Remember: the Culture War is not like other wars


Oct 4, 2010
In regular wars, if something is helping you win, you can do that thing even more, and win better, faster. But in the culture war, if you hit the gas too hard, you risk making yourself look worse than the enemy.

He should stick to opining to culture. He doesn’t know what work means. If he had any other job his goofy ass would have been fired. F that dude.

And he plays culture politics more than anyone.

Again. F that dude. Took taxpayers for a ride
Man you know how to hold a grudge. I’m pretty happy about the new airplane laws, for one thing. Not sure what , if anything he had to do with it, but long overdue.
Speaking of culture war...


Gas Prices: Cut regulations and drill more
Inflation: Cut Government spending drastically, cut regulations, abolish the Central Bank, and return to a sound money policy. Inflation would be gone and the cost of childcare and Prescription Drugs would both drop over time.

The reality is the current set up benefits government bureaucrats and the wealthy at the expense of everyone else who works. The culture wars are a way to divide people and fool them into thinking their party is for them and the problem is the other party. Buttigieg only answers are more government spending and regulations, which will only make it worse. We did that the past 4 years and it’s been a disaster.

Gas Prices: Cut regulations and drill more
Inflation: Cut Government spending drastically, cut regulations, abolish the Central Bank, and return to a sound money policy. Inflation would be gone and the cost of childcare and Prescription Drugs would both drop over time.

The reality is the current set up benefits government bureaucrats and the wealthy at the expense of everyone else who works. The culture wars are a way to divide people and fool them into thinking their party is for them and the problem is the other party. Buttigieg only answers are more government spending and regulations, which will only make it worse. We did that the past 4 years and it’s been a disaster.
Pete sat home on his ass availing himself of a special privilege and a $250k salary while the country was in crisis. He should have been in a lawn chair at the port reading the cfr and only getting up out of the chair to give port workers water and prevent DVTs. That guy is the king of worthless identity politics

Now he’s at u of Chicago talking about culture shit. Good grief. Good riddance
Speaking of culture war...

Note to Pete. Quit acting like people give a damn about your sex likes or your family. Being gay doesn’t give you any special insight into the mind if a conservative.

Your lane is keeping the transportation system operating efficiently and smoothly. You can’t do that by yapping about racist roads , EV’s or tradesworkers who don’t meet your notion of the proper racial mix.

Stay in your lane and do your job. Gay is not a resume enhancement.
Pete sat home on his ass availing himself of a special privilege and a $250k salary while the country was in crisis. He should have been in a lawn chair at the port reading the cfr and only getting up out of the chair to give port workers water and prevent DVTs. That guy is the king of worthless identity politics

Now he’s at u of Chicago talking about culture shit. Good grief. Good riddance
Oh my gosh, Pete took advantage of a perk and still did his job. So awful
Note to Pete: Ignore the ignorant message above and keep being you.
Pete must have stolen mcm's boyfriend. Never seen someone get their panties in such a bunch over a federal employee using fmla.

I wonder if he keeps track of every government employee that takes leave and works from home.
In regular wars, if something is helping you win, you can do that thing even more, and win better, faster. But in the culture war, if you hit the gas too hard, you risk making yourself look worse than the enemy.

I'm not sure if this is a sign of anything. Dude lost by 195 votes in an election for a district with about 20,000 eligible voters, 45% of whom showed up.

Better question: how does a recall vote of a school board member in some tiny district in the middle of nowhere merit an article in the Guardian?
Note to Pete. Quit acting like people give a damn about your sex likes or your family. Being gay doesn’t give you any special insight into the mind if a conservative.

Your lane is keeping the transportation system operating efficiently and smoothly. You can’t do that by yapping about racist roads , EV’s or tradesworkers who don’t meet your notion of the proper racial mix.

Stay in your lane and do your job. Gay is not a resume enhancement.
As far as I can tell, he doesn't act like anyone gives a damn about his sex life. The only people who act like they give a damn about his sex life are the people who do give a damn about his sex life, like you.
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I'm not sure if this is a sign of anything. Dude lost by 195 votes in an election for a district with about 20,000 eligible voters, 45% of whom showed up.

Better question: how does a recall vote of a school board member in some tiny district in the middle of nowhere merit an article in the Guardian?
It's because of what he stood for and why he won the seat to begin with. He was trying to fight against the woke tidal wave. The point is be careful in your righteous crusade, because once you start to sound crazy, you might convince people they were better off with your enemies.
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It's because of what he stood for and why he won the seat to begin with. He was trying to fight against the woke tidal wave. The point is be careful in your righteous crusade, because once you start to sound crazy, you might convince people they were better off with your enemies.
I get it and agree, but again, it's an election where fewer than 10,000 people voted.
Speaking of culture war...

I agree with him on some of this. Not a fan of the delivery, though. I thought Pete was building an image of a bipartisan politician? Straw manning and minimizing people's concerns isn't helpful.

I did find it odd, though, when he said "they have no answer to inflation" and then followed up the very next sentence with "and when we put an infrastructure bill in front of them, some of them said no."

Uh, the $1.2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill? Think about that for a second, Pete.
Pete must have stolen mcm's boyfriend. Never seen someone get their panties in such a bunch over a federal employee using fmla.

I wonder if he keeps track of every government employee that takes leave and works from home.
Do you understand how the Fmla works? And why your post is so stupid?
Nope. His point is he is a victim and I’m the perp. Actually he wants to be a victim. He talked for a few minutes and he told us who he is. Other gay people never mention it.
Identity politics. At every turn. What was Biden’s latest? Taxes are racist?

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