One of the problems with going electric vehicles and machines etc.

I'm all for electric cars and I suspect most people are for them or simply don't care. There's just a large disconnect between the way people live (urban no garages) and the cost. When the cost of a car is more than the median household income of a city it's pie in the sky talk (politicians out of touch)

I see a lot of posts on Facebook making fun of electric cars (and hybrids). I admit I cannot reasonably afford one, but when I can I will get one.
I see a lot of posts on Facebook making fun of electric cars (and hybrids). I admit I cannot reasonably afford one, but when I can I will get one.
That's the rub. They need to be around long enough to have a substantial, affordable used market and they need to sort out charging. Not everyone lives in a home with a garage
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I will never ever own a electric vehicle!
Climate change is BS. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for glaciers melting. It’s just an experiment to see how gullible people are.
Covid was another experiment pulled right out of the Twilight Zone episodes.
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I will never ever own a electric vehicle!
Climate change is BS. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for glaciers melting. It’s just an experiment to see how gullible people are.
Covid was another experiment pulled right out of the Twilight Zone episodes.
Another thing about these environmentalist they would have everyone living in tents. But I am sure they would outlaw campfires 🔥 Oh let’s not eat beef anymore because cows fart methane gas!
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The National Electric Grid could not handle the extra use of charging cars! We are 20 years away. To say we are not, is just plain stupid!

that's absolutely true, though we can debate the exact time line.

that said, the potential amount of electric energy is limitless, as long as the sun shines, the wind blows, and rivers flow.

the supply of oil, especially easy to get to oil, is very limited.

there are things electric won't be suited for, such as air travel, and things it is and will be.

plan accordingly.

and guard against those doing the planning, for the readily available oil supply to last only for their time on earth.
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that's absolutely true, though we can debate the exact time line.

that said, the potential amount of electric energy is limitless, as long as the sun shines, the wind blows, and rivers flow.

the supply of oil, especially easy to get to oil, is very limited.

there are things electric won't be suited for, such as air travel, and things it is and will be.

plan accordingly.

and guard against those doing the planning, for the readily available oil supply to last only for their time on earth.
After working in the oilfield the technology and speed of development of new technology is unreal. The east coal and oil is long gone but they extract stuff we never thought possible 20 years ago.
After working in the oilfield the technology and speed of development of new technology is unreal. The east coal and oil is long gone but they extract stuff we never thought possible 20 years ago.
That's called fracking
After working in the oilfield the technology and speed of development of new technology is unreal. The east coal and oil is long gone but they extract stuff we never thought possible 20 years ago.

people need to wake up, and and also start thinking about a future past just the lifespan of those here now.

oil is a very limited resource, and they ain't making any more.

and extracting the harder and harder to extract, becomes more and more expensive, and more and more damaging.

and a huge bt fk to future generations, is not leaving them some, or only the most difficult and expensive to get to.

what might seem like plenty today, won't tomorrow.

there's more than just global warming at play here for those who inherit this planet from us.
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Do you really believe anyone was goddamn f*****g stupid enough to believe that was a genuine story? F***
Lots of people here believe really crazy shit. The Big Lie, for example. My first post in this thread, post #11, called it "made-up crap" but my conclusions were mocked by others.
Lots of people here believe really crazy shit. The Big Lie, for example. My first post in this thread, post #11, called it "made-up crap" but my conclusions were mocked by others.
Why wouldn't you be mocked? You're an idiot. I'd rather travel across the country sitting bitch in the backseat of a Smart car with Cori Bush to my left Maxine Waters to my right and the Imperial Wizard and David Duke in the front seats than be trapped in your Prius with 900,000 miles for even 2 minutes
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Why wouldn't you be mocked? You're an idiot. I'd rather travel across the country sitting bitch in the backseat of a Smart car with Cori Bush to my left Maxine Waters to my right and the Imperial Wizard and David Duke in the front seats than be trapped in your Prius with 900,000 miles for even 2 minutes
Good luck, I will see you when you get back.
Why wouldn't you be mocked? You're an idiot. I'd rather travel across the country sitting bitch in the backseat of a Smart car with Cori Bush to my left Maxine Waters to my right and the Imperial Wizard and David Duke in the front seats than be trapped in your Prius with 900,000 miles for even 2 minutes
Make sure you're not riding in the front.

Why wouldn't you be mocked? You're an idiot. I'd rather travel across the country sitting bitch in the backseat of a Smart car with Cori Bush to my left Maxine Waters to my right and the Imperial Wizard and David Duke in the front seats than be trapped in your Prius with 900,000 miles for even 2 minutes

get a grip.

it's not really a red Prius.

that's just red primer.
How often do you think mechanical things broke down in the early 1900s compared to a couple of mules? Heck, look at the Russian Army today and how often their trucks are breaking down. But people still took the leap and gave up the mules and horses.
They switched when it was advantageous to switch, it wasn’t forced on them.
They switched when it was advantageous to switch, it wasn’t forced on them.
Who is being forced today? The "call" in the OP was Deere trying to upsell. I guarantee a lot of salesmen tried to sell cars to horse owners.

Further, in big cities, most people did not own horses but used horse pulled taxis or a form of a bus. As cars became more ubiquitous, those became unprofitable. So yes, some were forced that way.

Those in cities that owned horses probably suffered social backlash. First, horses leave behind their own form of pollution. Second, before people knew of car overcrowding traffic jams, I bet horses took some blame for slowness. So I bet horse owners were berated and made fun of by car owners.

Even in more rural areas it probably was an issue. About two months ago I got caught behind 3 Amish buggies coming out of Paoli at 2AM in a no passing zone. I will bet early car drivers were irritated at that too. And without the "it is their religion", I suspect more vocal.

As electric becomes more common, gas stations will close. Internal combustion mechanics fewer. But they will not go away for a very very long time. It took 50 years to get the horse off the road (except in Paoli), it will take longer for the electric car.
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A), i don't believe for 2 seconds 90% of the sht in the OP post of the thread.

B), almost 100 responses in, and not one person has answered the fundamental question in the threads opening post, what do you do when the combine or tractor battery is drained, and getting it to a charging station and letting it sit while it charges blows up the limited timeline to get the harvest in?

it shouldn't take 5 seconds for anyone to have solved that problem.

you just make the batteries modular, always have full spares ready to go back at your charging station, and have a vehicle well suited to switching them out.

the idea that John Deer, (or any big corp) is run by liberals was hilarious enough.

that no one at JD was capable of solving the dead battery/recharge time dilemma, was as well.

that said, no reason passenger cars or big trucks can't have modular battery swat out options as well.

said options could totally replace the main battery, or just supplement the main battery.

what are now gas station-convenient marts, become gas station-convenience mart-charging-swap out stations.

and if we have easily swappable modular batteries and swapping/charging stations, as we now have gas filling stations, no more need to have gas generator backups or gas engines at all in EVs.

now the question becomes, what about John Deer saying swapping out the battery voids the warranty on a million dollar piece of farm equipment, just like replacing that bad processor or board yourself now does, so instead when your $600,000 tractor or $900,000 combine breaks down due to a bad chip, (same problem i had with my Cherry 2000), you can't replace it yourself without voiding the warrany, and have to have a flatbed haul it back to the dealer 90 miles away, where it sits for 2-3 weeks waiting to be fixed by the dealer who gets 90% his service requests at harvest time, and can't staff for that anymore than IU can have enough restrooms in Memorial Stadium to accommodate everyone wanting to go at the same time.

meanwhile the crop rots in the field.

we need freedom to repair laws, but no doubt the Supremes would strike those down.
It wasn’t an honest attempt by the OP - it was a bot and should’ve been removed.
I will never ever own a electric vehicle!
Climate change is BS. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for glaciers melting. It’s just an experiment to see how gullible people are.
Covid was another experiment pulled right out of the Twilight Zone episodes.
You can't fix stupid.

The amount of glacier melt water from Greenland alone in the past year would cover the state of California 5 feet deep.
people need to wake up, and and also start thinking about a future past just the lifespan of those here now.

oil is a very limited resource, and they ain't making any more.

and extracting the harder and harder to extract, becomes more and more expensive, and more and more damaging.

and a huge bt fk to future generations, is not leaving them some, or only the most difficult and expensive to get to.

what might seem like plenty today, won't tomorrow.

there's more than just global warming at play here for those who inherit this planet from us.
Yeah sure. It’s a geopolitical nightmare. We see it (some of us)regardless of who’s in charge. Limited recourses is a real and scary thing. People generally don’t care until the wallet is hit. I’m a fan of old fun muscle cars, belching diesels and even steam engines but reality is the change is coming. Why people believe the cold energy companies over science baffles the F- out of me. Solar is so friggin cheap and easy to install. Even lithium iron phosphate batteries are great. People think that lithium ion is the same and it’s not even close. This is where the recycling comes in.
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Stupid is buying a car before researching. Happens all the time with oil burners. That battery and car aren’t even a good example. No sympathy from me when people do dumb things.

I'm not buying that the battery is no longer available, either.
I'm not buying that the battery is no longer available, either.
That car wasn’t even good as an ICE. Plus never buy a used EV that has no battery climate control or a valid used parts market. They built to few of them.
Saw a good story this morning on CBS Saturday morning on fusion energy. Now they are able to sustain power with temps of 200 million degrees (akin to the temps on the sun) for a few seconds. The hope is by 2035 we’ll have the technology to sustain that power level indefinitely and it’ll be able to generate all the electricity we need with relatively low input costs with very little radiation wastes and very safe. It is described as the “perfect energy source.”

Saw a good story this morning on CBS Saturday morning on fusion energy. Now they are able to sustain power with temps of 200 million degrees (akin to the temps on the sun) for a few seconds. The hope is by 2035 we’ll have the technology to sustain that power level indefinitely and it’ll be able to generate all the electricity we need with relatively low input costs with very little radiation wastes and very safe. It is described as the “perfect energy source.”

Tell ‘em to hurry the fvck up. I want a Mr. Fusion in my DeLorean before I go.
I think the EU set laws on when internal combustion powered passenger cars must no longer be sold.
California sure did. I think Newsom’s announcement will be repealed before it happens.

Lots of HD vocational vehicles are poor electrification candidates. Often the Body equipment costs more than the chassis it’s mounted on.
* Snow plows: pushing snow around takes a lot of energy, with little opportunity for recapture.
* Fire trucks: Can’t afford to lose power to the fire apparatus pump with personnel inside a burning building.
** No sane person would really want to stand on wet ground next to a 480 Vac extension cord that runs the (300 HP) fire apparatus pump
* Forest Service: No charging stations will be installed alongside logging trails.
* Utility Service: When power lines are dead, PG&E plans to just tow Diesel Tier 4 gensets.
* Concrete delivery: that drum requires constant motion, and concrete is heavy.
* Well drilling and service: Deep wells take lots of drilling.
* I don’t believe Long Haul tractors will ever be economical, and expect them to be a fad at best.

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