I didn't read the thread all the way through, I am not sure what a robosexual is so I figured he was talking to some of you all.
But I finally did look at the last page. As usual, everyone makes hard questions appear simple.
Of course parents should be involved. I fully agree.
We cannot always depend on parents to be reasonable. Is punishment, sometimes physical punishment, what we want for kids who may feel they are gay/trans/want referred to as "they"?
So what is a teacher/councilor supposed to do if a student trusts them and comes to them?
If the school employee tells nothing, they are in violation of what we all think the ideal, family involvement.
If they tell the family, they may subject the child to punishment. Oh, and they teach the child not to trust anyone with personal issues.
But nothing like this fits in the 20 second soundbite that we demand all issues fit into.
Deep thinking isn't a 20 second soundbite.