Question: Vaccinations for Children


All-Big Ten
Nov 19, 2015
What are your thoughts on vaccinations for children? RFK Jr. & Co. appears to be pushing "federal drug regulators to revoke approval for the polio and hepatitis B vaccines and block distribution of 13 other critical vaccines."

If you had the choice, would you choose not to have your child or grandchildren given the required or recommended vaccinations? Like MMR and polio vaccines? Do you agree with RFK Jr. and would you trust his "research" and findings?

I'm just curious.

The data is not at all confusing.

Here's one simple to understand presentation. Over a half MILLION measles cases annually, down to 13.


What are your thoughts on vaccinations for children? RFK Jr. & Co. appears to be pushing "federal drug regulators to revoke approval for the polio and hepatitis B vaccines and block distribution of 13 other critical vaccines."

If you had the choice, would you choose not to have your child or grandchildren given the required or recommended vaccinations? Like MMR and polio vaccines? Do you agree with RFK Jr. and would you trust his "research" and findings?

I'm just curious.

His dad and uncle died from a "shot".

Too soon? C' were all thinking it.
What are your thoughts on vaccinations for children? RFK Jr. & Co. appears to be pushing "federal drug regulators to revoke approval for the polio and hepatitis B vaccines and block distribution of 13 other critical vaccines."

If you had the choice, would you choose not to have your child or grandchildren given the required or recommended vaccinations? Like MMR and polio vaccines? Do you agree with RFK Jr. and would you trust his "research" and findings?

I'm just curious.

Polio? Fvck yeah! Let's bring that debilitating, devastating disease.

Jonas who?
Famous smallpox twin brothers.

The twin on the right received proper vaccination at a younger age, while the twin at the left was not vaccinated and therefore became ill with smallpox.

Note that the twin on the right actually "got smallpox", as indicated by the minor scarring in his skin. The vaccine did not prevent infection. It merely lessened severity and transmissibility to such an incredible extent that recovery was fast and, once that smallpox vaccination rates were very high (>95%), the disease was eradicated from Earth.


The way to improve our health care system is not to dismantle the aspects of it that work BEST.

yes, the pic is genuine

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What are your thoughts on vaccinations for children? RFK Jr. & Co. appears to be pushing "federal drug regulators to revoke approval for the polio and hepatitis B vaccines and block distribution of 13 other critical vaccines."

If you had the choice, would you choose not to have your child or grandchildren given the required or recommended vaccinations? Like MMR and polio vaccines? Do you agree with RFK Jr. and would you trust his "research" and findings?

I'm just curious.

RFKjr IS NOT anti vax.
RFKjr IS NOT anti vax.

Again and again, Kennedy has made his open opposition to vaccines clear.

In July, Kennedy said in a podcast interview that “There’s no vaccine that is safe and effective”

In a 2023 interview with Fox News, RFK claimed that “autism comes from vaccines"

He founded an openly antivaccine group called "Children's Health Defense" which cranked out so much vaccine misinformation that Google took them off their platform (RFK sued and lost).

He has even compared vaccinations to the Holocaust!

There are dozens of clips of him spouting antivaccine rhetoric, regardless of what he is saying now.
That may be but there is no medicine or vaccine that is 100% safe. We all take reasonable chances every day we live. Any time you drive somewhere you're taking a chance.... that's just life.
Simple. It is useless to debate only one side of a risk/reward equation.

If a vaccination has a measurable deleterious effect, but also spares you from other much more serious deleterious effects that happen at a far greater frequency, the risk/reward analysis demands that you favor the vaccination.
Again and again, Kennedy has made his open opposition to vaccines clear.

In July, Kennedy said in a podcast interview that “There’s no vaccine that is safe and effective”

In a 2023 interview with Fox News, RFK claimed that “autism comes from vaccines"

He founded an openly antivaccine group called "Children's Health Defense" which cranked out so much vaccine misinformation that Google took them off their platform (RFK sued and lost).

He has even compared vaccinations to the Holocaust!

There are dozens of clips of him spouting antivaccine rhetoric, regardless of what he is saying now.
Heroin is much safer.


RFK's Brain Worm.
If a vaccination has a measurable deleterious effect, but also spares you from other much more serious deleterious effects that happen at a far greater frequency, the risk/reward analysis demands that you favor the vaccination.

Shooter, this is not on topic for this thread but...

I heard a brief blurb on NPR yesterday about a study that found that cancers stopped growing or at least slowed in Covid patients. Said that they were looking at what, if any, immune system factors may have been involved. Do you have any insight on this?
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Mark, I am not familiar with that study and I am not seeing it with a google news search.

It's possible that, if your body makes antibodies to an amino acid sequence within the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, those antibodies might also attack an amino acid sequence in a certain type of cancer cell that happens to be both important for tumor growth and (by coincidence) similar to the amino acid sequence within the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

It is probably specific to a certain cancer cell type or certain stage in cancer growth. Just an educated guess though.

The overriding question these days is, Who do we trust?.

We apparently have lost faith in our institutions such as government, our schools, courts, pharma, scientific community and even the military according to polls (polls which of course we don't trust).

Our lack of trust in institutions has driven a large number of us to put our faith in leaders such as Trump and RFK Jr. These guys either are onto something, or are using our fears to promote their own agendas.
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The overriding question these days is, Who do we trust?.

We apparently have lost faith in our institutions such as government, our schools, courts, scientific community and even the military according to polls (polls which of course we don't trust).

Our lack of trust in institutions has driven a large number of us to put our faith in leaders such as Trump and RFK Jr. These guys either are onto something, or are using our fears to promote their own agendas.
Do you put your faith in experts like RFK Jr and McMahon? Would you choose someone else in their place?
Wrong again. Your narrative is complete BS. That isn’t, at all, what RFK jr is about or believes. You guys are hopeless.
You're amazingly invested in defending RFK Jr. Why? What has he done for you? Why do you think he's such a great pick? He's not even a Republican and he was a 2004 conspiracy theorist who claimed GWB only won due to voter fraud in Ohio. His own words about vaccines, which were linked in this thread (again), show that he's anti-vax at worst and a vaccine skeptic at bet. He's definitively said that no vaccine was safe AND effective. What do you make of that statement? Now that he knows he may have to go through a confirmation hearing he's changed his tune a bit because no anti-vax person is likely to be confirmed for Secretary of HHS. Why do you completely buy his newer statements and completely disregard his original statements? Was he lying then or is he lying now?
Do you put your faith in experts like RFK Jr and McMahon? Would you choose someone else in their place?

Put my faith in people and institutions which appear to me to be worthy of my faith.

Having said that, I concede that I could be wrong and those with whom I disagreed may have been right.

Only through trial and error can we determine whether our trust in institutions and people were on the mark, or need adjustments.

In other words, Trump and Rfk Jr. along with their policies will be implemented if the other branches allow it, and only through trial error will success or failure be determined.
Did I say that? No. Did RFKjr? No.

You’re either a blatant liar or dumber than a box of rocks. Lose, lose.
No, he did say that NO vaccine was SAFE and EFFECTIVE. It's been linked here several times. You refuse to acknowledge it. I do think you are a liar - and a dishonorable POS. Same thing, I guess.

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