Prisoner swap

Boy you’re really gonna get triggered when Orange Jesus loses in November. You may want to consider moving out of the country. You seem to hate it. But that’s par for Orange Jesus cult members.
I would actually call it, Apricot. It's much deeper than the true Orange on the UV spectrum wheel, which is white/ black neutral.
Which leads us into the discussion of him honestly being Black/White neutral. He is so much that his skin even shows it. With Apricot Adonis.
It's almost like it was foretold from ancient lore. You all just can't keep from loosing. Such a pitty.
Upset about your feeling I am...........NOT.
Cult members like you only care about what Orange Jesus spews. Usually it’s just plain nonsense. Like batteries and sharks or maybe Hannibal Lecter. Can’t make it up. 😂
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I would actually call it, Apricot. It's much deeper than the true Orange on the UV spectrum wheel, which is white/ black neutral.
Which leads us into the discussion of him honestly being Black/White neutral. He is so much that his skin even shows it. With Apricot Adonis.
It's almost like it was foretold from ancient lore. You all just can't keep from loosing. Such a pitty.
Yeah Orange Jesus said Republicans were going to get tired of winning. Lol. How’s that been working out? And what is loosing and pitty? Did you mean potty?
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The condition of the country as a result of your vote and the persecution and attempted assassination of a political opponent! Congrads

You disrespect our country’s flag. Never talk about respecting the flag again.
Listen whistle dick..... Oh never mind. Hey Dream teamers, anyone want to go rotate tires and drink beer? This putz bored be to death.
Come on. You can do better than that. Well I guess not. You Orange Jesus worshippers aren’t much for smarts when you can be conned by the king of bankruptcy. But hey he’s a great businessman. From your spelling, looks like you’ve already had a few too many.
I would actually call it, Apricot. It's much deeper than the true Orange on the UV spectrum wheel, which is white/ black neutral.
Which leads us into the discussion of him honestly being Black/White neutral. He is so much that his skin even shows it. With Apricot Adonis.
It's almost like it was foretold from ancient lore. You all just can't keep from loosing. Such a pitty.
So is it meth mixed with cough syrup today?
Is it a coincidence that removing the death penalty for KSM was announced at the same time?

I'm assuming it wasn't part of the deal, but maybe it was?
How could it possibly be. This conspiracy theory would be a real doozy.
How could it possibly be. This conspiracy theory would be a real doozy.
Yep the Pentagon was in on it. Should have tried those motherfers in federal court. I’m betting they’d have been executed long ago. Many Republicans as well as a few Dems didn’t want it in federal court. Including Moscow Mitch.
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You disrespect our country’s flag. Never talk about respecting the flag again.
No that would be people like you supporting a communist admin that has proven to be the enemy, but you're to blind to see it. And you can shove it up your fat rear end. You're the disrespectful one!!!
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Come on. You can do better than that. Well I guess not. You Orange Jesus worshippers aren’t much for smarts when you can be conned by the king of bankruptcy. But hey he’s a great businessman. From your spelling, looks like you’ve already had a few too many.
how many bankruptcies? I count 1.
No that would be people like you supporting a communist admin that has proven to be the enemy, but you're to blind to see it. And you can shove it up your fat rear end. You're the disrespectful one!!!
Reaching for the way back Time Machine are we? The commy thing was from the 80’s. You’ve dated yourself. Another one who wants to go back to the good old days when women knew their place and men were kings of their castles. Progress has passed you by and you hate it. As my granddaughters would say. Nanny nanny boo boo.
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So if the Biden/Harris team got what they wanted, and we know they are not anti-marijuana..., I guess that must mean they just hate guys from Pennsylvania...

2 years and they couldn't include Fogel... Wow, with friends like that... They hung him out to dry during the Griner -Bout swap and turned right around and did it again...

Still crickets on poor ole Fogel...

Wonder why none of the Dims want to talk about him...?????
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Yea. Exactly the same…
Yeah. One is the symbol insurrectionists used to try to overthrow our democracy. The other was a protest against injustice. I’ll go with door two.
These guys weren't impressed by Joes deal... Business Insider usually toes the DNC line when comes to political analysis so this is a big departure for them...

I'm still amazed they left Fogel behind (Again)...
Evidently the Biden/Harris team hates straight males from Pennsylvania...
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These guys weren't impressed by Joes deal... Business Insider usually ties the DNC line when comes to political analysis so this is a big departure for them...

I'm still amazed they left Fogel behind (Again)...
Evidently the Biden/Harris team hates straight males from Pennsylvania...
What about Shapiro?
Cult members like you only care about what Orange Jesus spews. Usually it’s just plain nonsense. Like batteries and sharks or maybe Hannibal Lecter. Can’t make it up. 😂
You are so intellectually bankrupt you have to use 'Orange Jesus' in every post.

Sad. Have you had a cognitive test lately?
Yeah Orange Jesus said Republicans were going to get tired of winning. Lol. How’s that been working out? And what is loosing and pitty? Did you mean potty?
losing As in - you.
Yep the Pentagon was in on it. Should have tried those motherfers in federal court. I’m betting they’d have been executed long ago. Many Republicans as well as a few Dems didn’t want it in federal court. Including Moscow Mitch.
Hey, did Obama ever shut down GITMO, as he promised he would?