POTUS Debate: Prediction


All-Big Ten
Nov 4, 2019
I predict that DJT is going to run away with this one. If for no other reason than I believe the rules are going to result in, at least, the PERCEPTION of a lot stronger performance.

Reasoning: As I understand it, the rules include that there is no audience and that mics can be muted so we don't have the train wreck of interruptions and over-talking that have been the hallmark of other DJT "debates." Personally, I'd love to hear an actual debate where the candidates are able to punch-counterpunch like an actual debate, but those times are long gone.

Conventional wisdom would say that this will benefit Biden because he won't have to fight the interruptions and can get out his canned responses.

I think the conventional wisdom is flat wrong. To be sure, we the viewers won't be hearing Trump's interruptions and interjections. But I have absolutely ZERO confidence that he won't be making them. Therefore, I expect him to be a monster distraction to Biden and expect him to trip Biden up significantly, but on TV, it'll look like Biden is just doddering because we won't be able to hear what Trump is saying. The dream scenario for Team Trump might be that during a Biden answer that Biden pops off asking him to shut up or something. It'll have "old man yells at clouds" vibes because we won't be able to hear what came before.

Anyway, just some thoughts.
Trump needs to be ready with a good response to 1/6. Biden and the moderators are going to try everything to keep the focus on indictments/ convictions and “threats to democracy”. Trump needs to side step and keep the focus on Biden’s failure as a president.
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Trump needs to be ready with a good response to 1/6. Biden and the moderators are going to try everything to keep the focus on indictments/ convictions and “threats to democracy”. Trump needs to side step and keep the focus on Biden’s failure as a president.
I'd bet he's not preparing nearly enough and not listening to advice.

He is who he is. He's not changing.
Trump needs to be ready with a good response to 1/6. Biden and the moderators are going to try everything to keep the focus on indictments/ convictions and “threats to democracy”. Trump needs to side step and keep the focus on Biden’s failure as a president.
I'm not sure he does.

If anything has been proven over the last decade, it's that the rules don't apply to him.

Some have tried to emulate the things he says/does, but they get raked over the coals for it.

He could have a great answer or an awful answer. I'm not sure it really matters any more.

Personally, I think leaning into his arrogance/obnoxious side will be greatly to his benefit, particularly when his mic is muted.
The Trumpers have set the stage, repeatedly insisting that Biden never knows what day it is, or where he is right now, or what he is "supposed to say", such that if Biden is even somewhat coherent in the debate then expectations for him are vastly exceeded. That's an inherent problem of their tactic of being over-the-top regarding Biden's cognitive state. They exaggerate and when it's apparent to everyone that it's a vast exaggeration, Biden gets brownie points for thinking on his feet even a little.
The Trumpers have set the stage, repeatedly insisting that Biden never knows what day it is, or where he is right now, or what he is "supposed to say", such that if Biden is even somewhat coherent in the debate then expectations for him are vastly exceeded. That's an inherent problem of their tactic of being over-the-top regarding Biden's cognitive state. They exaggerate and when it's apparent to everyone that it's a vast exaggeration, Biden gets brownie points for thinking on his feet even a little.
Four more years. Pause. His face doesn’t even look the same at this point. Some weird odd frozen expression. No one is exaggerating. I’m sure he has days that are better than others but zero chance he lasts five years
Four more years. Pause. His face doesn’t even look the same at this point. Some weird odd frozen expression. No one is exaggerating. I’m sure he has days that are better than others but zero chance he lasts five years
How many controlled substances do you think he'll have in his system that night?
Four more years. Pause. His face doesn’t even look the same at this point. Some weird odd frozen expression. No one is exaggerating. I’m sure he has days that are better than others but zero chance he lasts five years
It'd be great if one of the two came in and, during their initial time, raised up two test booklets and said "These are two, sealed, dementia tests. I propose we take the next 30 minutes to take them, turn them in, and let an independent examiner grade them."
I'd bet he's not preparing nearly enough and not listening to advice.

He is who he is. He's not changing.
Biden has already decamped to Camp David, to have his mind, such as it is at this stage, stuffed with one-liners to whisper into his mic.

I’m telling you, everyone should be prepared for the inevitable - the ascension of Kamalalala, either at the convention or early in 2025, as POTUS.

Heaven. Help. Us.
How many controlled substances do you think he'll have in his system that night?
I’m sure has worse and more worsererererer days but he’s toast on some days. He’s taken to making this scrunched face that’s new and unique to how you see the super she’s change. Obama was dragging him off the stage the other day when he fell into another catatonic state. It’s pretty embarrassing to be honest
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Biden has already decamped to Camp David, to have his mind, such as it is at this stage, stuffed with one-liners to whisper into his mic.

I’m telling you, everyone should be prepared for the inevitable - the ascension of Kamalalala, either at the convention or early in 2025, as POTUS.

Heaven. Help. Us.
100 percent chance of Biden wins she will be the ultimate president
I’m sure has worse and more worsererererer days but he’s toast on some days. He’s taken to making this scrunched face that’s new and unique to how you see the super she’s change. Obama was dragging him off the stage the other day when he fell into another catatonic state. It’s pretty embarrassing to be honest
You don’t have to go very far back in time to see how much better he was. He has a number of physical issues now that make it difficult to walk. I’m doubtful he could ride that bike now, the one he fell from not that long ago.
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It'd be great if one of the two came in and, during their initial time, raised up two test booklets and said "These are two, sealed, dementia tests. I propose we take the next 30 minutes to take them, turn them in, and let an independent examiner grade them."
If Biden shuffled in your door with an injury from the nursing home 1) you wouldn’t doubt he was in a nursing home and 2) you’d immediately think f*uck. He probably needs a gal
You don’t have to go very far back in time to see how much better he was. He has a number of physical issues now that make it difficult to walk. I’m doubtful he could ride that bike now, the one he fell from not that long ago.
He is aging soooooo fast. It’s amazing to see. This new frozen face is scary
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You don’t have to go very far back in time to see how much better he was. He has a number of physical issues now that make it difficult to walk. I’m doubtful he could ride that bike now, the one he fell from not that long ago.
Here’s what’s so sad. The left is run by a cult. And if they weren’t run by a cult of nuts they could end the elder abuse and swap out Biden for someone normal. Shapiro etc. who would wipe the floor with trump. The Dems would win in a landslide. Trump would be toast. For good. Then Biden would be the hero who beat trump and just how awful he has been as a president would soften and he’d enjoy a nice legacy. At some point he might be uncle Joe again instead of f*uck Brandon
...everyone should be prepared for the inevitable - the ascension of Kamalalala, either at the convention or early in 2025, as POTUS.

Heaven. Help. Us.
what you were saying in 2020:

Everyone should be prepared for the inevitable - the ascension of Kamalalala, in 2021 or 2022, as POTUS. This is just a ruse to get him in and then to turn it over to her. No way he lasts even a year... Heaven. Help. Us.
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what you were saying in 2020:

Everyone should be prepared for the inevitable - the ascension of Kamalalala, in 2021 or 2022, as POTUS. This is just a ruse to get him in and then to turn it over to her. No way he lasts even a year... Heaven. Help. Us.
The difference between him then and now is marked. You have the usual dog years in aging presidents go through coupled with a guy who is really old.
I predict that DJT is going to run away with this one. If for no other reason than I believe the rules are going to result in, at least, the PERCEPTION of a lot stronger performance.

Reasoning: As I understand it, the rules include that there is no audience and that mics can be muted so we don't have the train wreck of interruptions and over-talking that have been the hallmark of other DJT "debates." Personally, I'd love to hear an actual debate where the candidates are able to punch-counterpunch like an actual debate, but those times are long gone.

Conventional wisdom would say that this will benefit Biden because he won't have to fight the interruptions and can get out his canned responses.

I think the conventional wisdom is flat wrong. To be sure, we the viewers won't be hearing Trump's interruptions and interjections. But I have absolutely ZERO confidence that he won't be making them. Therefore, I expect him to be a monster distraction to Biden and expect him to trip Biden up significantly, but on TV, it'll look like Biden is just doddering because we won't be able to hear what Trump is saying. The dream scenario for Team Trump might be that during a Biden answer that Biden pops off asking him to shut up or something. It'll have "old man yells at clouds" vibes because we won't be able to hear what came before.

Anyway, just some thoughts.
My prediction is it doesn’t matter. Outside one of them pooping themselves. Everyone knows both of their faults at this point. Trump isn’t going to be saint after it the debate and the price of crab legs will still be a million dollars.
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I don't remember where I read it, but the claim was that they were prepping Biden so he could have responses to Trump insults. One guy can't run on the factual results from his administration. The other guy can't resist inflammatory personal attacks when he should be focused on facts.

Fox will say Trump won. MSNBC will claim a Biden victory. The usual suspects will argue about it here. We'll all be screwed deeper into a debt hole, regardless.
Biden will be pumped full of so many drugs like in the SOTU address that he'll be passable. But his record is so atrocious Trump will clearly win the debate. And the moderators are 100% Dem party hacks.

Isn’t that funny, they’ve said the same about Trump before big speeches and debates too. Remember his weird sniffing? His glassy eyes one time when he had an “”apology” speech they made him give? Pretty sure you thought Trump would clearly win the debates in 2020. And Biden won them all.
You don’t have to go very far back in time to see how much better he was. He has a number of physical issues now that make it difficult to walk. I’m doubtful he could ride that bike now, the one he fell from not that long ago.
He rode his bike a couple weeks ago. I’d love to see the threads from 2020, where many of you said he wouldn’t even make it to the presidency, let alone through 4 years. You never know.
Here’s what’s so sad. The left is run by a cult. And if they weren’t run by a cult of nuts they could end the elder abuse and swap out Biden for someone normal. Shapiro etc. who would wipe the floor with trump. The Dems would win in a landslide. Trump would be toast. For good. Then Biden would be the hero who beat trump and just how awful he has been as a president would soften and he’d enjoy a nice legacy. At some point he might be uncle Joe again instead of f*uck Brandon
Ditto for Trump and Republicans. Only they actually had the opportunity to do so and refused to take it. Spineless cult.
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Ditto for Trump and Republicans. Only they actually had the opportunity to do so and refused to take it. Spineless cult.
Kind of. But it’s not as clear. Biden to anyone with their eyes open can see he’s struggling. The Dems have a natural out. And if they did it many like myself would be grateful and vote against trump. Trump would lose “bigly.”
Isn’t that funny, they’ve said the same about Trump before big speeches and debates too. Remember his weird sniffing? His glassy eyes one time when he had an “”apology” speech they made him give? Pretty sure you thought Trump would clearly win the debates in 2020. And Biden won them all.
Not really wins to brag about, though. They were bad debates all around. Biden sucked slightly less.
Four more years. Pause. His face doesn’t even look the same at this point. Some weird odd frozen expression. No one is exaggerating. I’m sure he has days that are better than others but zero chance he lasts five years
You never disappoint
You never disappoint


I don’t know if they have him so full of fillers or what’s going on. It’s this face

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Isn’t that funny, they’ve said the same about Trump before big speeches and debates too. Remember his weird sniffing? His glassy eyes one time when he had an “”apology” speech they made him give? Pretty sure you thought Trump would clearly win the debates in 2020. And Biden won them all.
One candidate wants a drug test before any debate. The other says absolutely not.

Under Donald Trump’s leadership, the West Wing operated more like a pill mill than the White House, at least according to a January report by the Department of Defense inspector general, which capped a six-year investigation into the administration’s medical practices.

But sources knowledgeable on the matter paint an even more dramatic image than that, describing the nation’s highest office as “awash in speed,” reported Rolling Stone.

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Trump needs to be ready with a good response to 1/6. Biden and the moderators are going to try everything to keep the focus on indictments/ convictions and “threats to democracy”. Trump needs to side step and keep the focus on Biden’s failure as a president.
Those couple things are all Biden has.