. Is there no end to your stupidity? I don't even think there is a start, it's just your stupidity. Do you really want to talk about repulsive?
Hey Cray, let’s talk about repulsive and ignorant. It’s a great combo you have there.
Lol. Pro life unless it’s real life children. Then we don’t care. I’m in favor of black women having choice just like white women. Sue me.
Holy sh#t !!!!!!!! You are just too stupid . Do you ever look at yourself in a mirror?
Sure as hell not an 18 year old. But we really need to look at the ages of these killers. Seems like many are 18-20. What is going on with them? Is it social media? Instant fame? Video games? Bullying? IDK. Guns is an easy target, but too easy. We need to dig deeper at what is happening.
Video games?
Or rap music?

OKAY, Tipper Gore.
Hey Cray, let’s talk about repulsive and ignorant. It’s a great combo you have there.
I know, it's what I think every time I read one of your ignorant posts! You have a trifecta, ignorant, repulsive and a victim of the world.
Sure as hell not an 18 year old. But we really need to look at the ages of these killers. Seems like many are 18-20. What is going on with them? Is it social media? Instant fame? Video games? Bullying? IDK. Guns is an easy target, but too easy. We need to dig deeper at what is happening.

Well, people all over the world have social media and video games. What’s the elephant in the room?
Video games?
Or rap music?

OKAY, Tipper Gore.
See that is liberal bullsh*t you fall for and not a Tipper fan but if you can seriously think people that already have problems sitting around playing violent games isnt a factor? Where in Mexico did you get your medical degree?
Of course it's agenda driven. He left the Milwaukee shooting out. Surprise to no one. We need gun control. Desperately. But the "celebs" and woke left's willful ignoring of black murders and gun violence renders all speeches like this political.

Gun violence isn't limited to mass shootings. We have lost triple that many kids in Stl already this year without hardly a peep. Kerr won't want to talk about that tho
Bullshit. He didn’t leave anything out for woke or other of your asinine reasons. He spoke from the heart and he spoke about background checks which can just as easily relate to black on black crimes, ghetto crimes or anything else.

Bull ****ing partisan shit Mr. M.
Bullshit. He didn’t leave anything out for woke or other of your asinine reasons. He spoke from the heart and he spoke about background checks which can just as easily relate to black on black crimes, ghetto crimes or anything else.

Bull ****ing partisan shit Mr. M.
Lol. You don't know that. Nor do I. Here's what we do know. He's a lefty. Made ads to vote against Trump. Made ads for the Lincoln Project. Noted every recent mass shooting except Milwaukee where 21 were shot outside an nba arena. The only one where blacks were the shooters. Those are the facts. Draw your own conclusion. Mine is that it was intentional and in keeping with a left agenda
Lol. You don't know that. Nor do I. Here's what we do know. He's a lefty. Made ads to vote against Trump. Made ads for the Lincoln Project. Noted every recent mass shooting except Milwaukee. Those are the facts. Draw your own conclusion. Mine is that it was intentional and in keeping with a left agenda
Steve Kerr is a poster child lefty, especially when you ad in he is rich and doesn't give a damn about average people trying to get by. Did he speak out on Biden's baby formula debacle?
Lol. You don't know that. Nor do I. Here's what we do know. He's a lefty. Made ads to vote against Trump. Made ads for the Lincoln Project. Noted every recent mass shooting except Milwaukee. Those are the facts. Draw your own conclusion. Mine is that it was intentional and in keeping with a left agenda
Here’s what’s relevant and we know. If background check legislation is passed then it will affect all sorts of crimes, whether Steve Kerr mentions them or not. It doesn’t ****ing matter if he talked about Milwaukee or not. Your partisan hackery doesn’t matter in this instance. Talk about what he talked about not his trivial examples. He talked about background check legislation. That’s all that matters. That’s the conversation. You’re like a little mouse in the corner of the courtroom chewing on some cheese.
Steve Kerr is a poster child lefty, especially when you ad in he is rich and doesn't give a damn about average people trying to get by. Did he speak out on Biden's baby formula debacle?
He's a poster child for the left. And why they ignore half the crime that goes on daily, kids being killed, but race out for these is hypocrisy.

But in the end getting guns off the streets benefits us all and should be apolitical.
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He's a poster child for the left. And why they ignore half the crime that goes on daily, kids being killed, but race out for these is hypocrisy.

But in the end getting guns off the streets benefits us all and should be apolitical.
That’s such a pathetic crock of shit. People with a conscience care about all murders. What you call ignore is people feeling helpless and unable to do anything about it. Especially in view of the national rifle association and its rock solid grip on our nation and the pathetic and idiotic interpretation of the constitution.
Steve Kerr is a poster child lefty, especially when you ad in he is rich and doesn't give a damn about average people trying to get by. Did he speak out on Biden's baby formula debacle?
More grenades. You are all over the map. Can you quit playing yah but games?

Do the executives of the baby formula companies assume any responsibility? Or how about any of the companies that are part of the supply chain? How about Abbott and their crappy quality controls?

Blaming every single problem facing the nation on one man is lazy and disingenuous.
He's a poster child for the left. And why they ignore half the crime that goes on daily, kids being killed, but race out for these is hypocrisy.

But in the end getting guns off the streets benefits us all and should be apolitical.
You are from St Louis area. Could anyone be more of a white elitest than Steve Kerr? Oakland is ostensibly part of Golden State fan base, does he ever talk about how bad that is? Just had a mass shooting in my town not as big of a deal. I doubt Steve Kerr gives a damn about that This was a chance behind a mic. He will be running for some office soon I have no doubt. Two different issues in this thread a tragedy and Steve Kerr
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More grenades. You are all over the map. Can you quit playing yah but games?

Do the executives of the baby formula companies assume any responsibility? Or how about any of the companies that are part of the supply chain? How about Abbott and their crappy quality controls?

Blaming every single problem facing the nation on one man is lazy and disingenuous.
Yet you did it for 4 years didn't you?
Here’s what’s relevant and we know. If background check legislation is passed then it will affect all sorts of crimes, whether Steve Kerr mentions them or not. It doesn’t ****ing matter if he talked about Milwaukee or not. Your partisan hackery doesn’t matter in this instance. Talk about what he talked about not his trivial examples. He talked about background check legislation. That’s all that matters. That’s the conversation. You’re like a little mouse in the corner of the courtroom chewing on some cheese.
STFU moron. You don't know Jack shit about anything. I'm all for background legislation. You think it's a panacea for prevention you stupid ass? Do some research dickhead. In five minutes I found the data on how easy it is to purchase a gun illegally. Straw men all kinds of shit. Get your head out of your ass you naive bent fool. A background check isn't going to prevent anyone who wants a gun from getting one. Spend two minutes on the NRA website. Scary shit

Background checks are one more thing that will help. Pretending they are the solution is the ultimate in ignorance and political hackery. Now go put your head through your tv
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Well, people all over the world have social media and video games. What’s the elephant in the room?

Sadly, it's the elephant at which dems ONLY look, even though no current guns laws, nor HB8, a Kerr talking point, would have prevented many of the school shootings. It's the inability to look at any other reason beyond guns that is so infuriating.
Okay, I apologize for the nasty comment.

Still, the point is that all these people have access to guns. That’s the common denominator.
Sadly, it's the elephant at which dems ONLY look, even though no current guns laws, nor HB8, a Kerr talking point, would have prevented many of the school shootings. It's the inability to look at any other reason beyond guns that is so infuriating.
Exactly. They've latched onto background checks like it's sone panacea. Stupid. And I'm all for them. There are 400 million guns in circulation. A background check won't prevent someone who wants a gun from getting one
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STFU moron. You don't know Jack shit about anything. I'm all for background legislation. You think it's a panacea for prevention you stupid ass? Do some research dickhead. In five minutes I found the data on how easy it is to purchase a gun illegally. Straw men all kinds of shit. Get your head out of your ass you naive bent fool. A background check isn't going to prevent anyone who wants a gun from getting one. Spend two minutes on the NRA website. Scary shit

Background checks are one more thing that will help. Pretending they are the solution is the ultimate in ignorance and political hackery. Go put your head through your tv
If you think I’m pretending that background checks are a panacea then all of the Snark you posted was delivered at you.

Incidentally you may not realize it but SteveKerr’s father was gunned down senselessly. I think he’s got more basic reasons to hate guns than woke bullshit.
Exactly. They've latched onto background checks like it's sone panacea. Stupid. And I'm all for them. There are 400 million guns in circulation. A background check won't prevent someone who wants a gun from getting one
Your hatred will surely kill you sooner than any bullet. That’s something we also know.

With that I’m going to bed and I’ll sleep on my stomach tonight in case you wanna kiss my ass, bitch.
If you think I’m pretending that background checks are a panacea then all of the Snark you posted was delivered at you.

Incidentally you may not realize it but SteveKerr’s father was gunned down senselessly. I think he’s got more basic reasons to hate guns than woke bullshit.

That has nothing to do with his politics, which he is quite vocal about.
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Your hatred will surely kill you sooner than any bullet. That’s something we also know.

With that I’m going to bed and I’ll sleep on my stomach tonight in case you wanna kiss my ass, bitch.
I do like this reply. Sleep well lurker
Why then is this the ONLY 1st world country in the world where this happens?

Imagine your child going off to school and being shot dead in their classroom? I simply cannot imagine the pain these families feel.

I had a shotgun when I was 16 years old for “hunting” (I never liked killing animals, but I understood hunting culture) because everyone in my small Indiana town did. There was never a time when I took that gun’s danger for granted. Nor would I ever feel the need to own something that the armed forces used.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think America would feel the need to be armed and equipo like a Delta Force operator. It’s just not right.
Exactly. They've latched onto background checks like it's sone panacea. Stupid. And I'm all for them.
I live in a Mennonite dominated area and all types from Amish to super liberals . The Libs don't live in the country lol. Most of them have guns. They love them , long guns deer season etc. I assume most people think because they are pacifist they dont have guns. Nothing further from the truth but they don't shoot people. So where lies the problem? Guns or people that shoot people? It obviously isn't that simple . But the people doing this for whatever reason and this latest one sounds different than the usual. They will figure it out somehow to cause destruction. I can't fathom what causes it but the root in reality isn't guns it is people and what we are creating. I was in a grocery store tonight and a few aisles back there was a ruckus I think kids but yelling and stuff and I took more notice. I hadn't even heard about this yet. Hell when I was in HS gun racks in the back window of a pickup no one thought about . This is less about guns than people.
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I said we have no gun control laws. When the ATF can’t even have computers, there is a serious problem. The Parkland shooter was deemed mentally I’ll and was still able to legally buy an AR-15.

The fact that we can’t even have the most BASIC gun control laws is absurd.
The fact that you support any maniac out there to own any type of weapon they want is what’s disturbing.

You going to tow this line when your children are gunned down in their classroom?

Australia, Scotland had mass school shootings -- took all guns, and guess what they didn't have any mass school shootings afterwards.
I live in a Mennonite dominated area and all types from Amish to super liberals . The Libs don't live in the country lol. Most of them have guns. They love them , long guns deer season etc. I assume most people think because they are pacifist they dont have guns. Nothing further from the truth but they don't shoot people. So where lies the problem? Guns or people that shoot people? It obviously isn't that simple . But the people doing this for whatever reason and this latest one sounds different than the usual. They will figure it out somehow to cause destruction. I can't fathom what causes it but the root in reality isn't guns it is people and what we are creating. I was in a grocery store tonight and a few aisles back there was a ruckus I think kids but yelling and stuff and I took more notice. I hadn't even heard about this yet. Hell when I was in HS gun racks in the back window of a pickup no one thought about . This is less about guns than people.
I don't know. The country is a real mess at the moment.

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