Parent involvement

Unfortunately emblematic of a lot of public school teachers. They believe they are beyond reproach. They will cram down their sad, distorted world view on your children and how dare you say anything about it.

Vile people. Truly vile.
You’re a whole on absolute cuckoo bird mess, Farva.
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You’re a whole on absolute cuckoo bird mess, Farva.
Let us resolve to no longer engage with each other on the I find most of what you post despicable, you likely think the same of myself.

I don’t believe you are open to having your opinion swayed, I believe I am, but again, you may disagree.

Farewell Zeke. Please don’t reply to my posts with your dim musings, henceforth.
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Let us resolve to no longer engage with each other on the I find most of what you post despicable, you likely think the same of myself.

I don’t believe you are open to having your opinion swayed, I believe I am, but again, you may disagree.

Farewell Zeke. Please don’t reply to my posts with your dim musings, henceforth.
Sorry I’ll reply to your nonsense whoever I wish, Farva. Have you ever wondered why everyone knows it’s you, no matter how many ridiculous names you post under? There’s a reason, you know.
@TheOriginalHappyGoat @Bloom. @stollcpa @UncleMark

I am being harassed by a lonely spinster who is mad at the world. I feel threatened. Please impose the same restrictions on her that you did with Crayfish responding to her Zeke.

Again. I feel threatened.
For the umpteenth time, I had the same restrictions as Cray. I’m neither lonely, nor a spinster. But we all know what you are.
Yes, parents with no input will keep raising cane and will use school choice for something that looks more like how they were raised.
There aren’t really schools teaching like they did 30 years ago.
I’ve been ruminating on this for a second.

Why are the two most autocratic mods on this board (@Cavanagh & @Bloom.) so similar?

Both single, middle aged, 30+ year old men. Both with such an unhealthy obsession for young boys playing basketball that they made a middling career out of it.

These two lack a whole lot of purpose in life. No family, no exciting career, they have nothing. This is their fiefdom where they get to feel some sense of accomplishment and they exercise their powers gladly.

Such a sad, pathetic Duo. Maybe end it?
I’ve been ruminating on this for a second.

Why are the two most autocratic mods on this board (@Cavanagh & @Bloom.) so similar?

Both single, middle aged, 30+ year old men. Both with such an unhealthy obsession for young boys playing basketball that they made a middling career out of it.
Don’t get it twisted, farva. My career has nothing to do with college basketball. I give more in NIL than you make a year.

You have made your life rivals, and post 100* the amount I do. You have literally made more usernames than anyone, quite pathetic indeed.
Yes, parents with no input will keep raising cane and will use school choice for something that looks more like how they were raised.
Parents had more input and total transparency. This isn't about transparency. This is about the Heritage Foundation trying to destabilize public education so they can flood the suburbs with charter schools.
Parents had more input and total transparency. This isn't about transparency. This is about the Heritage Foundation trying to destabilize public education so they can flood the suburbs with charter schools.
Exactly. What parents shouldn't be able to do is dictate what is taught to the entire classroom.
Why are the two most autocratic mods on this board (@Cavanagh & @Bloom.) so similar?

Cav only shows up here when his name is invoked three times.

Bloom is bored and will go back to the basketball boards as soon as the action there heats up.

Then you'll be left with autocrats like me and Goat. If you play your cards right, maybe you can get stoll or NPT to run interference for you.
Cav only shows up here when his name is invoked three times.

Bloom is bored and will go back to the basketball boards as soon as the action there heats up.

Then you'll be left with autocrats like me and Goat. If you play your cards right, maybe you can get stoll or NPT to run interference for you.
Neither NPT or Stoll is that stupid.
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NPT is pretty hands off. stoll only gets involved when he thinks one of his tribe is being picked on, no matter how egregious the behavior.
I don’t recall ever complaining about a post being deleted or reporting a post. Are the complaints and posts that get reported being done primarily by one side?
I don’t recall ever complaining about a post being deleted or reporting a post. Are the complaints and posts that get reported being done primarily by one side?

There are very few reports about posts here at all. They come equally from both sides, and I ignore most of them. Most of the bitching and whining is done here, right out in the open.
Yes, parents with no input will keep raising cane and will use school choice for something that looks more like how they were raised.
Guys like you are why there will continue to be teacher shortages. Having to listen to input from quacks who probably read at a 6th grade level is simply too much.

Funny thing is, many of those that raise issues about sex, race, etc. being taught in schools would fully support shoving the Bible down the throats of children.

Many people want school that is from a white and Christian perspective only. Sad.
Guys like you are why there will continue to be teacher shortages. Having to listen to input from quacks who probably read at a 6th grade level is simply too much.

Funny thing is, many of those that raise issues about sex, race, etc. being taught in schools would fully support shoving the Bible down the throats of children.

Many people want school that is from a white and Christian perspective only. Sad.
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NPT is pretty hands off. stoll only gets involved when he thinks one of his tribe is being picked on, no matter how egregious the behavior.
I don’t have a tribe. I think people should be able to post their political views no matter how offensive it might be to some.

Going after people personally should be zero tolerance. I’ve done my share over the years but have tried to stop. I still fail.

I think you drove Cray over the edge.
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Cav only shows up here when his name is invoked three times.

Bloom is bored and will go back to the basketball boards as soon as the action there heats up.

Then you'll be left with autocrats like me and Goat. If you play your cards right, maybe you can get stoll or NPT to run interference for you.
I've only moderated one poster, so "Goo" and all of his accounts can take a long walk off a short pier.

I'm here until Trump pushes another invasion of the Capitol at a minimum.
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Parents had more input and total transparency. This isn't about transparency. This is about the Heritage Foundation trying to destabilize public education so they can flood the suburbs with charter schools.
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You need to be paying attention when it comes to what's going on to attack public schools. Parent groups complaining there isn't transparency. There is. Parent groups complaining teachers are trying to sexualize their curriculum. Of course, when pressed, it's always some random, isolated example that has zero to do with Indiana, let alone the district they live in.

It's been orchestrated and paid for. Meanwhile, Heritage Foundation is trying to open charter schools in suburbs and struggling to do so. They need approval and families. In the meantime, the groups they're helping fund are trying to create upheaval.
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That’s only a problem if you think lack of funds is the biggest problem of public education.
The allocation of those funds is a big problem, but lack of funds is also. Teachers should not be using their own funds, or spending time fundraising in order to supply their classrooms. All too many of the charter schools know nothing about education and are just in the field to make money.
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