Pope shifts on gay couple blessings

I was just asking a question not related to the op. Someone had told me there was a change in the Catholic Church in the 60s. Some churches didn’t go along with whatever the change was. I thought you might know what it was.
Gotcha. Usually, when people make that reference, they are talking about Vatican II, which was an ecumenical council, but did not issue any papal decrees that would be considered infallible, so it is technically possible to consider Vatican II an invalid council while still accepting the authority of the pope. This is a very tight rope to walk, but it's exactly the rope the Society of St. Pius X walked up until they were excommunicated by JP2, and have again walked since they were (mostly) reconciled by Benedict.

Long story short, the Pope is only infallible when he speaks on a matter of faith or morals in his capacity as the head of the universal Christian church, because in those instances, Christ protects him from error. In any other instance, the Pope still has authority, but not the guarantee of infallibility.
Gotcha. Usually, when people make that reference, they are talking about Vatican II, which was an ecumenical council, but did not issue any papal decrees that would be considered infallible, so it is technically possible to consider Vatican II an invalid council while still accepting the authority of the pope. This is a very tight rope to walk, but it's exactly the rope the Society of St. Pius X walked up until they were excommunicated by JP2, and have again walked since they were (mostly) reconciled by Benedict.

Long story short, the Pope is only infallible when he speaks on a matter of faith or morals in his capacity as the head of the universal Christian church, because in those instances, Christ protects him from error. In any other instance, the Pope still has authority, but not the guarantee of infallibility.
I need to do some research. Vatican II is not the term I remember him using. But I’ve drank a lot of beer since then
As I recall, Christ said “go and sin no more” a lot.

If I understand Him correctly, He is loving the sinner while hating the sin. Something He did a lot.

As for liberal churches, they are dying.

Inevitably, the more liberal the church, the faster it declines.

If nothing is a sin and everything is ok as long as it feels good, then why do I need church? Why do I need Jesus?
I need to do some research. Vatican II is not the term I remember him using. But I’ve drank a lot of beer since then
Yep…that’s it. He attends a church that still does things pre-Vatican II. I’m guessing there aren’t many of those around?
As I recall, Christ said “go and sin no more” a lot.

If I understand Him correctly, He is loving the sinner while hating the sin. Something He did a lot.

As for liberal churches, they are dying.

Inevitably, the more liberal the church, the faster it declines.

If nothing is a sin and everything is ok as long as it feels good, then why do I need church? Why do I need Jesus?
I'm guessing your views on religion would have been liberal to most Christians 100 years ago.
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I'm not surprised it went over Farva's head, but I'm disappointed in you, snarl and Spartans. Perhaps you guys are suffering from a bit of provincialism, as well?
Please point me to the bastion of conservative Catholics in Europe and the Americas. I’ll move there. Last I checked there are like 4 in Europe and a few 100 in El Salvador.
Hasn't the "love the sinner, hate the sin" philosophy been central to Christianity since Christ himself ministered to prostitutes and money changers? He probably dealt with lawyers and CPAs too! ;)
Please point me to the bastion of conservative Catholics in Europe and the Americas. I’ll move there. Last I checked there are like 4 in Europe and a few 100 in El Salvador.
Well, that's baloney, and you know it, but regardless, Farva was blaming everything on Democrats. Not Socialists, not Labour, not Greens. Democrats.
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Yep…that’s it. He attends a church that still does things pre-Vatican II. I’m guessing there aren’t many of those around?
There are a fair number floating around, but if they don't have permission from their bishop under a very strict set of circumstances to use the old rites, there is a danger that they are invalid. Therefore, the advice is usually that Catholics avoid them just to be safe.
There are a fair number floating around, but if they don't have permission from their bishop under a very strict set of circumstances to use the old rites, there is a danger that they are invalid. Therefore, the advice is usually that Catholics avoid them just to be safe.
What makes them “invalid”? “Just to be safe”….does this mean they believe anyone worshipping based on pre-Vatican II is destined for hell because some people met in the ‘60s and changed the rules?
As I recall, Christ said “go and sin no more” a lot.

If I understand Him correctly, He is loving the sinner while hating the sin. Something He did a lot.

As for liberal churches, they are dying.

Inevitably, the more liberal the church, the faster it declines.

If nothing is a sin and everything is ok as long as it feels good, then why do I need church? Why do I need Jesus?

So churches are growing or shrinking based on the number of sins each recognizes? Would like to see some data that suggests that. I mean, we’re making more evangelicals and losing Baptists.
What makes them “invalid”? “Just to be safe”….does this mean they believe anyone worshipping based on pre-Vatican II is destined for hell because some people met in the ‘60s and changed the rules?

Isn't that true with any and all changes to orthodoxy, not just the 1960s? Even going back to at least Council of Nicea there have been people gathering and deciding who goes to heaven and who to hell.
I’m not even sure that’s the case. The “kinder, gentler” Catholic Church reformists have been hard at work for decades while church attendance continues to decline. Pandering to progressives and balking on long held beliefs is not the way to win more congregants. Only the more “Conservative” parishes are seeing any growth.
Why would it be pandering to progressives? Maybe they just believe it.
So churches are growing or shrinking based on the number of sins each recognizes? Would like to see some data that suggests that. I mean, we’re making more evangelicals and losing Baptists.
I don't have links handy on my phone, but there is some research that shows congregations with more orthodox and conservative doctrine are more likely to grow in attendance, if not necessarily in membership. However, as you might expect, there's a lot of noise in the data. Catholic parishes, for example, often show growth because of consolidation due to lack of priests, rather than for any doctrinal reasons.

Farva in this thread, however, is just proclaiming that things he didn't agree with will necessarily lead to ruin. He has no data.
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all churches are struggling to deal with an increasingly nonreligious population

USA percentage of respondents selecting "unaffiliated", "atheist" or "agnostic" as religious preference, ver time


We all understand that buster brown. You aren’t informing anyone of anything.

It’s the first step.

Catholicism has been bastardized and distilled by Democrats into “Love everyone for who they are and don’t pass judgement”.

I’ve had about enough of it. The Jesuits are mostly to blame with their soft peddled bullshit. The University of Notre Dame and Georgetown University are no different from the Marxists ideologues you saw on Capitol Hill a few weeks ago.

He’s a soft minded populist.

He adverts Catholicism as a good, party fun time while never mentioning any of its strictures.

I hate him. And Jesus would too.
Pope Francis, a good and humble man who promotes kindness, compassion and respect for those on the margins of society, is someone you hate?

And this is a political football for you? Democrats have taken distorted the meaning of Christianity into "love everyone for who they are and don't pass judgment?" Un-effing-believable. Here's some Breaking Gospel News for you: The central message of Jesus is unconditional love for one another, and "judge not lest ye be judged."

I have no doubt that if Jesus walked the earth today you'd consider him a filthy leftist.

Here's my Christmas wish for you - - that you look in a mirror and get some serious help for all the anger and hatred that you harbor.
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On a local level in Bloomington St. Charles is conservative and St Paul is liberal. Big difference in the way the homily is given. St Paul also has like 6 priests to St. Charles one, and he's an ex marine.

I would say St. Charles has seen an uptick in attendance where St. Paul has seen a decline in the last few years.
How do the homilies differ? Examples?
all churches are struggling to deal with an increasingly nonreligious population

USA percentage of respondents selecting "unaffiliated", "atheist" or "agnostic" as religious preference, ver time


kind of an american thing. the catholic church membership has increased worldwide by 10% in the last decade. the us only represents 5% of catholics but the us is not doing well. priests are down. mass attendance is down. parishes are closing. i'm in a very catholic town and each year a list goes up for what parishes are under consideration for closing. i think the decline in religion in our lives (whether you really believe or not) is one more cut that is dragging down the country. the city's going to shit (largely due to progressive leaders) but the reduction in "church communities" doesn't help
kind of an american thing.
The USA is nowhere near the top.

The top 5 countries with the highest % of self-described agnostics and atheists:
Sweden (85%),
Vietnam (81%),
Denmark (80%),
Norway (72%),
Japan (65%).

USA is down at 25-40%

this apparently doesn't include China & Russia
Last edited:
The USA is nowhere near the top.

The top 5 countries with the highest % of self-described agnostics and atheists:
Sweden (85%),
Vietnam (81%),
Denmark (80%),
Norway (72%),
Japan (65%).

USA is down at 25-40%
i meant catholic church attendance membership since we were talking about hte pope. i should have been clearer
another study, USA middle of the pack

Many of the most religious countries are places that Trump would describe as "shitholes"

How do the homilies differ? Examples?
At St. Charles it is much more are you ready to meet your maker? If you died today are you ready? Confession, going to mass, making sure that when you receive the Eucharist you are doing so free of sin (confessing your sins regularly). It is also stressed that what god wanted when Jesus was here is the same today, abortion and gay marriage brought up regularly.

St Paul is a much more accepting and forgiving attitude. Do your best every day mentality. Not a fear of god approach.
At St. Charles it is much more are you ready to meet your maker? If you died today are you ready? Confession, going to mass, making sure that when you receive the Eucharist you are doing so free of sin (confessing your sins regularly). It is also stressed that what god wanted when Jesus was here is the same today, abortion and gay marriage brought up regularly.

St Paul is a much more accepting and forgiving attitude. Do your best every day mentality. Not a fear of god approach.
St Paul is the one on campus, right?
At St. Charles it is much more are you ready to meet your maker? If you died today are you ready? Confession, going to mass, making sure that when you receive the Eucharist you are doing so free of sin (confessing your sins regularly). It is also stressed that what god wanted when Jesus was here is the same today, abortion and gay marriage brought up regularly.

St Paul is a much more accepting and forgiving attitude. Do your best every day mentality. Not a fear of god approach.
Is St Charles the 17th Street one and St Paul the Third Street?
He’s a soft minded populist.

He adverts Catholicism as a good, party fun time while never mentioning any of its strictures.

I hate him. And Jesus would too.

You apparently don't know Jesus.

Can you list all of the people He hated? Take your time
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I don't know if he hated them, but he wasn't at all pleased with the money changers in the temple.
He was pissed at them for where they were doing it. He didn't hate them or anyone including the people who put him to death. On the contrary, he forgave them.
I'm actually not sure on this, but I'm pretty confident that the Catholic Church teaches that God hates sin, but not people.
no i have twelve years of catholic education. 8 as a top ranked altar boy. in that time i caught triple digits falling hosts. god hates for sure. he hates iu and iu fans. he hates me. but god's super moody. things can change
He was pissed at them for where they were doing it. He didn't hate them or anyone including the people who put him to death. On the contrary, he forgave them.
I'm actually not sure on this, but I'm pretty confident that the Catholic Church teaches that God hates sin, but not people.
I was kidding on the hate part of that post. Sorry for not being clear.
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At St. Charles it is much more are you ready to meet your maker? If you died today are you ready? Confession, going to mass, making sure that when you receive the Eucharist you are doing so free of sin (confessing your sins regularly). It is also stressed that what god wanted when Jesus was here is the same today, abortion and gay marriage brought up regularly.

St Paul is a much more accepting and forgiving attitude. Do your best every day mentality. Not a fear of god approach.
Getting ready. That's the theme of all the Mass readings - - in every Catholic church throughout the world - - during Advent. With respect to the Eucharist, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops rolled out the National Eucharistic Revival program last year, so there's supposed to be a greater emphasis on that in every Catholic church in America.

Bishops, pastors and priests are or are not political creatures just like the rest of us. I suppose some are more inclined to discuss abortion than others. It remains contrary to church teaching and the current pope hasn't wavered on that. Same with gay marriage. If a priest is regularly discussing those topics from the pulpit. he's wading into politics.

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