Sad story from Indiana today


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jun 28, 2015

So terrible.

The school district’s superintendent, Dr. Harold Olin, denied any bullying reports had ever been submitted by either the parents or the boy.

if Harold is found to be lying, he should be hanged in public.

So terrible.

The school district’s superintendent, Dr. Harold Olin, denied any bullying reports had ever been submitted by either the parents or the boy.

if Harold is found to be lying, he should be hanged in public.
Okay this has my tearing up. I cannot imagine. The school is obviously worthless but when it doesn’t stop and nothing is being done pull the kid. Stop subjecting him to it. Find a different school. Do something

So terrible.

The school district’s superintendent, Dr. Harold Olin, denied any bullying reports had ever been submitted by either the parents or the boy.

if Harold is found to be lying, he should be hanged in public.
That is horrible!

So terrible.

The school district’s superintendent, Dr. Harold Olin, denied any bullying reports had ever been submitted by either the parents or the boy.

if Harold is found to be lying, he should be hanged in public.
After several reports of nothing, I think having a lawyer pop in for a chat would be a good idea. This is terrible.

I didn't read it but I have seen the story on Indy news, the other stories mentioned that bullying is up at schools overall.
After several reports of nothing, I think having a lawyer pop in for a chat would be a good idea. This is terrible.

I didn't read it but I have seen the story on Indy news, the other stories mentioned that bullying is up at schools overall.
my daughter goes to a very, very, very woke school. alex in wonderland. mood days. furries. kids dressing like the other gender. woke woke woke and i talk to my daughter and i talk to all of her friends and they spend the night and i take them out to dinners and car pool and one of the teachers up there has been one of my closest friends since high school and i know two others well and all of this is to say that to a person they maintain that there is zero bullying at the school. 6-8 grade. zero. none. everyone is included in everything. so i'm surprised to read that bullying is up and as much as i rag on the woke cult i've counted as a positive byproduct of woke is more accepting kids. i thought that was most kids today
How much of it happens online now and what, legally or administratively, can the schools do?

Watching Jonathan Haidt make the book tours recently has me thinking he’s on to something. But agree on the parents. Force the school to call me about truancy. Find a private. Hold the kid back a year. Anything.

So terrible.

The school district’s superintendent, Dr. Harold Olin, denied any bullying reports had ever been submitted by either the parents or the boy.

if Harold is found to be lying, he should be hanged in public.

So terrible.

The school district’s superintendent, Dr. Harold Olin, denied any bullying reports had ever been submitted by either the parents or the boy.

if Harold is found to be lying, he should be hanged in public.
Horrible, horrible story.

Now, we’ve recently had parents charged and imprisoned because they knew their son had a gun and he used it to kill several classmates.

Do parents bear a similar responsibility here? Difficult question.

So terrible.

The school district’s superintendent, Dr. Harold Olin, denied any bullying reports had ever been submitted by either the parents or the boy.

if Harold is found to be lying, he should be hanged in public.
If they were having multiple conversations, I can’t imagine it wasn’t about the bullying. That just breaks my heart. Bullying is so difficult to deal with. So often when a teacher or administrator intervenes, it makes it even worse, because the bully gets even madder and meaner. But yes, heads are going to roll. And it still won’t bring that poor kid back. Will be interested in seeing more in local reports. Right before the end of the year too.
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How much of it happens online now and what, legally or administratively, can the schools do?

Watching Jonathan Haidt make the book tours recently has me thinking he’s on to something. But agree on the parents. Force the school to call me about truancy. Find a private. Hold the kid back a year. Anything.
I just finished that book and am writing a post on it soon. It’s transforming.

So terrible.

The school district’s superintendent, Dr. Harold Olin, denied any bullying reports had ever been submitted by either the parents or the boy.

if Harold is found to be lying, he should be hanged in public.
Maybe the parents of the bullies should be liable, too. Morally, I don't see how this is any different than those Michigan parents who bought their crazy son a gun.
I dunno if you should really need notice that you're raising an asshole. You should be able to figure that out on your own.
I don’t think so. These kids at that age get dropped off or jump on the bus and you aren’t privy to what they are doing up there. Kids being kids. School calls you and says hey your kid and his friends are bullying the shit out of a kid now you’re on notice. From an actual liability standpoint tho the only defendant id possibly see is the school
I don’t think so. These kids at that age get dropped off or jump on the bus and you aren’t privy to what they are doing up there. Kids being kids. School calls you and says hey your kid and his friends are bullying the shit out of a kid now you’re on notice. From an actual liability standpoint the only defendant id see is the school
Legally, I'm sure you're right. I'm talking morally.
After several reports of nothing, I think having a lawyer pop in for a chat would be a good idea. This is terrible.

I didn't read it but I have seen the story on Indy news, the other stories mentioned that bullying is up at schools overall.
The most awful, awful thing. It's devastating for the family and likely for the larger community as well. Bullying is such a delicate problem because everyone responds differently to different interactions and adults can intensify the problem if it isn't handled well.

It seems like every school insists they are the special place where bullying doesn't occur yet every school has it to some degree.
Bullying is so much worse now because there are no more safe spaces. Everyone is connected online to one another 24/7. So there isn’t even the safety of the home.

I can’t tell you how many bullying cases I’ve turned down because there wasn’t a sufficient paper trail to show the school had notice and dropped the ball. The handful of cases I do take there tends to be really proactive parents or REALLY bad bullies with enough of a history as to get us over a hump.

If you think something’s up with how your kid is being treated at school, say something to someone. There’s no guarantee they’ll protect them but sometimes it’s all you can do.
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my daughter goes to a very, very, very woke school. alex in wonderland. mood days. furries. kids dressing like the other gender. woke woke woke and i talk to my daughter and i talk to all of her friends and they spend the night and i take them out to dinners and car pool and one of the teachers up there has been one of my closest friends since high school and i know two others well and all of this is to say that to a person they maintain that there is zero bullying at the school. 6-8 grade. zero. none. everyone is included in everything. so i'm surprised to read that bullying is up and as much as i rag on the woke cult i've counted as a positive byproduct of woke is more accepting kids. i thought that was most kids today

Wow... Daily SBX consumer. Kid enrolled in ultra woke school. Not your typical dream team leadership resume

Horrible, horrible story.

Now, we’ve recently had parents charged and imprisoned because they knew their son had a gun and he used it to kill several classmates.

Do parents bear a similar responsibility here? Difficult question.
If they know about it happening repeatedly, yes. If they were told about once maybe not, but if they were told multiple & don’t jerk a knot in little Johnnie’s chain they should be made to suffer.
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How much of it happens online now and what, legally or administratively, can the schools do?

Watching Jonathan Haidt make the book tours recently has me thinking he’s on to something. But agree on the parents. Force the school to call me about truancy. Find a private. Hold the kid back a year. Anything.

While overall I agree, this kid was 10 (likely no phone or limited phone use) and it sounds like he was having problems on the bus, at school, in-person, etc. with physical assaults and the like. Now, I'll be the first to admit I was an asshole at times as a kid, as are many.

I don't recall consistently targeting a single person for long durations, but either way, I'm thankful I didn't push anyone to that limit.
While overall I agree, this kid was 10 (likely no phone or limited phone use) and it sounds like he was having problems on the bus, at school, in-person, etc. with physical assaults and the like. Now, I'll be the first to admit I was an asshole at times as a kid, as are many.

I don't recall consistently targeting a single person for long durations, but either way, I'm thankful I didn't push anyone to that limit.

At that age I was an asshole too. I can't tell you why, but for some reason by the time I got to junior high I more often was sticking up for the dweebs who were getting picked on. I was still an asshole, but aimed my ire at those who could take it.
If you think something’s up with how your kid is being treated at school, say something to someone. There’s no guarantee they’ll protect them but sometimes it’s all you can do.

This seems to be the problem from the story. Now, the school has a right to defend itself, but if the parents raised concerns and the kid was physically beaten, glasses broken, etc. and they didn't do much to fix the problem, they have blood on their hands.
At that age I was an asshole too. I can't tell you why, but for some reason by the time I got to junior high I more often was sticking up for the dweebs who were getting picked on. I was still an asshole, but aimed my ire at those who could take it.
Gave my sister stitches.

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I dunno if you should really need notice that you're raising an asshole. You should be able to figure that out on your own.

My sense is that too many parents are self-absorbed or oblivious to this fact. My middle kid looks a younger version of the kid from the story and gets pushed around by his friends more than he'd like. In particular, there is one kid who's about the same build but is overly aggressive and physical. I don't think he's intentionally being an asshole, but his parents do nothing to put him in his place. I've thought about saying something, but haven't.

The writing is probably on the wall as he has stopped inviting him to his birthday parties, etc.
At that age I was an asshole too. I can't tell you why, but for some reason by the time I got to junior high I more often was sticking up for the dweebs who were getting picked on. I was still an asshole, but aimed my ire at those who could take it.
We had fistfights in high school but no bullying. In fact if we saw bullying we’d have put an end to it pretty quickly. It seems like that 10-13 age group seems to unfortunately be the sweet spot. Heartrending
We had fistfights in high school but no bullying. In fact if we saw bullying we’d have put an end to it pretty quickly. It seems like that 10-13 age group seems to unfortunately be the sweet spot. Heartrending
I can't unsee this. It's so awful. 10. Poor kid. Poor family. I don't think I could live after something like this.