Look up Dunning- Kruger Effect, it explains a lot about Trump and the Trumptards and why they're so clueless, and why we get so irritated at them for speaking. It also explains why you try to reason with them. You actually believe they use reasoning only because you do. You actually expect them to explain their reasoning. They can't.Tell me why I try to reason with them? Absolutely no point. All you need to know is that they voted for Trump to know that they could care less about facts and reasoning.
They don't have enough information, therefore they don't know which information is actually valid. Basically they're so ignorant, they don't know how truly ignorant they are, and cannot in any way determine who or what else is ignorant. So, they just believe things that fit their view of the world.
The opposite of that are people who do have information and are smart enough to gather it in a reasonable logical manner, who expect others to do the same as easily.
Then there's this whole narrative being spewed that we have to consider what these people want. We're not supposed to intelligence shame them. Basically, blackmailing the smart and knowledgeable by being stupid and ignorant and then the smart have to appease the needs and thoughts of the stupid. I refuse to enable stupid.
Whomever said "beware of stupid people in masses" was a freakin genius.
This whole exercise in Trumptardation, has basically convinced me that democracy will only work if a nation has an educated, knowledgeable, and intelligent public voting. As this Nov. has shown us, we have way too many dumb, misinformed, ignorant and uneducated people.
If idiots vote, they will likely vote for an idiot, and then we have Idiocracy.
The only valid excuse for voting for him and one I hear from the rare, unicorn like, smart Trumptard, are those that surround the common pub con views on economy and deregulation. He is furthering their agenda.
But those people are basically selling the soul and integrity of this country to a buffoon who is nothing more than a useful idiot to them. Though more intelligent, and informed than the common Trumptard, I hold them in as much contempt, if not more, because they should fking know better.
#sad ....
This is the only person on the planet winning from this. His legacy is getting brighter each passing day. I look at him now and think, "hey, he wasn't so bad - at least he wasn't bat-shit fking insane."
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