Calling all "robosexuals"

So you’ve never been to a drag show? They are entertaining as hell. That’s why kids would enjoy them. Want to trust parents to dictate school curriculum, but not enough to decide whether to take their kids to a drag show? Typical hypocrisy. And I think of you dig really deep, you can answer your own ridiculous question.
Never been. I've also never been to a cock fight. Have you?
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Drag shows have been around for over 100 years. Why the hell they are in the news now is a question you'll have to ask yourself. I guess people are bothered by the rare child that attends. A young child has no fkn clue what any of it means, and it's harmless. My 4 year old daughter think she has "nuts" because her older brother jokes and laughs about getting kicked in the nuts. So she goes around saying "you kicked me in the nuts"

Maybe I'm a groomer parent too?

I would never take my children to a drag show. Fwiw. And think they should be an 18+ event.

But I'll say when I was growing up...a child could drink in Wisconsin with approval of their parent... at a bar.
If they're so innocuous, why wouldn't you take your kids to one?

We have an 'educator' on here who thinks they're great entertainment. Why deprive your kids of that, unless you think there was something wrong with it?
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Now you are just being silly. I, and society, should care about offspring. They are the future of everything.. I’m not talking about adults. Everything I’ve said about this issue is about kids. If a 20 something wants to cut off body parts, they can do that, but they have my sympathy, so I do care. They are headed for a miserable life and will likely destroy or kill themselves.

According to you, I guess we should eliminate child labor laws and statutory rape laws, righ? If a 10- year- old kid wants to make some money to buy vireo games, or a 12 year old wants to have sex with you, I guess that’s okay. After all, why shouldn’t kids experiment? Oh, and let’s let youngsters buy booze while we are at it.
We aren’t talking about children . We are talking about high school kids for the most part, occasionally middle school kids. You’re the one being ridiculous thinking one has anything to do with the other.
If they're so innocuous, why wouldn't you take your kids to one?

We have an 'educator' on here who thinks they're great entertainment. Why deprive your kids of that, unless you think there was something wrong with it?
Lol. I just picture old men yelling at clouds when half of you post now. No one here is advocating taking kids. But I believe it’s up to the parents. Ya’ll want to let the parents dictate what to learn in school but not whether they can take their own kids to drag shows. Your ignorance on the topic is obvious. Maybe you can explain why Pose and RuPaul’s Drag Show have been highly rated tv shows for years? Oh right. It’s because MANY people find drag shows entertaining.
If a child tells a school official they are gay, should it be told to the parents? It appears many think so since even pronoun use laws are being pushed. Come out against those and you have a point. It isn't just trans kids who use alternative pronouns.
Gays are not trans - they don't use different pronouns.

It appears you are confusing the two.
Lol. I just picture old men yelling at clouds when half of you post now. No one here is advocating taking kids. But I believe it’s up to the parents. Ya’ll want to let the parents dictate what to learn in school but not whether they can take their own kids to drag shows. Your ignorance on the topic is obvious. Maybe you can explain why Pose and RuPaul’s Drag Show have been highly rated tv shows for years? Oh right. It’s because MANY people find drag shows entertaining.
I'm talking about drag shows at schools and libraries. If parents want to take their kids to a drag show on their own, I suppose that's their business.

Stop trying to justify it.
Get caught is different than seeking help.

I have seen psychiatrists discuss this with guns. If psychiatrists report people who might be a danger and those people have their guns seized by police, those people will not seek help. That is the worst possible outcome.

If a kid is "caught", the trust/help paradigm shifts. But if a kid says, "don't tell my parents but I am sometimes suicidal" then telling the parents may well trigger the event. The 1st responsibility in my mind is to get them immediate professional help and let the professional determine the time and manner to alert the parents.
Impossible for me to disagree more with this. There’d be liability on the school as well
Yes, you claim anyone who hasn't been to a drag show can't know what it's about, but there are many things you haven't been to that you pass judgement on.

Just typical of your thinking.
Where did I say that?
I'm talking about drag shows at schools and libraries. If parents want to take their kids to a drag show on their own, I suppose that's their business.

Stop trying to justify it.
Drag shows at libraries are special events the parents sign up for and choose to attend. I don’t agree with the schools and my guess is you can’t find a dozen elementary schools who have hosted them. Stop looking for things to be outraged about.
Lol. I just picture old men yelling at clouds when half of you post now. No one here is advocating taking kids. But I believe it’s up to the parents. Ya’ll want to let the parents dictate what to learn in school but not whether they can take their own kids to drag shows. Your ignorance on the topic is obvious. Maybe you can explain why Pose and RuPaul’s Drag Show have been highly rated tv shows for years? Oh right. It’s because MANY people find drag shows entertaining.
Interesting. I see you screaming like a banshee when you're typing out your response.
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That I have to deal with this guy for the next 20 years is unfathomable. God just laughs and laughs and laughs at me
Is there anyway that you can quickly get a job as a waiter at that restaurant? If so, you could have some real fun at their dinner. Or at least pull some strings and get a table next to theirs?
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Drag shows at libraries are special events the parents sign up for and choose to attend. I don’t agree with the schools and my guess is you can’t find a dozen elementary schools who have hosted them. Stop looking for things to be outraged about.
That's all you have - a 'guess'.

Gays are not trans - they don't use different pronouns.

It appears you are confusing the two.

Just the opposite, you guys are confusing. Asexuals, for example, use different pronouns (ace often used).

As to gays, use of different pronouns goes back a long way.

Historically, queer men and women switched their use of gender pronouns so that they could openly communicate with one another in times when it was not safe to openly have same-sex relationships. This practice — sometimes called "she-ing" — has a centuries-long history around the world, including England, Peru, the Philippines, and South Africa. “Men using women’s pronouns, and women using men’s pronouns, has got an enormous time depth in American lesbian-gay English. It’s not a recent formation at all,” explains William Leap, an emeritus professor of anthropology at American University and pioneering expert on queer linguistics.​

Just the opposite, you guys are confusing. Asexuals, for example, use different pronouns (ace often used).

As to gays, use of different pronouns goes back a long way.

Historically, queer men and women switched their use of gender pronouns so that they could openly communicate with one another in times when it was not safe to openly have same-sex relationships. This practice — sometimes called "she-ing" — has a centuries-long history around the world, including England, Peru, the Philippines, and South Africa. “Men using women’s pronouns, and women using men’s pronouns, has got an enormous time depth in American lesbian-gay English. It’s not a recent formation at all,” explains William Leap, an emeritus professor of anthropology at American University and pioneering expert on queer linguistics.​

They didn't demand others call them that, particularly in schools.

You're still confused.
That's all you have - a 'guess'.

That’s six. Keep going
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^^^Loses mind when something she claims doesn’t happen gets outlawed^^^
Why do you make such a ridiculous claim? Did you even read what I said? I said I don’t agree with drag shows in school. Please explain your comment. Or perhaps you might be the one who has lost their mind. Bit this thread turned. Old men are REALLY afraid of drag shows!!
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Why were you asking CoH if he'd ever been to a drag show?
Because he said it’s just people showing off or trying to be weird. And his response was he’s been to one of the best. Again, why do you care? I promise no one will make you go and if you see one it won’t turn you gay.
Because he said it’s just people showing off or trying to be weird. And his response was he’s been to one of the best. Again, why do you care? I promise no one will make you go and if you see one it won’t turn you gay.
Well, he's right. Why does that bother you?
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Well, he's right. Why does that bother you?
Boy are you lost. It doesn’t bother me. What makes you think it does? I’m done conversing with you on this topic. You aren’t making sense, you don’t understand it, and once again, afraid of anything outside your circle.
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Is there anyway that you can quickly get a job as a waiter at that restaurant? If so, you could have some real fun at their dinner. Or at least pull some strings and get a table next to theirs?
This one goes out to @mcmurtry66
I wish that I knew what I know now
when I was younger
I wish that I knew what I know now
When I was stronger.
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Boy are you lost. It doesn’t bother me. What makes you think it does? I’m done conversing with you on this topic. You aren’t making sense, you don’t understand it, and once again, afraid of anything outside your circle.
Why were you arguing with him then?

You're seriously confused.
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HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Bullshit.

You didn't read a single link I posted.
I’m not reading all six articles. The first one I read was after school at a high school. That’s my assumption that most of them are. Elective! At the high school. After school. Who cares?
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I’m not reading all six articles. The first one I read was after school at a high school. That’s my assumption that most of them are. Elective! At the high school. After school. Who cares?
So you didn't read the articles and assumed they only talked about 1 school per article.

Jezus, I pray for your students.
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I disagree strongly about that and I imagine anyone studying teens would. You don’t think a strong support system would help prevent suicide?
I’ll grant that that is suggestive of a link. So is Zeke’s link (are they referencing the same study?). I went over them quickly and will read further tonight. Thank you both for the links.

From what I can tell, neither supports (or documents results of) not telling parents. Instead, they suggest a finding that parents, once told, should be accepting about the issue with their children. That can’t happen, though, if the policy is not to tell them.
I’ll grant that that is suggestive of a link. So is Zeke’s link (are they referencing the same study?). I went over them quickly and will read further tonight. Thank you both for the links.

From what I can tell, neither supports (or documents results of) not telling parents. Instead, they suggest a finding that parents, once told, should be accepting about the issue with their children. That can’t happen, though, if the policy is not to tell them.

I cannot speak for Zeke, but for me we are very close to agreement. A lot of parents may react poorly at first being told. To me the question becomes the question, how to soften that initial reaction.

The response to the shock is often the problem. Though let's address the elephant in the room, some parents will be prejudicial about this. But I think most will, after the initial shock, will act as loving parents.

Just out of personal experience, I didn't react great when my middle quit basketball. I didn't do terrible, but I was not the after school special model dad either. That's fairly minor compared to being told one might be/is trans.
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It’s the trying to keep kids alive way. Please reread Marvin’s post. It is not black and white and teachers are occasionally the only person a teenager might trust. I once had a child who was beat over something I told their parent. I had to call child services. The parent was upset because she thought she was doing what I wanted. Imagine a teenager trusts ONE person, their teacher. The teacher betrays that trust and tells parent. Teenager might run away or worse. How does that make things better? It’s a difficult situation and I would of course try to get student to tell parent or turn over to counselor. I think. It’s hard to know what you’d do without knowing all the circumstances.
You assume all parents are something they are very unlikely to be.
You assume all parents are something they are very unlikely to be.
I never assume all parents are anything. That would be silly. I don’t assume all, or even most. A few. Why would you say that? I give you a concrete example and you turn it into an all thing? Disappointing. Considering I worked with parents for over 30 years, I might know a little about it though.
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So you didn't read the articles and assumed they only talked about 1 school per article.

Jezus, I pray for your students.
You can’t even respond to what was written. Lol

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