Radicalization of young women

Another important statistic: Women are more likely to have anxiety disorders than men. I think there is a cause and effect between high anxiety and being a political liberal. Anxious people are more likely to turn to third parties to give them relief. A substantial part of liberal political messaging these days is to relieve voters of the stress and worry of daily life. (Hope, joy, and feel good messaging has replaced blunt messages about national debt, crime, etc.) We have plenty of food in the USA yet we still are faced with food anxiety.

Interesting. The graph in the original post says it applies to women 18-29.

Difficult to think that age group doesn't think about pregnancies and abortion occasionally, perhaps even more often than they think about nebulous concepts like "hope," "joy" and "feel good" as some suggest.

Wonder what women that age think about the various abortion proposals we all hear about.
lol... in all seriousness the rise in mental health issues is scary. I assume it's a culmination of many factors; broken families, broken money, fewer fathers, fewer siblings, decrease in Christianity, social media, over prescribed anti-depressants, and etc. The birthrate in the U.S. recently plummeted to 1.6%, we're literally trying to exterminate ourselves. It's not good.
Do you think Bitcoin might fix some of that?
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Your connection of the dots is unsupported. Re meeting the next argument, that's the logic you're using. It's wrong. You've established nothing more than a correlation. McM's correlation is much stronger and explains more (and also can't be proven to be a cause, I'm guessing). Plus, not that I put a ton of weight in the authority card, but McM, lars, and I all have teenage daughters. We see this on a daily basis with them and their friends. It's pretty obvious.

Young women today aren't facing more mental health issues because they are liberal. Liberal political messaging isn't causing women to take anti anxiety medication.

You're also contradicting yourself--you state more women are taking anxiety meds and that the effects of anxiety disorders would lead them to think liberally. But you're completely missing the fact that anxiety meds work. Therefore, you haven't explained the uptick in liberal belief. If anything, based on your reasoning, we should probably expect women to be identifying as conservatives more.
What worries are your daughter and her friends expressing? Pregnancy? Boys? Employment?
Someone should tells these broads to get back in the kitchen where they belong!... I'm kidding I'm kidding! 😂

In seriousness, and without looking it up, id wager that young women have always skewed towards liberal ideals. Particularly young educated women. They have for sure been the leaders of progressivism for a very long time. So saying, thats making them more anxiety driven than before doesn't really track. Probably does cause anxiety but it's always been there. The female species has a deep rooted instinct to protect and nurture at all cost. That's going to cause anxiety. Males have it too but it's different. More broad in nature. More territorial.

Social media is new though. That's the problem. As someone said above, our stupid monkey brains haven't evolved and caught up to the technology yet. We can't process it. It's a 24/7 reminder of what you don't have or what's wrong with you compared to others. I am 100% free speech guy but I do think social media needs some guard rails for minors. Same restrictions and warning we put on any other type of media. The FCC has rules on what sort of programs can be marketed to kids. Maybe social media needs to report to the FCC?
Social media report to an unelected, highly partisan, agency of the Leviathan?
What could go wrong?
Any pics in a 2 piece?
Here you go

There's a lot of layers here. Social justic combined with social media combined with loss of good paying manufacturing jobs combined name it.

But social media makes people venture into the unreal. Especially amongst girls. Boys do it with video games.

Nobody lives in reality any more. Every woman thinks they're a 10. Puhlease. I'm a solid 6 and proud of it (anyway you like to hink of that).
I know we aren't supposed to talk like this, but when I go to a high school play or music performance I still can't get used to the overweight high school girls in chubby miniskirts strutting around like they're bowling ball versions of Taylor Swift.

I know, I know, but what passed for high school "fat" 15-20 years ago was probably 20-25% lighter. Fat-shaming is bad too, but who today is even allowed to point out to those girls that they're far too young to start down the road to obesity, bad nutrition and diabetes.
I know we aren't supposed to talk like this, but when I go to a high school play or music performance I still can't get used to the overweight high school girls in chubby miniskirts strutting around like they're bowling ball versions of Taylor Swift.

I know, I know, but what passed for high school "fat" 15-20 years ago was probably 20-25% lighter. Fat-shaming is bad too, but who today is even allowed to point out to those girls that they're far too young to start down the road to obesity, bad nutrition and diabetes.
They will face true crisis when their hair turns blue.
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What worries are your daughter and her friends expressing? Pregnancy? Boys? Employment?
There is a lot of general anxiety among teens about having their entire lives figured out by the time they are 18 because that's what presents on the socials.

And if you've ever done a carpool with teenage boys and girls, you wouldn't be surprised that the girls report more anxiety. Teenage girls express themselves, but the number one response from a teenage boy to any question is, "Nothing." 🤣
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There is a lot of general anxiety among teens about having their entire lives figured out by the time they are 18 because that's what presents on the socials.

And if you've ever done a carpool with teenage boys and girls, you wouldn't be surprised that the girls report more anxiety. The number one response from a teenage boy to any question is, "Nothing."
Teenagers, who've felt inadequacies and anxieties from time immemorial, really didn't need a thing to come along and further display their inadequacy. Even if most of it is entirely bullshit.

We're adults and we should do something about it. We don't have to obliterate the first amendment. We have to force tech companies to ensure anybody signed up for their service is at least 16 (preferably 18). We do this with drugs, alcohol, gender transitions, voting, military service, etc. Why can't we properly regulate social media?

I supsect massive campaign donations from both social media and all the businesses wanting to advertise to teens without going through the filter of a parent.
Teenagers, who've felt inadequacies and anxieties from time immemorial, really didn't need a thing to come along and further display their inadequacy. Even if most of it is entirely bullshit.

We're adults and we should do something about it. We don't have to obliterate the first amendment. We have to force tech companies to ensure anybody signed up for their service is at least 16 (preferably 18). We do this with drugs, alcohol, gender transitions, voting, military service, etc. Why can't we properly regulate social media?

I supsect massive campaign donations from both social media and all the businesses wanting to advertise to teens without going through the filter of a parent.
It’s not personal, Lars. Strictly business.

If you allow government to be bought . . .

Because woman are more sensitive to, aware of, and interested in social interaction (not controversial ) and to an extent, social hierarchy (very controversial).

Pop psychology/bad science reasoning: It might be based on evolution or physical traits: women don’t establish and maintain power/safety via physicality, they do so through social power.
And for this to be right, it has to mean conservative women don’t share this as much, given Haidt’s findings.

The internet and social media has been very unhealthy for some young women. Professor @CO. Hoosier the future looks bleak. They're turning more and more of them into socialist. I only have one daughter CO, she'll be an Austrian economist and Bitcoiner, but I can't raise all of them. @mcmurtry66 we need to start the conservative "View" ASAP.
This is not new information. Most young women and a lot of men have liberal views. Some move to be more conservative as they age and it balances out. Relax.

And I think it’s funny that you use the word “radicalisation.”
This is not new information. Most young women and a lot of men have liberal views. Some move to be more conservative as they age and it balances out. Relax.

And I think it’s funny that you use the word “radicalisation.”
The defining event for both my grown daughters was when they received their first paychecks.

The government's confiscation was a real eyeopener.
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The internet and social media has been very unhealthy for some young women. Professor @CO. Hoosier the future looks bleak. They're turning more and more of them into socialist. I only have one daughter CO, she'll be an Austrian economist and Bitcoiner, but I can't raise all of them. @mcmurtry66 we need to start the conservative "View" ASAP.
Crazy idea: maybe someone disagreeing with you politically isn't the same thing as "radicalization."

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