Republican anti-vaxers are stalling US race to herd immunity

Me too. I'd have no problem with that with life going back to normal for the proven vaccinated. As you can tell on this forum, a lot of people think having to show a vaccine card is in violation to their freedom.

I'm not fear mongering. I'm relaying what medical professionals say since you seem to be in the dark. It's not my fault if you can't handle the truth.
The Indy 500 is back on with a live crowd this year and I'm going. They've reduced the numbers allowed to go to ONLY 130,000. ;) They also aren't allowing anyone into the infield (usually, that's packed with as many people as want to go). I have two tickets in turn 1 every year with 18 others, but I'm only using one ticket this year and some of our group aren't using either of their tickets. I might have a little leg room this year which will be nice, and since I'll be drinking constantly I won't have a mask on my face very often . . . not that I care since I'm fully vaccinated. Anyone there that isn't vaccinated is there at their own risk and I'm not concerned with them.
I don't care if snot-nosed kids wear masks outdoors indefinitely.
Why does the CDC say unvaccinated adults can go maskless in certain situations but not kids?

No idea. Did they specifically say kids couldn't go maskless in those situations?

Probably would be rare for adults to be maskless while making their kids wear masks. could be wrong.
Me too. I'd have no problem with that with life going back to normal for the proven vaccinated. As you can tell on this forum, a lot of people think having to show a vaccine card is in violation to their freedom.

I'm not fear mongering. I'm relaying what medical professionals say since you seem to be in the dark. It's not my fault if you can't handle the truth.
Here's the CDC guidance:
If you're vaccinated, go nuts but consider masking up around strangers
If you aren't, you're at risk around strangers and should certainly mask up, especially indoors
No idea. Did they specifically say kids couldn't go maskless in those situations?

Probably would be rare for adults to be maskless while making their kids wear masks. could be wrong.
I've watched the clip and I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding him or he's misunderstanding Guthrie or if we're all understanding each other and he really does mean to say that kids "shouldn't even walk with their parents without masks outside".
i don't understand this either. maybe someone can educate me. if you're young, strong and healthy and don't feel like putting a non fda approved drug into your system why should you as long as those who are vulnerable are getting vaccinated to protect themselves. back to normal living for everyone

we're not going to reach herd immunity so throw that out.
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You are ****ing off your rocker. There's no pleasing you... You mentioned CRAZIES, and I linked to a freaking NY Times story about how the QAnon CRAZIES have switched from "Stop the Steal" to "Stop the Vaccine" in a thread about how Republicans Anti-Vaxxers are stalling the drive to "herd immunity...

Not only was my post perfectly in line with the actual THREAD TITLE/SUBJECT, but it also served as a perfect segue to your comment about the CRAZIES who were exposed to us in the past year by providing an update on the shift in tactics by the Chief Crazies. I thought I was corroborating and expanding on the point YOU made, which was MY intention. Instead, you decided to (purposely?) misinterpret the entire POINT I was making and launch one of your patented, ignorant, vitriolic personal attacks on me.

My post was about extremist groups, particularly QAnon.I didn't imply that anti-vaxxers were any one specific group, as plenty of other groups (leftists, reluctant POC etc...) have been discussed elsewhere in the thread to great length.I do highly doubt that any of the fears from those groups coincide with the claims of people like David Icke, who is basically the epitome of a walking QAnon "theorist". From the NYT article...

"On Telegram, channels frequented by tens of thousands of QAnon followers are full of videos warning of the dire consequences of taking the vaccine. For example, David Icke, a British serial conspiracy theorist, posted a video called “Murder by Vaccine” saying that it transformed the nature of the human body. (The claims that the vaccines change human DNA are false.)

Mr. Icke was previously best known for pushing the idea that the world was controlled by shape-shifting alien lizards who inhabited a global network of underground tunnels."

My extended family is 99.9 % GOP, all likely voted for Trump, and based on what I've heard are basically 100% vaccine compliant. But as far as I know, None of them consider QAnon anything but a group of total nutjobs. And I think I can pretty safely say that NONE of them (or anyone they would even consider associating with) believe in "shape-shifting alien lizards". So I definitely was not trying to lump or imply anything about "all Republicans" in my post about the updated activities about extremist groups like QAnon.
What I've read is that people who have previously had COVID have the same level of protection after 1 vaccination as others after both vaccinations. Since it is already more dangerous for those folks, why force them to have 2 vaccinations?

But nobody is saying this, because they just want unthinking obedience.

Nobody is recommending that, since it MIGHT be true, but has in no way been PROVEN to be true.

You don't risk unnecessary death by making a perhaps incorrect recommendation based on a "best guess"

The two dose regimen was tried and worked in clinical trials, and included a few people who happened to also get natural infection by being unknowingly infected soon before or soon after the first dose. I know, since I am one of those! I got mild Covid days after dose 1, from an exposure 3 days after the first jab. Jab #2 a month later went just fine.
For sure. But the goal remains the same: to get as many vaccinated as possible. To only cite right wingers is political in and of itself and immaterial to the goal. All these damn blacks and gays from the left are slowing us down. Why isn’t dem leadership actively pushing a campaign to get them vaccinated?!! Are they complicit in keeping Covid going? Who cares what the political motivation is - the result is the same. Anything can be made political
Some basic math on population demographics in the US can tell you the key driver of the problem, hillbillies. Yet you still find a way to turn the argument to blacks and gays. Predictable
Some basic math on population demographics in the US can tell you the key driver of the problem, hillbillies. Yet you still find a way to turn the argument to blacks and gays. Predictable
Irony. Look up who are the most vulnerable. By a wide margin. That’s where the drive should be to get vaccinated. Herd immunity isn’t happening. But no. Focus on the white hillbillies. They’re like roaches. Their chance of dying is zilch unless they’re super old.

No difft than ignoring the endless murders in the cities to focus on the white guy with an AR15. Predictable.

It’s all just politics. BS
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If Biden came out tomorrow and said fully vaccinated people can resume a mask less, un-distanced life 100%, would that help kick the lagging young population into gear? I think it probably would.

But how do you enforce such a thing without some sort of unconstitutional, draconian passport?
Unconstitutional? What part of the Constitution would a vaccination passport violate?
Irony. Look up who are the most vulnerable. By a wide margin. That’s where the drive should be to get vaccinated. Herd immunity isn’t happening. But no. Focus on the white hillbillies. They’re like roaches. Their chance of dying is zilch unless they’re super old.

No difft than ignoring the endless murders in the cities to focus on the white guy with an AR15. Predictable.

It’s all just politics. BS

But what about blood clots from the vaccine

I like this idea. If you want to incentivize vaccination, why not quantify it and tie it to reopening?
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It would appear Schnitzelbonkers = Mas, since you both speak your own "language"...

But I read this and immediately thought Mas...

It would appear Schnitzelbonkers = Mas, since you both speak your own "language"...

But I read this and immediately thought Mas...

They’ve become completely untethered with reality. Check out this story about the Arizona “audit”.

They have lost their collective minds.
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They’ve become completely untethered with reality. Check out this story about the Arizona “audit”.

They have lost their collective minds.
The audit is completely embarrassing. KTAR is the number one talk radio station in Phoenix and skews very conservative. They are laughing their asses off making fun of the ninjas. Arizona is still a red state but the idiots in charge of the Republican Party here are so wacko we have elected two democratic senators in the past two years. The idiots in charge are turning Arizona blue.
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And I understand or at least am empathetic to the fear of a vaccine.

Which is one reason why I was originally against having Vax cards (now I don't care either way out of pure spite) because to me a Vax is a personal choice that if you believe, can protect the individual from the behavior around you.

I don't get flu shots and I don't like putting foreign things in my body. I'm also wary at how fast it came out.

That being said, the benefits to me waaay out weigh the risks, plus it helps the community.

So I got stuck on Monday and after having a sore arm yesterday, I'm fine and dandy (at least right now).

I tend to believe if there are long term effects the body will fight it out like most things but the benefit is nice knowing that I just reduced my hospitalization and even death risk a crap ton.

I'm also not the first and other than six people getting blood clots out of 7 million, there hasn't been anything that I've heard of.

Honestly, this vaccine is probably not close to the most dangerous things we've put in our blood streams. Lol

A significant number of people experiencing negative reactions to the vaccine were actually suffering from anxiety at sufficiently high levels to produce a physical response in their bodies. The study looked at patients receiving J&J vaccinations in 5 states over a 1 week period in April.
I just heard on the radio 85-90 percent is needed to reach immunity. Combo of vaccinated and infected. I don’t really understand the temporal part of that tho as presumably it’s always a moving target of those with varying degrees of infection (antibodies) etc. Is it one random point in time and we hit the necessary threshold and bam herd immunity kicks in and lasts into perp?
I just heard on the radio 85-90 percent is needed to reach immunity. Combo of vaccinated and infected. I don’t really understand the temporal part of that tho as presumably it’s always a moving target of those with varying degrees of infection (antibodies) etc. Is it one random point in time and we hit the necessary threshold and bam herd immunity kicks in and lasts into perp?
Here's a pretty good explanation from Johns Hopkins:

Actually, you’re on to something here. I’ve come across an alarming number of young liberals and African Americans that will not get the vaccine. They just don’t trust it since it was approved so quickly.

IMO, a large segment of Republicans won’t get it just because the perception is that liberals are for it. Science should not be a political football on either side, especially during a pandemic.
The irony: people refusing to get vaccines recommended by doctors, will go see those same doctors begging for help when they get sick.
The irony: people refusing to get vaccines recommended by doctors, will go see those same doctors begging for help when they get sick.

Not sure if you watched the Last Week Tonight with Jon Oliver that I linked, but there was a guy at the hospital. His mother is on a ventilator because she has Covid-19. She didn't believe the vaccine was safe. Her son who was in full hazmat gear visiting her was interviewed outside the hospital and asked if he was going to get the vaccine. He said "probably not". He didn't feel like it was proven safe.

Well, your mom is about to die. Does Covid seem "safe", buddy? I just can't believe the ignorance of people. They'll spend hours on the internet reading about Q's latest nugget, but they won't spend 15 minutes researching the safety of the vaccines.

No one has been killed by the vaccines. Zero people.

I just heard on the radio 85-90 percent is needed to reach immunity. Combo of vaccinated and infected. I don’t really understand the temporal part of that tho as presumably it’s always a moving target of those with varying degrees of infection (antibodies) etc. Is it one random point in time and we hit the necessary threshold and bam herd immunity kicks in and lasts into perp?
Regarding your temporal question, this video suggests we don't know yet. You can go to the 4:25 mark when they discuss the temporal aspect of immunity.
Not sure if you watched the Last Week Tonight with Jon Oliver that I linked, but there was a guy at the hospital. His mother is on a ventilator because she has Covid-19. She didn't believe the vaccine was safe. Her son who was in full hazmat gear visiting her was interviewed outside the hospital and asked if he was going to get the vaccine. He said "probably not". He didn't feel like it was proven safe.

Well, your mom is about to die. Does Covid seem "safe", buddy? I just can't believe the ignorance of people. They'll spend hours on the internet reading about Q's latest nugget, but they won't spend 15 minutes researching the safety of the vaccines.

No one has been killed by the vaccines. Zero people.

But it’s still new, not approved by the fda, and made by some companies with rough track records. I think with the benefit of time passing more people will grow comfortable with them. That said if I were 20 something and cognizant of the Covid survival rates altruism is the only reason I’d get it. The flip side is that less and less get follow up shots or bother keeping up with it annually

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