PA Militia

Intellectual fascism, not academic.

And I stand by both observations.

And I expect the fascism to become more than intellectual. Violence is already defended, rationalized, explained here. It is a small next step to light the torch that will be thrown by others, and to use the guillotine instead of just hauling them around as symbols.

You were right to be offended. Intellectual fascism, McCarthyism, internet bullying, the cancel culture, professors demanding adherence to only certain dogma and doctrine, are all offensive. And all tools of the modern left.

The real question is whether it will stop and we can return to a marketplace of ideas, or whether the neo-left will continue to claim sole intellectual worth, and continue trying to paint all opposing ideas as racism?

Remember your 8 years of the Bush administration, arguing dissent is patriotism? Today, in this thread, I’m still TOLD I voted for Trump and called liar if I say otherwise, with applause from lefties in the bleachers. THAT is the modern left in perfect focus.

So don’t blame me for pointing out the moral and intellectual sewer the modern left has chosen to live in. if you don’t like it, change the left or leave the sewer.

I think you're focused on a fringe element on the left. Universal access to health care, a return to a forward-looking environmental agenda, a proactive focus on ending the lingering effects of systemic racism, and expanding the educational opportunities for disadvantaged communities, are the core of the left's agenda.

You can focus on whatever you want. But I've not seen anyone (admittedly I've not read this whole thread) saying you're part of some wild-ass militia vowing to kill Americans, just because they're on the same side of the political divide as you.
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So wait, are we still debating if the McDonalds militia would stand a chance against an actual military unit?

For all the vets in this thread, thank you for your service.
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Calmer than you Dude.

See, I don’t lie. Even when it would help me or my client. I tell my side and send my opponent a copy so they can tell theirs.

In your world, lying is normal, so you assume others lie, and accuse folks of lying, cause it’s not unusual for you. Part of every day, especially when selling political bs that enslaves millions while blaming “the other side” for that enslavement.

I’d “bet” you are a Clinton-loving, Epstein-loving hypocrite pedo - but I wouldn’t lie about it.
Every time you post about the other guy you are lying because you obviously don’t know.
I think you need to gain a better understanding of the phrase "Physician, heal thyself" since you appear to misunderstand the criticism I was making. That said, you can find several criticisms of Rockfish and Doc Hoops for their angry screeds from me if you want to go back and find them. They aren't around too much anymore, so you'll need to go back a ways. I don't really interact a ton with Goat and I'd need to see a post of his that you think I should criticize him for. We'll both have to weather some deep thoughts from jet about me being a broken record, but I think we can handle it. ;)
You’re a real Jack Handey...
So wait, are we still debating if the McDonalds militia would stand a chance against an actual military unit?

For all the vets in this thread, thank you for your service.
You're welcome.