Official DNC covention thread

"she is doing so well right now. She has Donald on the ropes. If I were her id just stop campaigning in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania altogether." -Hillary
As of now, over ONE THOUSSND Chicago Police Department officers have CALLED IN SICK!

Senior officer claiming PTSD...
As usual, you have no link. I’m certain you get 90 percent of what you think and post straight from Russia. You’re a very disappointing person. You’re a vet! Think about your sources.
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I don't think I'm going to make it for Joe. Past my bedtime already. Hope he got a nap in.
We love Joe!!
Don’t have to love Joe to recognize a great speaker. I thought Obama was a great speaker and I didn’t vote for him. So was Bill Clinton -didn’t vote for him. So was Reagan - voted for him!
Ashley Biden is up. Where are the idiots claiming she’s traumatized by her father. This may be one of the most disgraceful and disgusting things about the GOP’s MAGA faction.
And, your point is?

Nothing wrong with Clarke, Heinlein, Asimov et al. Just finished Atlas Shrugged (for the third time) this afternoon. Need something new.
Perhaps you would enjoy One Hundred Years of Solitude and Sunday evenings with a cast of rogues discussing it?
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First season was excellent and pretty uplifting. I think it dropped during the height of the pandemic as well so people latched.

Then it became woke trash. This scene below set television back decades.

Hard to believe it’s the same show that had that dart scene in season 1.
Really good synopsis. And I LOVED season 1 and that dart scene. Really disappointed they didn't develop Lasso's relationship with his father and losing him more in season 2.
He’s been OK. Anyone else thinks he looks like Jeff Dunham’s Walter dummy?

Watched a few minutes of it; wife forced me to...(you know the video of the lion growling at the start of MGM movies, she did the cameo for that one day when all they needed to get her in character was have her think of something I didn't do when she politely asked me to... She's an extraordinarily beautiful woman in all ways most of the time but..., can go into Apache shape shifting mode if she's ticked so I usually try to make her happy unless it's a matter of principle and even then it's hardly worth crossing her...).

Anyway..., after about 5 minutes of beady eyed, phony, Joe babbling on even she couldn't take it and we switched over to one of Erol Flynns worst westerns (San Antonio)... Thr female lead was hot for a gal who's been dead since "93" (Alexis Smith) but even her beauty couldn't carry the show... All in all a bad night for TV...