Only good stuff

LOL This reminds me of my high school chemistry teacher (at an all male Catholic school). Once a year, her daughter would come and visit the class. There was no apparent reason for her visit that I can recall, but her daughter was stunning. Her visit even made it into our yearbook, as a quarter page photo with a caption that "X made her annual visit to Ms. _____'s chemistry class."
Bookmark the page?
I meant to take a picture of it last night but forgot to.
And I am very curious to see what the daughter looks like now. Her mom was a rather fulsome woman, to the point that some of us wondered if the daughter had been adopted.
And I am very curious to see what the daughter looks like now. Her mom was a rather fulsome woman, to the point that some of us wondered if the daughter had been adopted.
So the 2nd definition . . .



1. complimentary or flattering to an excessive degree

Example: "the press are embarrassingly fulsome in their appreciation"

2. of large size or quantity; generous or abundant

Example: "the fulsome details of the later legend"

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So the 2nd definition . . .


1. complimentary or flattering to an excessive degree

Example: "the press are embarrassingly fulsome in their appreciation"

2. of large size or quantity; generous or abundant

Example: "the fulsome details of the later legend"
yes, #2. I was trying to be polite, but mom likely had to pay extra for her clothes due to the amount of material that had to be used.
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So the 2nd definition . . .



1. complimentary or flattering to an excessive degree

Example: "the press are embarrassingly fulsome in their appreciation"

2. of large size or quantity; generous or abundant

Example: "the fulsome details of the later legend"

Is it just me, or is the example usage of the first definition basically the usage of the second definition? I mean, an alternative of the first example would be "the press are embarrassingly fulsome in their condemnation." That would not equate to "complimentary or flattering to an excessive degree," right?

Seems to me that the definitions here are more accurate:
Is it just me, or is the example usage of the first definition basically the usage of the second definition? I mean, an alternative of the first example would be "the press are embarrassingly fulsome in their condemnation." That would not equate to "complimentary or flattering to an excessive degree," right?

Seems to me that the definitions here are more accurate:
Perhaps an explanation of all of this:
But do you put both shoes on then tie. Or put a shoe on, tie, then move onto the next shoe?
I tie both shoes first, before I put either sock on. Then I untie the left shoe, put my left sock on, put the left shoe on, untie the right shoe, put the right shoe on, then tie the left shoe, and finally tie the right shoe.

Then I put my underwear on.

OCD is hell.
Then I put my underwear on.

OCD is hell.
What do you do when one shoelace is slightly longer than the other. Like by a millimeter or two but it just Then what do you do?

And do you know which of your two feet is bigger than the other (right for me, a sign of intelligence no doubt)?
I forgot how good the Spurs were.
I'm partial to the '86 Celtics, with Bird at his peak and one of the only two healthy years Bill Walton ever had, as 6th man.

I am not a Celtics fan at all (Pacers fan for 53 years!), but that was beautiful basketball for combining offense (inside and out), defense (inside and out), opportunistic fast breaks, spectacular passing, great shooting efficiency, and just plain clutchness.

The Spurs had many similar characteristics. You could say the Warriors too, though they are more outside-in than having inside-outside balance. Centers and PFs outside of Jokic, Embiid, and Giannis seem to have less of an impact than ever, unless they also play outside-in.
I'm partial to the '86 Celtics, with Bird at his peak and one of the only two healthy years Bill Walton ever had, as 6th man.

I am not a Celtics fan at all (Pacers fan for 53 years!), but that was beautiful basketball for combining offense (inside and out), defense (inside and out), opportunistic fast breaks, spectacular passing, great shooting efficiency, and just plain clutchness.

The Spurs had many similar characteristics. You could say the Warriors too, though they are more outside-in than having inside-outside balance. Centers and PFs outside of Jokic, Embiid, and Giannis seem to have less of an impact than ever, unless they also play outside-in.
I think the thing about the Spurs was, sure, they had some great players...but only one real superstar in Duncan. And during that season in 2014 neither he nor any other Spur averaged over 30 mins a game. Can you imagine?

What a team. I always admired the 04 Pistons for taking out the Lakers and holding prime Kobe and prime Shaq under 100 in each game and four of the five under 90. In game three the Lakers scored 68 points. christ.
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The comment section is a shambles.

Evolution has its downsides.
I need that to be real.

Also, why am I watching a Hyundai commercial where some quarter zip douche is driving a Hyundai down a mountain, across a beach, up a concrete tunnel (?) with the fine print saying “Do NOT attempt.” Then, why show it?
The comment section is a shambles.
Link now active. To be sure, i wasn't talking about this place. Well....

I love to link Reddit

EDIT FOR THE 100th time - Apparently we can't link to Reddit (at least not hot link). I know Reddit is going to shut down accessing via 3rd party apps. Would this be causing the problem? Or is this just a Rivals issue?

google this for an amazing video.


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