I think you're too personally affected by budget cuts.
I don't think I am going to be impacted by them. What I am personally affected by is things you guys talk about in the abstract, I actually see. I know Musk is looked upon as a "genius" and in some aspects he is. I am just telling you that I am actually in a position to see what all the Twitter bluster looks like in application and this "genius", when it comes to this stuff, doesn't know what he is doing.
I know there are several people on here who have ostensibly been on my side that take issue with what I am saying and I am ok with that. I am just some screen name on a sports message board. Yeah, some of this has impacted me, mostly as unnecessary stress and annoyances, but I think that there are things going on here that don't feel right to me and it goes beyond the Musk and DOGE junk. And frankly, I think you are having some misgivings about some things on the foreign policy front yourself.....
When people point out the debt, all we get back is "But Social Security". Like there's no reason to cut anything else in discretionary spending.
There are reasons to cut things in discretionary spending. You know who would know where to cut some of that fat? Good government employees. I work with a whole bunch, you don't think we don't know who the poor performers are? You know there is a process set up in the government where you can announce a reduction in force and that poor performers are among the first on the block to be let go. Clinton did that process in the 90's. Musk is currently paying a certain percentage of the federal workforce to sit at home and still collect a check until the end of the fiscal year. "Take my offer and you can go on vacation or do whatever you want until October..." Some new good performers left because they felt they were probably going to be let go anyway and they could go find another job. Not one below average performer in the area I am in took the offer. So not only does Musk's stupid idea cost more because he is paying for half a year of salary for no work when RIF is much cheaper, but he also chased off the wrong people.
And I come to the forum and get, "This dude is a genius, how can you bash him. Look he is just cutting the government and saving money, how could you have a problem with that?" Well, because I have personally seen the impact of some of this and it isn't abstract to me and so I know for a fact that Mr. Genius messed up. And that is just with his program. He messed up the firings too. Which is why they are losing court cases. "Just tell them all they were poor performers and fire them...." This isn't the private sector and this isn't his fiefdom. If they wanted probationary employees to go, RIF. It takes a little time to do that though and this was all about showing off for his Twitter/X sycophants. They were all cheering him on, "Yeah you get those lazy good for nothings! We have a genius in charge now!" Well Mr. Genius just lost court cases (which cost money) and had to reinstate employees (costs more money) and is now going to have to go and do this by the statutorily defined method which would almost be coming to a conclusion right now if he had done that in the first place.
So respectfully, tech bro may know more about programming and how to sell people that he knows more than he really does know, but when he delves into an area where people actually have experience, I have heard it said that you realize that he doesn't maybe know as much as he lets on. And this is one of those areas where I know he messed up and I was telling people on this forum he was messing up and here we are.
So we can't slash the deficit by $2 trillion. How about by $1 trillion? Does that not lower the growth of the debt? You don't think getting rid of unnecessary spending is going to pay dividends down the road when these aren't included in baseline budgeting?
So I got off a tangent up above but want to bring it back to why Social Security always gets brought up and to maybe turn one of your statements above back on you while also answering this. Yeah, I think some cuts can be made. The issue I have is with saying, "We were spending money on some stupid (and in my opinion counterproductive) things with USAID so all that needs to go. Get rid of it all." The things is, I think you can buy some stability and goodwill relatively cheaply if we spend that money a little more wisely. So yeah, let's find some savings but I think that things government should do fall under that doscretionary category quite a bit and discretionary spending is at near historic lows.
Check out @FiscalService Fiscal Data’s new federal spending page! #FederalSpending
There is a chart under the "Spending Categories" in the above link that gives a percentage and dollar breakdown of how much has been spent on each category by the government so far this fiscal year, I have shared this link before and would encourage you to go and see where you think we could cut $500B (since we are only half way through the year) from discretionary spending. Can't touch Social Security ($631B), Medicare ($443B), most of Health ($399B), none of Net Interest ($396B), and most of Veterans Benefits and Services is untouchable as well ($170B). So where you can cut, National Defense ($399B), Income Security ($323B), Education, Training and Social Services ($88B), Transportation ($56B), Natural Resources and environment ($49B) and then everything else like Department of Justice and such would fall under Other ($86B).
When you look at the numbers you get an idea really quick that the trillion dollar cut you are talking about means you don't believe the government should really be much more than people with guns who take money from these people and give it to those people.
So why does Social Security get brought up in conversations like this? Well, because it is 21% of the budget and when combined with it's sister in spending Medicare, the costs of those programs are 36% of the budget. Which is where I bring your first statement about me being too closely affected by budget cuts back to the forefront. I think there are a bunch of retired people on this board. Why shouldn't Social Security and Medicare be on the chopping block? I can show you article after article where the growth in government spending is being driven by those two things. Why should benefits be held static for the baby boomers who have been told this cataclysm budget failure was coming for the majority of their adult lives yet continuously voted to kick the can? People can work longer these days, I know several septuagenarians working still. Social Security wasn't supposed to be all of someone's retirement. Why are retirees entitled to my money? Wouldn't the same argument apply to them? Why should they get health coverage at a cost that many people in their 20's can't have for themselves but are forced to pay for others?
Retired Republicans love them some Socialism when they are the recipient of the checks. "But, but that is my money I paid into that...." OK, say we buy that argument. Well, you underfunded your retirement despite the warnings for the past 30 or 40 years and now your kids and grandkids need to clip your benefits because of your failure to plan.
And I don't know if you are of Social Security age so the "you" in these isn't applied to you per se, it is an argument about retirees having the gall to tell people to "learn how to code" because of the deficit when they, and the retirees that came before them, are the main driver of that deficit.
One last point, we have already spent $355B more this FY than last FY when looking at the same timeframes. All this cutting is just scalp taking. This is what all the messing with government workers is about:
"We want bureaucrats to be traumatically affected. When they wake up in the morning, we want them to not want to go to work because they are increasingly viewed as the villains. We want to put them in trauma." - Russell Vought, Director of OMB
I do tend to take personal what has clearly been intended to be taken that way. Retirees that cheer on Javier Milei should take a look at what he did with his country's social security program:
I don't want any complaining when the World's richest man gets around to doing the same thing here....