"Schools should be allowed to fly the American flag!"

I just did a quick search on Facebook and there are similar memes going back to 2012.
there are disputes about people flying flags on their cars and trucks at high schools. evidently in the case above students had been flying confederate flags on their trucks and the school banned all flags....then the students protested and flew american flags from their trucks and the school backed down and allowed American flags.
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I'm seeing a lot of gun rights postings lately--i.e., complete nonsense presented as fact.
Most recent one from a high school friend (who may be auditioning for Infowars):
1. Switzerland gives a gun to every citizen.
2. Switzerland trains every citizen how to use their gun.
3. Switzerland has the world's lowest gun violence rates.
Each of the above statements is demonstrably false (although I suppose #3 could be slightly true if you take that to mean gun violence per civilian-owned gun. Of course Switzerland also has very strict laws about gun registration, etc. Stuff that no gun rights advocate in the U.S. would ever support.
Last week there was a false claim that Israeli teachers are armed and trained by the government (or something along those lines).

I replied, then deleted my reply, re: Switzerland. I just don't need the hassle of a facebook argument with a guy who was not all that bright back in high school, and apparently has not changed much either. Maybe I should have asked him if still smokes a bowl every afternoon around 3pm.
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I'm seeing a lot of gun rights postings lately--i.e., complete nonsense presented as fact.
Most recent one from a high school friend (who may be auditioning for Infowars):
1. Switzerland gives a gun to every citizen.
2. Switzerland trains every citizen how to use their gun.
3. Switzerland has the world's lowest gun violence rates.
Each of the above statements is demonstrably false (although I suppose #3 could be slightly true if you take that to mean gun violence per civilian-owned gun. Of course Switzerland also has very strict laws about gun registration, etc. Stuff that no gun rights advocate in the U.S. would ever support.
Last week there was a false claim that Israeli teachers are armed and trained by the government (or something along those lines).

I replied, then deleted my reply, re: Switzerland. I just don't need the hassle of a facebook argument with a guy who was not all that bright back in high school, and apparently has not changed much either. Maybe I should have asked him if still smokes a bowl every afternoon around 3pm.

Where were you with this info last week, a friend of a friend was posting on the mutual friend's facebook that all Israeli teachers are armed and we need to do the same. I didn't bother to look it up, I should have. I went with the "let's try what works in the other 150 countries" tact instead.
Maybe I should have asked him if still smokes a bowl every afternoon around 3pm.
What's that supposed to mean? It not like he's drinking. Alcohol is far more detrimental to reasoning ability both short term and long term.
What's that supposed to mean? It not like he's drinking. Alcohol is far more detrimental to reasoning ability both short term and long term.
I think it speaks for itself. And who said anything about alcohol?
Seems like you took offense to my statement.
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I'm seeing a lot of gun rights postings lately--i.e., complete nonsense presented as fact.
Most recent one from a high school friend (who may be auditioning for Infowars):
1. Switzerland gives a gun to every citizen.
2. Switzerland trains every citizen how to use their gun.
3. Switzerland has the world's lowest gun violence rates.
Each of the above statements is demonstrably false (although I suppose #3 could be slightly true if you take that to mean gun violence per civilian-owned gun. Of course Switzerland also has very strict laws about gun registration, etc. Stuff that no gun rights advocate in the U.S. would ever support.
Last week there was a false claim that Israeli teachers are armed and trained by the government (or something along those lines).

I replied, then deleted my reply, re: Switzerland. I just don't need the hassle of a facebook argument with a guy who was not all that bright back in high school, and apparently has not changed much either. Maybe I should have asked him if still smokes a bowl every afternoon around 3pm.
I’ve read that the Swiss gun laws are quite restrictive and require nearly constant permit renewal. Furthermore, given that Switzerland is the next highest OECD nation measured by gun ownership, the Swiss provide further proof that higher prevalence of gun ownership is correlated with higher gun violence per capita.

The more guns in a country - the more people (per capita) gonna die by gun. This is a simple statement of fact and is undeniable. But given that we’ve crossed the Rubicon on this issue we should be focusing on how to limit the damage of mass shootings. Starting (and perhaps finishing with) with a semi-auto long gun ban is the right idea.
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I’ve read that the Swiss gun laws are quite restrictive and require nearly constant permit renewal. Furthermore, given that Switzerland is the next highest OECD nation measured by gun ownership, the Swiss provide further proof that higher prevalence of gun ownership is correlated with higher gun violence per capita.

The more guns in a country - the more people (per capita) gonna die by gun. This is a simple statement of fact and is undeniable. But given that we’ve crossed the Rubicon on this issue we should be focusing on how to limit the damage of mass shootings. Starting (and perhaps finishing with) with a semi-auto long gun ban is the right idea.

Aint that the truth.

I can walk out at 4am and not worry about crap here. And I have mentioned before, I cant remember a death by shooting in my 20 years here. (I am sure there has been one but I really cant remember.)

Australia had one mass shooting and quick actions followed and the required results were met.
Its just sad how normalised mass shootings or just death by guns, in general, have been and the corrupted inactions following each mass shooting.
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Since Switzerland doesn't really have an army, all men between 18-34 are issued either an assault rifle or a handgun and have to train for their self defense. It truly is a "well regulated militia". If you ever watch the travel show Rick Steves, he once showed how Switzerland has fake barns and other different things that open up and have an anti-aircraft gun in them or a hidden tank.

I used to work with a lot of the Swiss banks, and every so often one of the analysts would be gone on army training for a month...or more likely complaining about having to go. Most of them took it in stride because they're grown ups. They'd drive tanks, train with their rifles and do whatever drills armies do. And it was mandatory for people of all stripes. Garbage men to attorneys. No one gets out because they have a cushy job.

The last time I had a conversation with anyone over there about it was probably the late 1990s and then after that it just seemed normal someone would be in training from time to time, so I never really talked about it again. But I remember being blown away (no pun intended) when a banker told me he had a machine gun of some sort in his closet at home and he was REQUIRED to have it.

I love how the gun is sitting right next to their wine cabinet:


I thought..."wow" they have machine guns in their homes? But to the Swiss, it's normal. Here's a barn/anti-aircraft gun:



^^^Fake rock.


This Swiss have this down to a science like many other things they do.

I'm seeing a lot of gun rights postings lately--i.e., complete nonsense presented as fact.
Most recent one from a high school friend (who may be auditioning for Infowars):
1. Switzerland gives a gun to every citizen.
2. Switzerland trains every citizen how to use their gun.
3. Switzerland has the world's lowest gun violence rates.
Each of the above statements is demonstrably false (although I suppose #3 could be slightly true if you take that to mean gun violence per civilian-owned gun. Of course Switzerland also has very strict laws about gun registration, etc. Stuff that no gun rights advocate in the U.S. would ever support.
Last week there was a false claim that Israeli teachers are armed and trained by the government (or something along those lines).

I replied, then deleted my reply, re: Switzerland. I just don't need the hassle of a facebook argument with a guy who was not all that bright back in high school, and apparently has not changed much either. Maybe I should have asked him if still smokes a bowl every afternoon around 3pm.
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G. Continuing to poo-poo everything that comes out of social media as “noise”

I wonder what the town criers said about the Guttenberg Press back in the day?
I am tempted to add an "H." option, but personal attacks are apparently frowned upon.

And I guess we now know where you get your news.
I am tempted to add an "H." option, but personal attacks are apparently frowned upon.

And I guess we now know where you get your news.
I use twitter as an aggregator and actually read articles from the sources I trust or find interesting. Adopting peoples’ “takes” from twitter without considering the merits of the take - is for fools.
G. Continuing to poo-poo everything that comes out of social media as “noise”

I wonder what the town criers said about the Guttenberg Press back in the day?
Since a number of prominent "Republicans" and "conservatives" now use Twitter as their primary method for publicizing really stupid things, it behooves some posters to deny the medium matters, rather than deal with the fact that people on their side of the aisle are idiots.
Since a number of prominent "Republicans" and "conservatives" now use Twitter as their primary method for publicizing really stupid things, it behooves some posters to deny the medium matters, rather than deal with the fact that people on their side of the aisle are idiots.
Twits of every political persuasion tweet.
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Twits of every political persuasion tweet.

True, but as the recent USC study shows, the right is much more prone to lap up conspiracies. There’s a reason that left wing conspiracies do t really exist. The left doesn’t buy them.
True, but as the recent USC study shows, the right is much more prone to lap up conspiracies. There’s a reason that left wing conspiracies do t really exist. The left doesn’t buy them.
Link it. The left has been huge on conspiracy theories. Lots of them during the Bush adminstation, for example.
That’s just a particular conspiracy theory. IU-a-att’s links indicate conspiracy theories exist all across the political spectrum and that right, left, or otherwise aren’t necessarily determining factors.

Are you suggesting that the conclusion is incorrect? If so, why? There is a reason that there is no lefty version of Fox News or that there is no real lefty talk radio. The left doesn’t buy the bull shit nearly as much as the right. That doesn’t mean that Louise Mensch doesn’t exist. It just means that far more on the right but into Hannity garbage that the left into Mensch.
Are you suggesting that the conclusion is incorrect? If so, why? There is a reason that there is no lefty version of Fox News or that there is no real lefty talk radio. The left doesn’t buy the bull shit nearly as much as the right. That doesn’t mean that Louise Mensch doesn’t exist. It just means that far more on the right but into Hannity garbage that the left into Mensch.
Your article doesn’t say what you think it says and if you read the other links you’ll see the conspiracy theories aren’t a right or left thing.
Your article doesn’t say what you think it says and if you read the other links you’ll see the conspiracy theories aren’t a right or left thing.
Liberals tend to believe big pharma controls everything, and Monsanto is killing us with GMO products. Conservatives believe Bowling Green was a battle in Jade Helm and Obama did steal everyone's guns.
Liberals tend to believe big pharma controls everything, and Monsanto is killing us with GMO products. Conservatives believe Bowling Green was a battle in Jade Helm and Obama did steal everyone's guns.
You left out big oil.. :) They make way too much profit although percentage wise they don't come close to Apple, Google, etc.:)

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