Oil spill confirmed

Hey Houthis


That should show them.
Where’s Greta? Where are the eco freaks?

The Houthis control Yemen. They prioritize Islam’s victory over Christians and Jews. They put zero effort into agriculture. Yemen’s “farmers” prioritize the drug qat.

Iran supplies weapons.

The US and EU supply 90% of Yemen’s food.


We are terrible at this game
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The Houthis control Yemen. They prioritize Islam’s victory over Christians and Jews. They put zero effort into agriculture. Yemen’s “farmers” prioritize the drug qat.

Iran supplies weapons.

The US and EU supply 90% of Yemen’s food.


We are terrible at this game
Because the Yemeni population isn’t at fault that their government sucks
Ok….how does it change?

Just like our government spending addiction….at some point hard decisions have to be made
Being the wealthiest country in the world comes with some ethical responsibilities. Humanitarian aid shouldn’t just be a political ploy. Call me a bleeding heart but people born in these shit holes didn’t ask for their plight
Being the wealthiest country in the world comes with some ethical responsibilities. Humanitarian aid shouldn’t just be a political ploy. Call me a bleeding heart but people born in these shit holes didn’t ask for their plight
Pouring money into places controlled by Hamas, or The Taliban or The Houthis in the hopes that some of it makes it to the suffering population is counter productive.
Being the wealthiest country in the world comes with some ethical responsibilities. Humanitarian aid shouldn’t just be a political ploy. Call me a bleeding heart but people born in these shit holes didn’t ask for their plight
Last time I checked….we were deep in debt.

I’m all for helping people….but there needs to be some reciprocation
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Being the wealthiest country in the world comes with some ethical responsibilities. Humanitarian aid shouldn’t just be a political ploy. Call me a bleeding heart but people born in these shit holes didn’t ask for their plight
Agree----Like, helping your own?

If this government put in the effort to help our homeless issues, poverty issues, they do for others----Problem would have been "solved"---much better, many, many years ago.

BUt naaaah.....Lets send $200B across the pond----help others----and ignore the fact we are trillions in debt.
Agree----Like, helping your own?

If this government put in the effort to help our homeless issues, poverty issues, they do for others----Problem would have been "solved"---much better, many, many years ago.

BUt naaaah.....Lets send $200B across the pond----help others----and ignore the fact we are trillions in debt.

So do you want that money applied to the debt or spent to help our own?
Agree----Like, helping your own?

If this government put in the effort to help our homeless issues, poverty issues, they do for others----Problem would have been "solved"---much better, many, many years ago.

BUt naaaah.....Lets send $200B across the pond----help others----and ignore the fact we are trillions in debt.
“Our own” have plenty of opportunities for help. Different worlds
Lol. It’s truly a classic. For my money the best is life of Brian. @Mark Milton That’s right bitch I said it. #1 in the Monty python body of work
Dead Parrot sketch?
"What's on the telly?" "Looks like a penguin."
"Just one more thin mint."
"Actually, I do feel a bit peckish."
"I faht in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries."

So many more, but yes, Life of Brian is inspired by god.
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Still not an oil spill

Here's a current one + one environmental time bomb:

Not the same ship(s) referred to above but the consequences might be just as devastating to the environment...

I've told this story before but it's germane to the overall discussion:

Short version - Dated a woman in D.C. who had worked with the Peace Corps in Yemen where she had an eye opening experience. She said that the people she worked with taught their very young children that Israel and the United States were the two great evils who should be eradicated from the earth...

This was in the 70's a full decade before the early rise of Al-Queda...(which the West didn't acknowledge as a potential threat until the "90's"). That sort of took the edge off her altruism..., particularly when she was made aware of what would happen to her if she went anywhere alone...

Not everyone deserves our pity or our help... Most of the rest of the globe literally defines the phrase: "it's a cruel world out there"...

I personally draw the line at helping (as in Not) those who would gladly participate in the murder of myself and my family if given half a chance...
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