Republican anti-vaxers are stalling US race to herd immunity

McM is somehow trying to say everything Covid is up to the states. I have no idea what he's talking about.

Federalism isn't new.
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It is the nature of conspiracy theories that all they have to do is get people to have slight doubt. So they can throw everything against the wall, and if anything even slightly sticks, they win. Somewhere I saw a poll, the percent saying the vaccine is unsafe is fairly small, but the percent that says they do not know is relatively high.

It's just that defense attorney throwing everything up and hoping something distracts. It's working, and it always works with too many. I wonder how many people who are not sure if the vaccine is safe are not sure who brought down the towers, are not sure if the moon landing was real, and aren't sure the earth is round.
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It is the nature of conspiracy theories that all they have to do is get people to have slight doubt. So they can throw everything against the wall, and if anything even slightly sticks, they win. Somewhere I saw a poll, the percent saying the vaccine is unsafe is fairly small, but the percent that says they do not know is relatively high.

It's just that defense attorney throwing everything up and hoping something distracts. It's working, and it always works with too many. I wonder how many people who are not sure if the vaccine is safe are not sure who brought down the towers, are not sure if the moon landing was real, and aren't sure the earth is round.
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Speaking of people addicted to culture war

there is no doubt that there are those on the left who continue to overreact. We know being outside is largely safe. We have known that for a long time. I don't begrudge people who wear masks outside, I do sometimes if I am going from building to building and don't want to mess with it. But we should be having outdoor events. Maybe not sold-out baseball parks, but reasonably full.

What we do see is a lot of waste. I think I mentioned before, Gencon is the biggest gaming convention and is being moved from August to September. Fine. But they aren't running all night so they can disinfect. The CDC had already announced that disinfecting is for show. I suspect their lawyers told them to do it, but it could be their PR people. Either way, it isn't needed nor supported by where the science currently is.

We have known schools are mostly safe. That said, any child with severe health issues are well-served not to go physically (things like transplants, cancer, etc).
nice depiction of the problem of the obese red hat MAGA man:

What we do see is a lot of waste. I think I mentioned before, Gencon is the biggest gaming convention and is being moved from August to September. Fine. But they aren't running all night so they can disinfect. The CDC had already announced that disinfecting is for show. I suspect their lawyers told them to do it, but it could be their PR people. Either way, it isn't needed nor supported by where the science currently is.

My guess is this is a purely capitalistic decision. It's unnecessary, but they probably believe that they will draw more people by engaging in the disinfection theater than they'll lose by closing down at night.
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My guess is this is a purely capitalistic decision. It's unnecessary, but they probably believe that they will draw more people by engaging in the disinfection theater than they'll lose by closing down at night.
That may we'll be it, which is why I thought PR people. But never underestimate lawyers and their "do not try this at home" mentality.
Shocking that’s an account you follow....
Congrats you win. I wondered which poster would bring up the name of the Twitter account as soon as I saw it. If by "follow" that account you mean discovering it about 10 min prior to the post I made, then yes, I'm guilty...

What actually happened is I saw an article on the anti-anti-vaxxer cartoons, which showed 4 cartoons, including the one shooter posted earlier as well as the one I decided to post. I couldn't get the photo to copy and paste from the article (I'm really not proficient at these things), so it gave me an option to search google for the pic. When I did, the Twitter photo came up and I went with it because I do know how to post tweets. When I saw the name of the account I knew that unfortunately, someone would have to comment, but it really was the only way I could get the pic to post...
Congrats you win. I wondered which poster would bring up the name of the Twitter account as soon as I saw it. If by "follow" that account you mean discovering it about 10 min prior to the post I made, then yes, I'm guilty...

What actually happened is I saw an article on the anti-anti-vaxxer cartoons, which showed 4 cartoons, including the one shooter posted earlier as well as the one I decided to post. I couldn't get the photo to copy and paste from the article (I'm really not proficient at these things), so it gave me an option to search google for the pic. When I did, the Twitter photo came up and I went with it because I do know how to post tweets. When I saw the name of the account I knew that unfortunately, someone would have to comment, but it really was the only way I could get the pic to post...
Thank God you were able to!!
So my question to all vaccinated. if you are vaccinated, why are you fearful of those that are not? Some are judging the slight risks of the shot vs the slight risk of serious covid consequences. I read about mutations may happen if this continues to spread but I understand that as of now, the shots have been effective for nearly all variants. It sounds to me as if bad mutations are a hypothetical as much as possible serious illness from the 'vid and the vaccine? I just want statistics and not people telling me to get it because everyone is telling them to get it.

I saw a study that of 66,000,000 vaccinated in the US, there have less than 6,000 cases of covid post-vaccination, or 0.009% chance of getting covid after the shot. Of these 6,000, 7% required hospitalization. So if you have the vaccination you have a 0.0006% chance of serious covid complications. Now maybe these numbers are wrong, but if they are accurate, why is anyone who has been vaccinated concerned about getting hurt? Pretty much everyone in this country has had their chance and are aware of the risks if they refuse the shot.

Thank God you were able to!
Remember when we laughed about your feed. Dumb Q shit is all you post about. Or trump. Get a new computer. Get a new phone. Start over. You’re a media created automaton. Regain your life. You’re as big of a hindrance to this country regaining its collective sanity as Q or antifa or cancel culture or any of the other bs
His long winded post’s just proves how insecure he is because he writes a book every time he posts!
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From the Post:

“The focus group revealed another unexpected development: Most participants said they would want a fake vaccination cardthat would allow them to claim they had received shots, after Luntz granted them anonymity to speak honestly.”

“One-thousand percent,” one woman said. “If I have a fake vaccine card, yeah, I can go anywhere,” added a man who said he had turned down free New York Yankees tickets because of the team’s requirement to show proof of vaccination to attend games. Other participants said they wanted a fake card to attend concerts and go on trips, citing the growing number of organizations saying they will require proof of shots.”

Prepare to wear your masks for a lot longer fellas. Our fate is in the hands of morons.

From the Post:

“The focus group revealed another unexpected development: Most participants said they would want a fake vaccination cardthat would allow them to claim they had received shots, after Luntz granted them anonymity to speak honestly.”

“One-thousand percent,” one woman said. “If I have a fake vaccine card, yeah, I can go anywhere,” added a man who said he had turned down free New York Yankees tickets because of the team’s requirement to show proof of vaccination to attend games. Other participants said they wanted a fake card to attend concerts and go on trips, citing the growing number of organizations saying they will require proof of shots.”

Prepare to wear your masks for a lot longer fellas. Our fate is in the hands of morons.
didn’t wear a mask all night need to get out more

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