Sad story from Indiana today

I can't unsee this. It's so awful. 10. Poor kid. Poor family. I don't think I could live after something like this.
i can't either and i couldn't either. i just don't understand as a parent how 1) you don't take a flamethrower to the school or 2) stop sending your kid. did they think it'd toughen him up or this is something he just has to go through. lose the forest for the trees. i don't know. i can't imagine letting my kid suffer and get to that point. find a new school. **** homeschool. whatever. anything.

on a little lighter note. this is a jdb special. he pulls this shit every few weeks
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So terrible.

The school district’s superintendent, Dr. Harold Olin, denied any bullying reports had ever been submitted by either the parents or the boy.

if Harold is found to be lying, he should be hanged in public.

Terrible story has been on the news everywhere here for a few days.

Made me ill reading it
When do you have time to read? At night instead of tv ? I guess I could read now but instead I’m going to watch that Ashley Madison documentary on Netflix.
I’m kind of ADD. I’ll read while I’m watching things like VPR, or if it’s something I need to concentrate on I’ll watch for 30 minutes, read for 30 etc. Always before bed. Can’t sleep without it.
i can't either and i couldn't either. i just don't understand as a parent how 1) you don't take a flamethrower to the school or 2) stop sending your kid. did they think it'd toughen him up or this is something he just has to go through. lose the forest for the trees. i don't know. i can't imagine letting my kid suffer and get to that point. find a new school. **** homeschool. whatever. anything.

on a little lighter note. this is a jdb special. he pulls this shit every few weeks
It could have been the little guy downplayed it some too. As sad as it is, some kids are ashamed of being bullied and don’t tell their parents the true extent of it.
my daughter goes to a very, very, very woke school. alex in wonderland. mood days. furries. kids dressing like the other gender. woke woke woke and i talk to my daughter and i talk to all of her friends and they spend the night and i take them out to dinners and car pool and one of the teachers up there has been one of my closest friends since high school and i know two others well and all of this is to say that to a person they maintain that there is zero bullying at the school. 6-8 grade. zero. none. everyone is included in everything. so i'm surprised to read that bullying is up and as much as i rag on the woke cult i've counted as a positive byproduct of woke is more accepting kids. i thought that was most kids today
It is brutal. Unfortunately, it is much worse than you think-especially at the high school level. Not necessarily the physical stuff but the psychological torture by kids on line.

4 years ago when my youngest was a junior in high school, a bunch of girls were online and randomly started posting sexual prowess ratings of various kids in school. It was all made up of course, but one of the kids that was "shamed" was one of my son's friends. This torture went on for a couple of weeks. My kid's buddy sank into an awful depression as you might imagine, so my son decided to take matters into his own hands and fight back against the girls. The school finally intervened and suspended the girls, but the damage was already done.

Back in the day problems could be resolved with a simple fist fight. Not that I'm advocating for that, but it was simple and effective. The psychological terror today due to social media is brutal. Neither one of my kids is in high school anymore, but I do know their former school actively watches social media postings where possible to identify and put a stop to this stuff where possible. It is still a game of whack a mole however. Another reason social media will bring the downfall of civilization.
It is brutal. Unfortunately, it is much worse than you think-especially at the high school level. Not necessarily the physical stuff but the psychological torture by kids on line.

4 years ago when my youngest was a junior in high school, a bunch of girls were online and randomly started posting sexual prowess ratings of various kids in school. It was all made up of course, but one of the kids that was "shamed" was one of my son's friends. This torture went on for a couple of weeks. My kid's buddy sank into an awful depression as you might imagine, so my son decided to take matters into his own hands and fight back against the girls. The school finally intervened and suspended the girls, but the damage was already done.

Back in the day problems could be resolved with a simple fist fight. Not that I'm advocating for that, but it was simple and effective. The psychological terror today due to social media is brutal. Neither one of my kids is in high school anymore, but I do know their former school actively watches social media postings where possible to identify and put a stop to this stuff where possible. It is still a game of whack a mole however. Another reason social media will bring the downfall of civilization.
Oh. My. God. That is frightening to hear. Good on your son to do something!! Social media and these damn phones. Snapchat. Instagram. The offending message disappears; it’s literally like whack a mole
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Oh. My. God. That is frightening to hear. Good on your son to do something!! Social media and these damn phones. Snapchat. Instagram. The offending message disappears; it’s literally like whack a mole
This is at a local school, where IU recruit Trent Sisley goes to school. ISP announced that they have suspects but won’t release the names due to being juveniles, but I’ll be interested to hear some details from my nieces who also go to school there. This stuff needs to be dealt with harshly & can cause real harm. I’m not going to read the article about the ten year old.
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Cannot stop thinking about this. I think of all my quirky kids who were bullied. 10 year olds are mean and insecure and pick on everyone. It really doesn’t necessarily reflect of families or how they will grow up. I think of course if his family, but it will leave a heavy mark on all those kids who bullied, as it should. Even those who didn’t, will be questioning if they could have done more. Think of all his teachers wondering what they should/could have done. I saw his GoFundMe has raised a bunch of money and family is getting lots of support. Nothing will bring him back.
Cannot stop thinking about this. I think of all my quirky kids who were bullied. 10 year olds are mean and insecure and pick on everyone. It really doesn’t necessarily reflect of families or how they will grow up. I think of course if his family, but it will leave a heavy mark on all those kids who bullied, as it should. Even those who didn’t, will be questioning if they could have done more. Think of all his teachers wondering what they should/could have done. I saw his GoFundMe has raised a bunch of money and family is getting lots of support. Nothing will bring him back.
can you link the gofundme for this?
Happened to my daughter back in 2014 her 7th grade year. Bullying started online then in school, mainly because she wouldn't talk to a certain boy who liked her. Everyone treats things differently, I went to the school told the Principle and Asst Principle that if my daughter was harmed or the bullying persisted I would have their jobs. I then reported it to the police who made a trip to the school and had a sit down with the group in question and it all stopped.

One of the kids was being raised by his Grandparents due to both of his parents being complete deadbeats, the Grandmother called me and apologized for his behavior. Another who was being raised by a single Mom (who also was a deadbeat) and didn't know her Dad. The Mother also called me but in this case threaten me, that didn't go over well for her. I have zero sympathy for total pieces of shit and let her know as much on the phone.
Happened to my daughter back in 2014 her 7th grade year. Bullying started online then in school, mainly because she wouldn't talk to a certain boy who liked her. Everyone treats things differently, I went to the school told the Principle and Asst Principle that if my daughter was harmed or the bullying persisted I would have their jobs. I then reported it to the police who made a trip to the school and had a sit down with the group in question and it all stopped.

One of the kids was being raised by his Grandparents due to both of his parents being complete deadbeats, the Grandmother called me and apologized for his behavior. Another who was being raised by a single Mom (who also was a deadbeat) and didn't know her Dad. The Mother also called me but in this case threaten me, that didn't go over well for her. I have zero sympathy for total pieces of shit and let her know as much on the phone.
Similar story for my son. 6th grade, his mom had just moved to Johnson County. He was miserable, wasn't seeing me as much now, felt isolated. Confided in a kid who then turned his little minions on my son to make fun of him about everything imaginable. I was driving down there all the time meeting with teachers and trading emails on an almost daily basis with a few who were keeping an eye on him and his bullies. Final straw was a bunch of them pinning him down in the locker room after gym class and throwing his clothes in the toilet. He stayed with me for the rest of the week and didn't go to school while I burned up the phone trying get an appointment with the principal. That's where my guardian angel showed his face.

A buddy knew Scott Montross and Scott was nice enough to give me some of his time to listen and formulate a strategy for me. I walked into that meeting and was told the principal was called away and I'd be meeting with the assistant principal. After about 15 minutes of banter where I was told nobody was aware of this situation and they'd begin keeping tabs on the offenders, I did exactly what Scott suggested. I had copies of emails with the teachers. I had the student handbook with the zero tolerance language. I had statutes. I had case law. I had it all and I laid it out with a smile on my face. The principal was suddenly back from her urgent matter that had called her away. Kids got suspended. Parents of kids apologized to me and forced their kids to apologize to my son. The superintendent met with me. I was a local celebrity for a hot minute in a locality where I didn't live.

Only one follow on incident and it was with one of the kids who was suspended. His POS dad wanted to kick my ass. After meeting him face to face by accident at my daughter's baseball game, he decided it was all cool after all and he make sure his son wouldn't bother mine anymore.

I read a story like this one and think how lucky I am to be able to call on friends for help and get it, be at least bright enough to recognize and follow good advice, and not be afraid of the confrontation with POS dad. Years later on a backpacking trip with my son, he told me that he didn't know what to do and that he thought about running away or worse. I had a hard time sleeping that night. Can't imagine how these parents in the OP are sleeping at all. I hope that the Superintendent and anyone who didn't do anything to help burn.

I'm pissed off and shaking right now just thinking about this.
Similar story for my son. 6th grade, his mom had just moved to Johnson County. He was miserable, wasn't seeing me as much now, felt isolated. Confided in a kid who then turned his little minions on my son to make fun of him about everything imaginable. I was driving down there all the time meeting with teachers and trading emails on an almost daily basis with a few who were keeping an eye on him and his bullies. Final straw was a bunch of them pinning him down in the locker room after gym class and throwing his clothes in the toilet. He stayed with me for the rest of the week and didn't go to school while I burned up the phone trying get an appointment with the principal. That's where my guardian angel showed his face.

A buddy knew Scott Montross and Scott was nice enough to give me some of his time to listen and formulate a strategy for me. I walked into that meeting and was told the principal was called away and I'd be meeting with the assistant principal. After about 15 minutes of banter where I was told nobody was aware of this situation and they'd begin keeping tabs on the offenders, I did exactly what Scott suggested. I had copies of emails with the teachers. I had the student handbook with the zero tolerance language. I had statutes. I had case law. I had it all and I laid it out with a smile on my face. The principal was suddenly back from her urgent matter that had called her away. Kids got suspended. Parents of kids apologized to me and forced their kids to apologize to my son. The superintendent met with me. I was a local celebrity for a hot minute in a locality where I didn't live.

Only one follow on incident and it was with one of the kids who was suspended. His POS dad wanted to kick my ass. After meeting him face to face by accident at my daughter's baseball game, he decided it was all cool after all and he make sure his son wouldn't bother mine anymore.

I read a story like this one and think how lucky I am to be able to call on friends for help and get it, be at least bright enough to recognize and follow good advice, and not be afraid of the confrontation with POS dad. Years later on a backpacking trip with my son, he told me that he didn't know what to do and that he thought about running away or worse. I had a hard time sleeping that night. Can't imagine how these parents in the OP are sleeping at all. I hope that the Superintendent and anyone who didn't do anything to help burn.

I'm pissed off and shaking right now just thinking about this.
My god hooky. 😞
Similar story for my son. 6th grade, his mom had just moved to Johnson County. He was miserable, wasn't seeing me as much now, felt isolated. Confided in a kid who then turned his little minions on my son to make fun of him about everything imaginable. I was driving down there all the time meeting with teachers and trading emails on an almost daily basis with a few who were keeping an eye on him and his bullies. Final straw was a bunch of them pinning him down in the locker room after gym class and throwing his clothes in the toilet. He stayed with me for the rest of the week and didn't go to school while I burned up the phone trying get an appointment with the principal. That's where my guardian angel showed his face.

A buddy knew Scott Montross and Scott was nice enough to give me some of his time to listen and formulate a strategy for me. I walked into that meeting and was told the principal was called away and I'd be meeting with the assistant principal. After about 15 minutes of banter where I was told nobody was aware of this situation and they'd begin keeping tabs on the offenders, I did exactly what Scott suggested. I had copies of emails with the teachers. I had the student handbook with the zero tolerance language. I had statutes. I had case law. I had it all and I laid it out with a smile on my face. The principal was suddenly back from her urgent matter that had called her away. Kids got suspended. Parents of kids apologized to me and forced their kids to apologize to my son. The superintendent met with me. I was a local celebrity for a hot minute in a locality where I didn't live.

Only one follow on incident and it was with one of the kids who was suspended. His POS dad wanted to kick my ass. After meeting him face to face by accident at my daughter's baseball game, he decided it was all cool after all and he make sure his son wouldn't bother mine anymore.

I read a story like this one and think how lucky I am to be able to call on friends for help and get it, be at least bright enough to recognize and follow good advice, and not be afraid of the confrontation with POS dad. Years later on a backpacking trip with my son, he told me that he didn't know what to do and that he thought about running away or worse. I had a hard time sleeping that night. Can't imagine how these parents in the OP are sleeping at all. I hope that the Superintendent and anyone who didn't do anything to help burn.

I'm pissed off and shaking right now just thinking about this.
you are correct it is good knowing people, I was really good friends with the the officer at the school and made the police trip to the school happen. I wasn't about to sit back and do nothing, it just wasn't an option.
Tragic story but something isn't adding up here.
I agree with this. The superintendent would have to be the dumbest guy of all time to say there were no reports of bullying filed if there in fact were verifiable emails or the like that can prove to the contrary.
I dunno if you should really need notice that you're raising an asshole. You should be able to figure that out on your own.
It’s typically a group of kids, not just one. The lone wolf Nelson-from-the-Simpsons style bully doesn’t really exist anymore. It’s a group of kids that have low self-esteem that decide to pick on a kid that they are jealous of or feel superior to. And yes, the parents of those kids are typically world-class pricks and that’s why the kids are too.
Similar story for my son. 6th grade, his mom had just moved to Johnson County. He was miserable, wasn't seeing me as much now, felt isolated. Confided in a kid who then turned his little minions on my son to make fun of him about everything imaginable. I was driving down there all the time meeting with teachers and trading emails on an almost daily basis with a few who were keeping an eye on him and his bullies. Final straw was a bunch of them pinning him down in the locker room after gym class and throwing his clothes in the toilet. He stayed with me for the rest of the week and didn't go to school while I burned up the phone trying get an appointment with the principal. That's where my guardian angel showed his face.

A buddy knew Scott Montross and Scott was nice enough to give me some of his time to listen and formulate a strategy for me. I walked into that meeting and was told the principal was called away and I'd be meeting with the assistant principal. After about 15 minutes of banter where I was told nobody was aware of this situation and they'd begin keeping tabs on the offenders, I did exactly what Scott suggested. I had copies of emails with the teachers. I had the student handbook with the zero tolerance language. I had statutes. I had case law. I had it all and I laid it out with a smile on my face. The principal was suddenly back from her urgent matter that had called her away. Kids got suspended. Parents of kids apologized to me and forced their kids to apologize to my son. The superintendent met with me. I was a local celebrity for a hot minute in a locality where I didn't live.

Only one follow on incident and it was with one of the kids who was suspended. His POS dad wanted to kick my ass. After meeting him face to face by accident at my daughter's baseball game, he decided it was all cool after all and he make sure his son wouldn't bother mine anymore.

I read a story like this one and think how lucky I am to be able to call on friends for help and get it, be at least bright enough to recognize and follow good advice, and not be afraid of the confrontation with POS dad. Years later on a backpacking trip with my son, he told me that he didn't know what to do and that he thought about running away or worse. I had a hard time sleeping that night. Can't imagine how these parents in the OP are sleeping at all. I hope that the Superintendent and anyone who didn't do anything to help burn.

I'm pissed off and shaking right now just thinking about this.
While I think you handled it nearly perfectly, I would’ve probably gone to local media to explain how inept the leadership at that school is and give them all the receipts. Those administrators should’ve been fired instantly.
Happened to my daughter back in 2014 her 7th grade year. Bullying started online then in school, mainly because she wouldn't talk to a certain boy who liked her. Everyone treats things differently, I went to the school told the Principle and Asst Principle that if my daughter was harmed or the bullying persisted I would have their jobs. I then reported it to the police who made a trip to the school and had a sit down with the group in question and it all stopped.

One of the kids was being raised by his Grandparents due to both of his parents being complete deadbeats, the Grandmother called me and apologized for his behavior. Another who was being raised by a single Mom (who also was a deadbeat) and didn't know her Dad. The Mother also called me but in this case threaten me, that didn't go over well for her. I have zero sympathy for total pieces of shit and let her know as much on the phone.
I'm willing to wager a bet that somewhere north of 95% of the time, the parents of the offenders are total POS. I know every bully I ever came across, growing up in 3 different schools systems, inevitably had SH*T Stains for parents. Doesn't take the kid off of the hook, but it still comes down to the parents the vast majority of the time.

Also, I wouldn't be too harsh on the victims parents in this instance. Greenfield (as I know it), isn't exactly a wealthy community and sometimes there's only so many options a parent has. I could have afforded to send my kids to a private school or move if need be....not everyone is so lucky.

One last item I'll address regarding the "Woke" schools that McMurtry talked about. He's right. I've had kids at small rural "hick" schools and I've had kids at some of the highest rated "woke" schools in the state. Plain and simple, bullying is still more tolerated at the non-woke schools. And I say this freely admitting that I would take my kids back to the small school if needed. Still good educators and great peeps there....but it's definitely different.
I don’t want this to evolve into a big argument about the education system, but one of the things that happen at “woke” schools that some parents try to fight as non academic are put in place to address bullying. Team meetings every morning, discussing feelings, concepts such as kindness and empathy, working together, watching out for others, everyone is good at something, no one is good at everything, conflict resolution. It doesn’t do away with the problem, but it helps.
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I'm willing to wager a bet that somewhere north of 95% of the time, the parents of the offenders are total POS. I know every bully I ever came across, growing up in 3 different schools systems, inevitably had SH*T Stains for parents. Doesn't take the kid off of the hook, but it still comes down to the parents the vast majority of the time.
This is spot on in my experience.

And somehow, the bully always seems to be able to rope kids in who were raised to know better.
I agree with this. The superintendent would have to be the dumbest guy of all time to say there were no reports of bullying filed if there in fact were verifiable emails or the like that can prove to the contrary.
Yeah, just so many "huh" moments in this story.
I don’t want this to evolve into a big argument about the education system, but one of the things that happen at “woke” schools that some parents try to fight as non academic are put in place to address bullying. Team meetings every morning, discussing feelings, concepts such as kindness and empathy, working together, watching out for others, everyone is good at something, no one is good at everything, conflict resolution. It doesn’t do away with the problem, but it helps.
I might be naive but as I said my daughter’s crowd is incredibly mixed and they all maintain it doesn’t exist at their school. All seem genuinely happy. Maybe we found a benefit of woke
on a little lighter note. this is a jdb special. he pulls this shit every few weeks

Bitch, what are you trying to say?

Similar story for my son. 6th grade, his mom had just moved to Johnson County. He was miserable, wasn't seeing me as much now, felt isolated. Confided in a kid who then turned his little minions on my son to make fun of him about everything imaginable. I was driving down there all the time meeting with teachers and trading emails on an almost daily basis with a few who were keeping an eye on him and his bullies. Final straw was a bunch of them pinning him down in the locker room after gym class and throwing his clothes in the toilet. He stayed with me for the rest of the week and didn't go to school while I burned up the phone trying get an appointment with the principal. That's where my guardian angel showed his face.

A buddy knew Scott Montross and Scott was nice enough to give me some of his time to listen and formulate a strategy for me. I walked into that meeting and was told the principal was called away and I'd be meeting with the assistant principal. After about 15 minutes of banter where I was told nobody was aware of this situation and they'd begin keeping tabs on the offenders, I did exactly what Scott suggested. I had copies of emails with the teachers. I had the student handbook with the zero tolerance language. I had statutes. I had case law. I had it all and I laid it out with a smile on my face. The principal was suddenly back from her urgent matter that had called her away. Kids got suspended. Parents of kids apologized to me and forced their kids to apologize to my son. The superintendent met with me. I was a local celebrity for a hot minute in a locality where I didn't live.

Only one follow on incident and it was with one of the kids who was suspended. His POS dad wanted to kick my ass. After meeting him face to face by accident at my daughter's baseball game, he decided it was all cool after all and he make sure his son wouldn't bother mine anymore.

I read a story like this one and think how lucky I am to be able to call on friends for help and get it, be at least bright enough to recognize and follow good advice, and not be afraid of the confrontation with POS dad. Years later on a backpacking trip with my son, he told me that he didn't know what to do and that he thought about running away or worse. I had a hard time sleeping that night. Can't imagine how these parents in the OP are sleeping at all. I hope that the Superintendent and anyone who didn't do anything to help burn.

I'm pissed off and shaking right now just thinking about this.
You're a good dad, hooky. Please tell me you sauntered into that school meeting with your NBs on. They knew then and there that this was not a man to be trifled with.

I thought we were headed for a similar situation with my son his 4th grade year. No physical bullying, but some taunting and teasing from a shithead who then got a couple of the cool kids to join him. My boy, an unusually enthusiastic, outgoing kid, didn't want to go school anymore.

I did not take anywhere near the steps you took, but things worked out. Now the shithead has been 86ed from that group and my son is firmly entrenched.
You're a good dad, hooky. Please tell me you sauntered into that school meeting with your NBs on. They knew then and there that this was not a man to be trifled with.

I thought we were headed for a similar situation with my son his 4th grade year. No physical bullying, but some taunting and teasing from a shithead who then got a couple of the cool kids to join him. My boy, an unusually enthusiastic, outgoing kid, didn't want to go school anymore.

I did not take anywhere near the steps you took, but things worked out. Now the shithead has been 86ed from that group and my son is firmly entrenched.
That’s what’s so heartbreaking. These kids don’t have the bandwidth to understand that this isn’t forever. It’ll pass. And they’ll get to high school or college or work or life and find theirs.

Just not much more heartrending
Similar story for my son. 6th grade, his mom had just moved to Johnson County. He was miserable, wasn't seeing me as much now, felt isolated. Confided in a kid who then turned his little minions on my son to make fun of him about everything imaginable. I was driving down there all the time meeting with teachers and trading emails on an almost daily basis with a few who were keeping an eye on him and his bullies. Final straw was a bunch of them pinning him down in the locker room after gym class and throwing his clothes in the toilet. He stayed with me for the rest of the week and didn't go to school while I burned up the phone trying get an appointment with the principal. That's where my guardian angel showed his face.

A buddy knew Scott Montross and Scott was nice enough to give me some of his time to listen and formulate a strategy for me. I walked into that meeting and was told the principal was called away and I'd be meeting with the assistant principal. After about 15 minutes of banter where I was told nobody was aware of this situation and they'd begin keeping tabs on the offenders, I did exactly what Scott suggested. I had copies of emails with the teachers. I had the student handbook with the zero tolerance language. I had statutes. I had case law. I had it all and I laid it out with a smile on my face. The principal was suddenly back from her urgent matter that had called her away. Kids got suspended. Parents of kids apologized to me and forced their kids to apologize to my son. The superintendent met with me. I was a local celebrity for a hot minute in a locality where I didn't live.

Only one follow on incident and it was with one of the kids who was suspended. His POS dad wanted to kick my ass. After meeting him face to face by accident at my daughter's baseball game, he decided it was all cool after all and he make sure his son wouldn't bother mine anymore.

I read a story like this one and think how lucky I am to be able to call on friends for help and get it, be at least bright enough to recognize and follow good advice, and not be afraid of the confrontation with POS dad. Years later on a backpacking trip with my son, he told me that he didn't know what to do and that he thought about running away or worse. I had a hard time sleeping that night. Can't imagine how these parents in the OP are sleeping at all. I hope that the Superintendent and anyone who didn't do anything to help burn.

I'm pissed off and shaking right now just thinking about this.

Damn, this hits way too close for you. On the bright side, you are a good man and a good dad Hooky. I'm glad your son knows this.

I don’t want this to evolve into a big argument about the education system, but one of the things that happen at “woke” schools that some parents try to fight as non academic are put in place to address bullying. Team meetings every morning, discussing feelings, concepts such as kindness and empathy, working together, watching out for others, everyone is good at something, no one is good at everything, conflict resolution. It doesn’t do away with the problem, but it helps.
No male role models. Nor enough “maleness” in K-12 education.

Don’t get me wrong, but lessons in kindness, empathy, feelings, working together are all female things. Males learn through competition, , experiencing losing, meeting challenges, individual problem solving, and learning about consequences. Post George Floyd saw many districts get rid of cops in schools. Boys need the structure and discipline a police presence provides. They need that more than classes about empathy and feelings.

I have no clue about this school in question. But as a general matter, boys are getting shafted by the female education structure.
No male role models. Nor enough “maleness” in K-12 education.

Don’t get me wrong, but lessons in kindness, empathy, feelings, working together are all female things. Males learn through competition, , experiencing losing, meeting challenges, individual problem solving, and learning about consequences. Post George Floyd saw many districts get rid of cops in schools. Boys need the structure and discipline a police presence provides. They need that more than classes about empathy and feelings.

I have no clue about this school in question. But as a general matter, boys are getting shafted by the female education structure.
No, those are not female things. Those are human being things. And it would be nice to see more males in education, particularly in elementary. Why do you think there aren’t more?
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Thanks for good dad comments. I didn't set out looking for attaboys. That story just stirred up some stuff for me.

You send your kids off for hours a day and expect the adults in charge to be decent.
You do for sure but at some point not far down the road you need to get aggressive as you did. My heart pours for these parents in the story but they fckd up big time and they failed that little boy
I don’t want this to evolve into a big argument about the education system, but one of the things that happen at “woke” schools that some parents try to fight as non academic are put in place to address bullying. Team meetings every morning, discussing feelings, concepts such as kindness and empathy, working together, watching out for others, everyone is good at something, no one is good at everything, conflict resolution. It doesn’t do away with the problem, but it helps.
The data don’t support the idea that youth suicide or bullying has fallen as DEI, SEL and other woke programs have been introduced to schools.

That doesn’t necessarily mean those program are responsible for the increase but there is no evidence they help. Other than your anecdotal opinion.

And COH is correct that feminized education with a focus on empathy and kindness is a poor way to build character and discipline in men. It’s the same reason fatherlessness causes so many issues.

So terrible.

The school district’s superintendent, Dr. Harold Olin, denied any bullying reports had ever been submitted by either the parents or the boy.

if Harold is found to be lying, he should be hanged in public.
That poor kid. Imagine how bad you must feel to take your own life.

I'm not blaming the parents in any way, but if they had gone to the school 20 times about bullying and nothing happened.. I would find another school for the kid.
That poor kid. Imagine how bad you must feel to take your own life.

I'm not blaming the parents in any way, but if they had gone to the school 20 times about bullying and nothing happened.. I would find another school for the kid.
or escalated it one of ten other ways. It just doesn't make sense.
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