Polls - - a week out

Just as I expected. You're IQ is highly unlikely to be anywhere close to what you assume it is. As far as education goes, I have to Masters and would qualify for a third in Engineering if the Navy bothered to apply for accreditation for the Engineering course I took. I assume law school is extremely easy. After all, dbm claims to be a lawyer. ;)

My experience is extremely wide and deep. I have had people like you work for me while in the Navy and in my civilian job. I've hired Doctorates. Many of them.
As I said your exposure is limited. Your experience is limited. What you know is limited. You’d never be able to handle legal matters of any complexity as you don’t understand nuisance and are a tunnel thinker. Duhhh unfit. You don’t know how shit out in the world works outside of the military. And no aloha you’re not remotely as smart as I am. We’re in a different league. Just like in athletics. What’s more you have zero self awareness. You’re exceptionally emotional. Like myself but you are so rigid you don’t see it. And you’re easily triggered. I can call you emotional trigger you and drag you around by your big toe all day long.
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As I said your exposure is limited. Your experience is limited. What you know is limited. You’d never be able to handle legal matters of any complexity as you don’t understand nuisance and are a tunnel thinker. Duhhh unfit. You don’t know how shit out in the world works outside of the military. And no aloha you’re not remotely as smart as I am. We’re in a different league. Just like in athletics. What’s more you have zero self awareness. You’re exceptionally emotional. Like myself but you are so rigid you don’t see it. And you’re easily triggered. I can call you emotional trigger you and drag you around by your big toe all day long.
Dude, I did 12 and a half years at the VP level in a civilian organization after I retired from the military. I must humbly admit that I was very successful in both of those careers.

You're dragged around this board by your emotions like a dog on a leash. There is no poster more emotional than you. ;)

I'm out for a while. Going to go pick out a couple steaks and the fixings for dinner tonight with the bride and probably do a little chipping and putting after that.

Happy Election Day!
Dude, I did 12 and a half years at the VP level in a civilian organization after I retired from the military. I must humbly admit that I was very successful in both of those careers.

You're dragged around this board by your emotions like a dog on a leash. There is no poster more emotional than you. ;)

I'm out for a while. Going to go pick out a couple steaks and the fixings for dinner tonight with the bride and probably do a little chipping and putting after that.

Happy Election Day!
Lmao as I said what you know is an inch wide and a mile deep. Don’t compare yourself to me. In intellect. Experience. Or athletics. Different league
I hope you're bringing up actual facts rather than misinformation. There's a ton of misinformation out there these days.
We give him info and tell him to search it out. You think he’s getting unbiased information and full info on CNN and MSNBC?
You don’t know how shit out in the world works outside of the military. And no aloha you’re not remotely as smart as I am. We’re in a different league.

On your marks, set, go......... 😂

I don’t support that strategy, nor do I believe it will happen. Is that the only issue at stake? Makes sense that you can only think of one thing at a time…
Going into asshole mode immediately is definitely a MAGA thing. You don't disappoint.
Lmao as I said what you know is an inch wide and a mile deep. Don’t compare yourself to me. In intellect. Experience. Or athletics. Different league
You both have impressive credentials and are two of my favorite posters. Enough with the cock measurements.
Which means they must feel the gravity of this election.
One of their core beliefs is not participating in “worldly activities”. I listened to it from Amish my entire childhood.

They shouldn’t vote.
One of their core beliefs is not participating in “worldly activities”. I listened to it from Amish my entire childhood.

They shouldn’t vote.
So stoll it sounds like we’re doing great. To state the obvious it might just be fool’s gold. Old joe who showed up on Election Day last time got the message to vote early and did but now won’t be here today. Same 45 percent as last time just voting at different times
One of their core beliefs is not participating in “worldly activities”. I listened to it from Amish my entire childhood.

They shouldn’t vote.
Oh I understand. I'm sure some still do but whether by choice or circumstances seems unavoidable these days.
Nonsense. The Dems hate them and they know it.

How poetic if stoll’s people broke norms to bring home a victory for stoll and his bride. Remember stoll went on rumspringa and never came back. He fell for the lore of English success then went back and helped raise the quality of life of over 3,000 Amish by serving as a broker, gatekeeper, and protector of his people from the intrusion of the internal rev service

Fate? Destiny?
Even though I thought Trump would win, I thought Harris had a chance. It seems over, Drudge linked a Zogby poll that has Harris up 3.7% nationally. I may not know what is right, but I know Zogby is always wrong.

Even though I thought Trump would win, I thought Harris had a chance. It seems over, Drudge linked a Zogby poll that has Harris up 3.7% nationally. I may not know what is right, but I know Zogby is always wrong.

Online poll? Lol.
And given their propensity to vote we are in real danger of our government becoming increasingly feminized over the next few decades. We've seen this in the U.K. to disastrous effect. The irony of course being that the only politicians in the U.K. with any balls (Truss, Braverman, Thatcher) are actually women.

We shouldn't take away women's right to vote here in the states, but perhaps their are mechanisms to lessen their influence for the betterment of the Republic.
So sad how low T men such as yourself are threatened by strong women.
And given their propensity to vote we are in real danger of our government becoming increasingly feminized over the next few decades. We've seen this in the U.K. to disastrous effect. The irony of course being that the only politicians in the U.K. with any balls (Truss, Braverman, Thatcher) are actually women.

We shouldn't take away women's right to vote here in the states, but perhaps their are mechanisms to lessen their influence for the betterment of the Republic.

I think you should get out there and advocate this a bit louder. I think it will go over well.

Women do typically enjoy being told what to do, and I think this type of messaging should really grow the big tent GOP.
I think you should get out there and advocate this a bit louder. I think it will go over well.

Women do typically enjoy being told what to do, and I think this type of messaging should really grow the big tent GOP.
You’re not helping. We’re trying to brainstorm ways to suppress the single women vote. If you would like to help, we’re all ears.

Maybe move more polling places to houses of worship?