Calling all "robosexuals"

Lol. Yes indeed. Drag shows are all about getting votes. Well actually they are starting to be for the Republicans painting them as the devil’s work.
Yep, those evil Republicans not wanting children to see grown men dancing half naked. What’s next? Laws saying kids can’t drink or go to a strip club? Republicans are such squares.

It’s incredibly disturbing a woman would be more concerned about the drag queen than the child be exposed to it.
Yep, those evil Republicans not wanting children to see grown men dancing half naked. What’s next? Laws saying kids can’t drink or go to a strip club? Republicans are such squares.

It’s incredibly disturbing a woman would be more concerned about the drag queen than the child be exposed to it.

Drag shows have been around for over 100 years. Why the hell they are in the news now is a question you'll have to ask yourself. I guess people are bothered by the rare child that attends. A young child has no fkn clue what any of it means, and it's harmless. My 4 year old daughter think she has "nuts" because her older brother jokes and laughs about getting kicked in the nuts. So she goes around saying "you kicked me in the nuts"

Maybe I'm a groomer parent too?

I would never take my children to a drag show. Fwiw. And think they should be an 18+ event.

But I'll say when I was growing up...a child could drink in Wisconsin with approval of their parent... at a bar.
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Drag shows have been around for over 100 years. Why the hell they are in the news now is a question you'll have to ask yourself. I guess people are bothered by the rare child that attends. A young child has no fkn clue what any of it means, and it's harmless. My 4 year old daughter think she has "nuts" because her older brother jokes and laughs about getting kicked in the nuts. So she goes around saying "you kicked me in the nuts"

Maybe I'm a groomer parent too?
I bet she prefers wearing pants, too, doesn't she?
Drag shows have been around for over 100 years. Why the hell they are in the news now is a question you'll have to ask yourself. I guess people are bothered by the rare child that attends

It's in the news because it use to be incredibly rare and you weren't exposed to it. I never knew drag shows allowed children.

From a personal standpoint. I didn't have one trans students until a couple of years ago and 5% of my students this year identify as trans. Like clockwork almost all of them come from broken families and/or have learning disabilities. Not to mention it's our current policy that were not to inform the parents if the student hasn't told them. It might not bother you, but it does me. I think it's immoral and wrong for a public institution to lie to parents and promote mental illnesses to children. It might not bother you, but it does me.
A young child has no fkn clue what any of it means, and it's harmless. My 4 year old daughter think she has "nuts" because her older brother jokes and laughs about getting kicked in the nuts. So she goes around saying "you kicked me in the nuts"

Maybe I'm a groomer parent too?

I would never take my children to a drag show. Fwiw. And think they should be an 18+ event.

But I'll say when I was growing up...a child could drink in Wisconsin with approval of their parent... at a bar.
I have children. My daughter has dressed up both of my sons. I didn't give a sh#t. I just wish my youngest would wear some form of clothing. He likes to rock out with his c#ck like were f%cking hillbillies.
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Not to mention it's our current policy that were not to inform the parents if the student hasn't told them. It might not bother you, but it does me. I think it's immoral and wrong for a public institution to lie to parents and promote mental illnesses to children.

So you consider keeping a child's confidence to be lying to the parents and promoting mental illness?
If a parent asks me if their child has changed their gender (when I know they have) and I say no, what is it?

That would be a lie, yes. Is it the policy to lie to the parents, or just not to offer up that information unsolicited?
The policy is to be dishonest to parents. We rat kids out all the time when they get trouble. Teachers are a bunch of snitches.

LOL. Okay, so not ratting the kids out amouts to "lying to parents and promoting mental illnesses".
So you’ve never been to a drag show?
Why would you say that?

Yes, quite entertaing. I’ve seen the best They aren’t a new thing. . If you think a drag show is about some dude dressing up like a woman and trying to sing and dance like one you are badly mistaken. I wouldn’t think a third grader would like it better than a magic show. Kids going to drag shows is an adult thing, not a kid thing. .
LOL. Okay, so not ratting the kids out amouts to "lying to parents and promoting mental illnesses".
No, I consider being purposely dishonest and lying synonymous. The mental illness part is when someone who is a girl thinks they are boy or vice versa. Also, I apologize for f#cking this thread up @mcmurtry66. I’ll do better in the future.
Why would you say that?

Yes, quite entertaing. I’ve seen the best They aren’t a new thing. . If you think a drag show is about some dude dressing up like a woman and trying to sing and dance like one you are badly mistaken. I wouldn’t think a third grader would like it better than a magic show. Kids going to drag shows is an adult thing, not a kid thing. .
You made the point we are all making. It’s not a new thing. So why are conservatives acting like it is. So do tell, what is it all about? Magic shows? Really?
No, I consider being purposely dishonest and lying synonymous. The mental illness part is when someone who is a girl thinks they are boy or vice versa. Also, I apologize for f#cking this thread up @mcmurtry66. I’ll do better in the future. If you do indeed teach trans students, it would definitely behoove you to educate yourself a bit. Your bias is probably quite apparent to them.
No, I consider being purposely dishonest and lying synonymous. The mental illness part is when someone who is a girl thinks they are boy or vice versa. Also, I apologize for f#cking this thread up @mcmurtry66. I’ll do better in the future.

Trans behavior is mentally ill behavior. Simple as that. If you have school policy that says you can't discuss this with parents, then public schools are certainly on their way out.
You made the point we are all making. It’s not a new thing. So why are conservatives acting like it is. So do tell, what is it all about? Magic shows? Really?
Just stop with that “conservatives “ BS. Many people don’t care to see drag shows. The internet clips of the current crop in elementary schools are just f*cking silly. No talent, no nothing of value. Just dudes acting stupid. Oh, trans exhibitions are new in elementary school.
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Trans behavior is mentally ill behavior. Simple as that. If you have school policy that says you can't discuss this with parents, then public schools are certainly on their way out.
I thought I was living in an alternative universe when I found out it was our policy to not inform parents. Thankfully, I think the state is going to pass a law that schools have to inform parents.

What's amazing that's going on pol
I thought I was living in an alternative universe when I found out it was our policy to not inform parents. Thankfully, I think the state is going to pass a law that schools have to inform parents.

This is common sense. Anyone opposed to is definitely not a parent.

This era is the beginning of the end of public schools. Mark it down
What's amazing that's going on pol

This is common sense. Anyone opposed to is definitely not a parent.

This era is the beginning of the end of public schools. Mark it down
I have no idea how that diagnosis can be made by a school without parental involvement. This whole trans thing in school is f*cking nuts. . Any school administrator, teacher, or counselor who goes down the trans road without family support is committing child abuse, not any different than consensual statutory rape. These are kids!

But it gets worse. Blue states are enacting shield laws the purpose of which are to enable kids and schools to hide these trans kids from parents iby giving them a different home. The assumption is that these laws are needed to save trans kids lives which itself is another blue liberal fraud.
I didn't read the thread all the way through, I am not sure what a robosexual is so I figured he was talking to some of you all.

But I finally did look at the last page. As usual, everyone makes hard questions appear simple.

Of course parents should be involved. I fully agree.


We cannot always depend on parents to be reasonable. Is punishment, sometimes physical punishment, what we want for kids who may feel they are gay/trans/want referred to as "they"?

So what is a teacher/councilor supposed to do if a student trusts them and comes to them?

If the school employee tells nothing, they are in violation of what we all think the ideal, family involvement.

If they tell the family, they may subject the child to punishment. Oh, and they teach the child not to trust anyone with personal issues.

But nothing like this fits in the 20 second soundbite that we demand all issues fit into.

Deep thinking isn't a 20 second soundbite.
I didn't read the thread all the way through, I am not sure what a robosexual is so I figured he was talking to some of you all.

But I finally did look at the last page. As usual, everyone makes hard questions appear simple.

Of course parents should be involved. I fully agree.


We cannot always depend on parents to be reasonable. Is punishment, sometimes physical punishment, what we want for kids who may feel they are gay/trans/want referred to as "they"?

So what is a teacher/councilor supposed to do if a student trusts them and comes to them?

If the school employee tells nothing, they are in violation of what we all think the ideal, family involvement.

If they tell the family, they may subject the child to punishment. Oh, and they teach the child not to trust anyone with personal issues.

But nothing like this fits in the 20 second soundbite that we demand all issues fit into.

Deep thinking isn't a 20 second soundbite.
Some of these Wokees are nuts. And I kid often but here I’m not. Some are nuts. Are they a small percentage. Of course. Some parents are no good. They too are a small percentage. Policy has to be directed and contemplated for the majority not the extremes. Why the left has championed the extreme on this issue, media etc, is lost on me.

Teachers must be mandated to speak to parents unless they have a legit basis for belief in neglect then a state guardian should be the next step.
I didn't read the thread all the way through, I am not sure what a robosexual is so I figured he was talking to some of you all.

But I finally did look at the last page. As usual, everyone makes hard questions appear simple.

Of course parents should be involved. I fully agree.


We cannot always depend on parents to be reasonable. Is punishment, sometimes physical punishment, what we want for kids who may feel they are gay/trans/want referred to as "they"?

So what is a teacher/councilor supposed to do if a student trusts them and comes to them?

If the school employee tells nothing, they are in violation of what we all think the ideal, family involvement.

If they tell the family, they may subject the child to punishment. Oh, and they teach the child not to trust anyone with personal issues.

But nothing like this fits in the 20 second soundbite that we demand all issues fit into.

Deep thinking isn't a 20 second soundbite.
Stop using “gay” and “trans” as if they are the same thing. Going down the trans road with “gender affirming” care permanently damages a human being. Being gay doesn’t.
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Stop using “gay” and “trans” as if they are the same thing. Going down the trans road with “gender affirming” care permanently damages a human being. Being gay doesn’t.

If a child tells a school official they are gay, should it be told to the parents? It appears many think so since even pronoun use laws are being pushed. Come out against those and you have a point. It isn't just trans kids who use alternative pronouns.
Some of these Wokees are nuts. And I kid often but here I’m not. Some are nuts. Are they a small percentage. Of course. Some parents are no good. They too are a small percentage. Policy has to be directed and contemplated for the majority not the extremes. Why the left has championed the extreme on this issue, media etc, is lost on me.

I didn't read the thread all the way through, I am not sure what a robosexual is so I figured he was talking to some of you all.

But I finally did look at the last page. As usual, everyone makes hard questions appear simple.

Of course parents should be involved. I fully agree.


We cannot always depend on parents to be reasonable. Is punishment, sometimes physical punishment, what we want for kids who may feel they are gay/trans/want referred to as "they"?

So what is a teacher/councilor supposed to do if a student trusts them and comes to them?

If the school employee tells nothing, they are in violation of what we all think the ideal, family involvement.

If they tell the family, they may subject the child to punishment. Oh, and they teach the child not to trust anyone with personal issues.

But nothing like this fits in the 20 second soundbite that we demand all issues fit into.

Deep thinking isn't a 20 second soundbite.
Parental problems are almost always inextricably intertwined with drugs and/or alcohol. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised to see drugs and alcohol in the home of many kids who claim trans status with a school official. We also have the opposite problem. One single mom (who was a visible officer at Disney) bragged about her kids both living an alternate sexual lifestyle. That isn’t random.
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I didn't read the thread all the way through, I am not sure what a robosexual is so I figured he was talking to some of you all.

But I finally did look at the last page. As usual, everyone makes hard questions appear simple.

Of course parents should be involved. I fully agree.


We cannot always depend on parents to be reasonable. Is punishment, sometimes physical punishment, what we want for kids who may feel they are gay/trans/want referred to as "they"?

So what is a teacher/councilor supposed to do if a student trusts them and comes to them?

If the school employee tells nothing, they are in violation of what we all think the ideal, family involvement.

If they tell the family, they may subject the child to punishment. Oh, and they teach the child not to trust anyone with personal issues.

But nothing like this fits in the 20 second soundbite that we demand all issues fit into.

Deep thinking isn't a 20 second soundbite.
Do we have a lot of evidence of parents physically abusing or punishing their children for expressing gender confusion? Any?

Is it at such a level that schools should enact rules to protect children from their parents?

If we discovered that more children are punished or physically abused for poor grades or bad behavior at school, should we then create rules that forbid teachers from communicating grades and behavior to parents so that they are also protected?
If a child tells a school official they are gay, should it be told to the parents? It appears many think so since even pronoun use laws are being pushed. Come out against those and you have a point. It isn't just trans kids who use alternative pronouns.
I see pronoun nonsense in the same way I see purple hair, tats, and piercings. People drawing attention to themselves with nonsense instead of accomplishments. But the liberal fantasy du jour is to deprive kids of public or any recognition for academic achievement. Awards for excellence are out. ”Trans visibility day“ is in. Our county is f*cking nuts.

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