Shots fired at Trump's PA campaign rally

Ask away. Let us know when there is evidence that is inconsistent with flaws of omission or proof of actual intent by anyone in the Secret Service to allow DJT to be assassinated.

No problem... I'll keep asking...

It's pretty much reached an either or conclusion... Either this was the most under resourced, ill trained, 5th team Secret Service Detail ever to attempt to protect a combination former President/future President Elect who had Known international threats against his life..., Or..., the Detail was put together to be purposely flawed, with known weaknesses..., in the hopes that someone, anyone, would bag Trump...

Either way, someone better take a deep dive on who trained those jokers that did the Advance work, along with whoever actually led the Detail, and who put together the 5th teamer assignments And cut the Dog Teams, along with the Drone Package..., And with who made the call to Not send an additional number agents to match the size of the site to be protected...

Those that don't have any questions about the above are simply not a very inquisitive human beings who evidently believe everything they're told...
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I've not been following it closely enough to know, so I'll ask here. Why was Wray in front of Congress instead of Mayorkis?

The FBI was the investigative agency not the Secret Service...

Good Luck with that if Wray has anything to do with it... He's already gone out of way to lie once in front of Congress (the he wasn't really shot bs)...
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I will bet anything that a bullet didn’t hit his ear. I WANNA SEE THAT EAR 🤣🤣🤣. He’s THE GOAT!!!! I bet it is perfectly in place. And I haven’t read shit about. I just bet I’m right
Well, you might be right. After all, the MAGAs claim Trump was chosen by God.
No problem... I'll keep asking...

It's pretty much reached and either or conclusion... Either this was the most under resourced, ill trained, 5th team Secret Service Detail ever to attempt to protect a combination former President/future President Elect who had Known international threats against his life..., Or..., the Detail was put together to be purposely flawed, with known weaknesses..., in the hopes that someone, anyone, would bag Trump...

Either way, someone better take a deep dive on who trained those jokers that did the Advance work, along with whoever actually lead the Detail, and who put together the 5th teamer assignments And cut the Dog Teams, along with the Drone Package..., And with who made the call to Not send an additional number agents commiserate to the size of the site to be protected...

Those that don't have any questions about the above are simply not a very inquisitive human beings who evidently believe everything they're told...
They absolutely need to get to the bottom of how these things are game planned for, staffed, etc. and why this happened the way it did.

If they found evidence of intentionality, it would be the biggest scandal in U.S. history.
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The FBI was the investigative agency not the Secret Service...

Good Luck with that if Wray has anything to do with it... He's already gone out of way to lie once in front of Congress (the he wasn't really shot bs)...
Thanks. I thought the hearing was a continuation of grilling the USSS about their decision making process.
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The FBI corrected comments by their own Director:

It’s was only a matter of time.
What I saw was him not saying one way or another. I didn’t think that the interview was all that bad.
But the along came the MSM to fix that shit!!
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Updated article on the assassination attempt:

And our grand kids will read about and question the slopey roof, instead of the grassy knoll.
And never know the truth.
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The Secret Service is back to blaming the locals again...

Maybe if they had just attended the briefing that they were supposed to head up on the morning of the rally they perhaps might have considered setting up a way to have at least one of their people monitor the disparate frequencies..., and relay any alarm calls...🙄

Once again, we see a degree of incompetence that would be surprising even if it were attributed to a Boy Scout Troop, much less the supposed premier proctective service on the planet...
Based on what keeps coming out, it wouldn't be difficult to convince me that the SS was just willing to not do its job and let the chips fall where they may. If Trump gets killed, it can alway be blamed on 'just communication failures'.

They are complicit in their incompetency.
They absolutely need to get to the bottom of how these things are game planned for, staffed, etc. and why this happened the way it did.

If they found evidence of intentionality, it would be the biggest scandal in U.S. history.
Speaking hypothetically, It could have just been one or two agents in positions of advantage working to ensure Crooks got just enough time to get his shots off. Thats entirely possible.

Think Robert Strozk working to stop Trump from being elected in 2016.

To be absolutely clear, I’m not saying that’s what happened. I’m just saying it’s definitely possible.

Here's a partial text of the Counter Snipers email in a Newsweek article:

The Secret Service is broken (at best) and, in my opinion, based on what I've seen, if they are confronted by a professional threat while operating in the manner that they did on 7/13 they'll lose not only the protectee but also 2/3rds of the Detail...

Let's hope that doesn't have to happen to get that outfit back up to speed, sooner rather than later...

You'd think their own sense of self preservation would snap them out of their seeming complacency... (if that's what it is/was)...
They need to have some other outfit "Red Team" the "Operational" Secret Service Details out there and show them what could to happen to Them if they don't get their sh-t together... It might drive the point home a bit more if the "Red Team" were made up with local Leo types (who the Secret Service seems to have little real respect for)..., better yet, have a local Boy Scout Troop do it...

//A "Red Team" is a group of near peers stress testing the operational prowess of their counterparts...//
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With an operating budget of 3.1 Billion (with a B) available why can't they find a way to order a few of these:

For that matter, why not go to Walmart and pick up a camera drone using petty cash?

Why would a Protective Detail ever take
the field without Drones in this day and age? An even better question is: Why would a Secret Service Detail refuse the offer of loaner drones and loaner radios (to allow them to live monitor the Locals radio net) from the local police????? (Which the Detail in question reportedly did).

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And our grand kids will read about and question the slopey roof, instead of the grassy knoll.
And never know the truth.

These are the guys we're relying on to investigate it...🙄 :

The loss of trust, nationally, is a reflection of how they've been used as a DNC Stasi... Wray and the entire upper echelon of FBI leadership needs to go...

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Make of this what you will...

Mom was a Democrat and dad was a Republican...

The odd thing is that they (his parents) reported him as a missing person after he'd only been gone a couple of hours... They had to be thinking something was up...
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The number of fortuitous, random, coincidences are starting to add up to something almost looking premeditated...


If you point that out however you're likely to be branded as a conspiracy theorist wing nut...
You Cooke’s!
I’m from the government and I’m here to keep you safe…. Ooooh look over there, a swamp boss squirrel with promotion memo… but the name is blank…. So far… watch this…
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The number of fortuitous, random, coincidences are starting to add up to something almost looking premeditated...


If you point that out however you're likely to be branded as a conspiracy theorist wing nut...
Maybe so, but any thinking person would be suspicious, at this point.

Unless you believe the government institutions are now completely inept and incompetent. In which case, we need some new leadership in there ASAP.
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Maybe so, but any thinking person would be suspicious, at this point.

Unless you believe the government institutions are now completely inept and incompetent. In which case, we need some new leadership in there ASAP.

Yep..., although sadly, having seen two of the top leadership, simple rank incompetence now doesn't seem as far fetched as it once did...

It's really tough to believe that Everyone (in the Secret Service), didn't see him however.
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Yep..., although sadly, having seen two of the top leadership, simple rank incompetence now doesn't seem as far fetched as it once did...

It's really tough to believe that Everyone (in the Secret Service), however.
I agree 100%.
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Yep..., although sadly, having seen two of the top leadership, simple rank incompetence now doesn't seem as far fetched as it once did...

It's really tough to believe that Everyone (in the Secret Service), however.
Just sayin,
The perfectly laid out plan of intentional action, would involve an aspect of perceivable "Simple Rank Incompetence".
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The number of fortuitous, random, coincidences are starting to add up to something almost looking premeditated...


If you point that out however you're likely to be branded as a conspiracy theorist wing nut...
I heard someone say the other day, maybe Bongino, that it's basically the equivalent of prime Michael Jordan missing 4-5 wide open layup in a row. Miss 1 maybe it happens once in a blue moon. 4-5 and his gambling addiction is back and he's clearly throwing the game. This was deliberate.
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People need to go to prison.

you're saying the Democrats would risk it all -- and I mean everything -- to have a very beatable GOP presidential nominee killed? knowing the chance of getting away with it would be next to 0%. you think they'd risk demolition of party, losing a ton of seats, complete loss of faith, criminal conviction, all for one iffy shot at the guy?

oh man, I feel like this is the new litmus test for the politically deranged. the last one being the provably secure 2020 elections.
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you're saying the Democrats would risk it all -- and I mean everything -- to have a very beatable GOP presidential nominee killed? knowing the chance of getting away with it would be next to 0%. you think they'd risk demolition of party, losing a ton of seats, complete loss of faith, criminal conviction, all for one iffy shot at the guy?

oh man, I feel like this is the new litmus test for the politically deranged. the last one being the provably secure 2020 elections.
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I heard someone say the other day, maybe Bongino, that it's basically the equivalent of prime Michael Jordan missing 4-5 wide open layup in a row. Miss 1 maybe it happens once in a blue moon. 4-5 and his gambling addiction is back and he's clearly throwing the game. This was deliberate.

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The number of fortuitous, random, coincidences are starting to add up to something almost looking premeditated...


If you point that out however you're likely to be branded as a conspiracy theorist wing nut...
If you think Crooks was working with a government agency or that they knew he was there and wanted him to kill Trump and knowingly looked away while he did it, then yes you are a conspiracy theorist wing nut.

Almost by definition, really.