No I am not going to flip flop but

Right, under that nightmare scenario, it's plausible coach has already talked to these kids. That's my point, you have no idea what is happening but you are so confident in your judgments. I'm not saying your theories are not factual but since we don't know and no one is complaining, it seems like a stretch to be putting coach on blast without knowing the details.

As for Gelon, I know he wasn't here but everyone knew before he got on campus that we had another Priller-esque player and pulling a scholarship could've happened. I mean most say that happened to Ron Patterson so why not Gelon?

where there is smoke there is fire. we KNOW crean consistently over signs more than anyone else. we KNOW that kids typically do not blast a coach when they are being shown the door.

i stopped caring WHY kids left IU so often under Crean long ago. My guess is crean over signs a lot (hence the verb "to crean") AND a lot of kids get sick of his schtick.

most importantly it hasn't led to sustained success (we lose today and we are out of the top 25....yes, with this talent). and what other coaches treat their 12th and 13th schollies like gold?

hey. it's your choice if you want to say this is how it's done and it's working but the results continue to be on the scoreboard.
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We were talking about the nightmare scenario where JBJ, Bryant, OG, and Hartman all want to come back. Who gets "counseled" to look elsewhere? Do we not honor our offers? Or do we not honor our previous commitments to our current players? Sure, it's doubtful it will come to that, but the heavy oversigning is playing Russian roulette. If not this year, then in the future it will bite us in the azz (if it hasn't already from a recruiting standpoint).

Lighten up Francis. Gelon wasn't even on the team last year. This year Priller will most likely have a degree, and since he's not a contributor no one gives a sh1t whether he's treated honorably or not.

Here is the most likely scenario imo if our big three stay:

Priller – politely nudged out

Gelon – transfers after meeting with crean

Hartmon – matt roth type situation – gone

One of the freshmen or McSwain transfer

There you have it spring creaning is done and you have room for 4 new recruits.
He does over recruit but only in the sense that it's over the numbers allotted. He still fields the same number of scholarships year to year. Why would it matter when it took place? If someone isn't going to play then someone isn't going to play. It's the bottom line. I don't fall for that nonsense. The "talk" is likely something happening at the end of every year. Tom has to have a plan in place if many players were to go pro or transfer and he needs a plan in place if they don't. What he is doing now accommodates both. My main thing is making sure players understand what he expects from them. Beyond that, he owes nothing more than honesty at seasons end. Unlike some IU fans who judge at mid-season....
The difference is that he isn't recruiting to fill holes he is recruiting and then opening the holes...that's dishonest
No....its shows an unprepared team running a clown show offense on the firs possession of the game.

Like TB trying to run the floor like a point guard twice vs Nebraska and getting the ball stolen both times. Play fast and play faster!!
During the off season the video clips were of players saying that they were going to improve their leadership this year. If only they had decided to improve their defense instead.
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During the off season the video clips were of players saying that they were going to improve their leadership this year. If only they had decided to improve their defense instead.
They didn't improve much, if at all, on leadership, either.
Explain to me where Indiana has been a "big program" without Crean in the past 22-23 years? I won't even start with Marquette....good lord.
Indiana's not even a big program now?

Still waiting on those other coaches.
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We now became the first mid major team in the history of the Big Ten conference. Who knew? The Creaniacs know no bounds.

I think my post states that we have been with Crean. But please continue to ignore the facts and continue on your mission of hate. It's always fun to listen to you whine.
Isn't Newkirk going to be a 5th year player next year. Does he fit the Roth rule. I'd rather see Hartman back than Newkirk if it comes to someone being shoved out the door.
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Isn't Newkirk going to be a 5th year player next year. Does he fit the Roth rule. I'd rather see Hartman back than Newkirk if it comes to someone being shoved out the door.

That makes to much sense so that probably wont happen. I think Hartman will be Rothed and Gelon will be shown the door even though Crean is the one who brought him here. It is just bizarre that crean brings in these guys who he has to know will probably never see the floor and then recruits over them.
The same could be said about a lot of coaches who then went on to win the title. The point is you know nothing is going to happen now so why undermine the team by just being the negative Nancy you always enjoy being and merely support them through seasons end. THEN continue to nag more than my wife.
I support every single player. I support Indiana basketball. That doesn't mean I have to support the coach, or the direction of the program. And I don't.

Also, I have given Crean credit; thought he done a helluva a job last year. And had hoped it would carry over. It hasn't. Bottom line----He's been to inconsistent. You say the same could be said about a lot of coaches, who've gone on to win a title? Ok----who? And......are/were those said coaches as inconsistent as Crean is? So name me those coaches. And please revert from using Coach K and Donovan. Because it will make you look silly.

Let me ask you this: What have you seen over Creans tenure that leads you to believe he's "the guy"? I'mvery interested in your answer.
Right, under that nightmare scenario, it's plausible coach has already talked to these kids. That's my point, you have no idea what is happening but you are so confident in your judgments. I'm not saying your theories are not factual but since we don't know and no one is complaining, it seems like a stretch to be putting coach on blast without knowing the details.

As for Gelon, I know he wasn't here but everyone knew before he got on campus that we had another Priller-esque player and pulling a scholarship could've happened. I mean most say that happened to Ron Patterson so why not Gelon?

Really? Most felt Ron was a wasted scholarship? And are you really comparing Patterson>>>Priller>>>Gelon? Seesh.
Explain to me where Indiana has been a "big program" without Crean in the past 22-23 years? I won't even start with Marquette....good lord.
So since Indiana has made one bad hire after another, and struggled during KNight's final years, we should accept being "just another program"? Are you on the board? Better question---Are you Fred? Here lies the problem. Since Indiana hasn't been "Indiana" since 1993, it's ok not to try and return to the times of being a Top 5 program year in and year out.

I don't care how IU was 22-23 years ago. I care how Indiana is NOW. And its not good. But hey, if being "just another program"is your cup of tea---Drink up,bro. There's plenty to have.
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I think my post states that we have been with Crean. But please continue to ignore the facts and continue on your mission of hate. It's always fun to listen to you whine.
So we're a big program with Crean who can't get past the Sweet 16 once in 8 years but we weren't a big program 6 years before he arrived when we were in the championship game?

Tom, is that you? Shouldn't you be preparing for the Louisville game?
I support every single player. I support Indiana basketball. That doesn't mean I have to support the coach, or the direction of the program. And I don't.

Also, I have given Crean credit; thought he done a helluva a job last year. And had hoped it would carry over. It hasn't. Bottom line----He's been to inconsistent. You say the same could be said about a lot of coaches, who've gone on to win a title? Ok----who? And......are/were those said coaches as inconsistent as Crean is? So name me those coaches. And please revert from using Coach K and Donovan. Because it will make you look silly.

Let me ask you this: What have you seen over Creans tenure that leads you to believe he's "the guy"? I'mvery interested in your answer.
Replace ‘Crean’ w ‘Archie’ and here we are again...
Nine years watching this crap and it is just now "getting harder and harder to watch Crean coach"???!!! REALLY!!! What more evidence did you need after watching years 1-8?

I was at the game and it was VERY evident from the beginning that this could be another IPFW game. No intensity, no urgency, no one getting their butts chewed for terrible decisions, same old, same old. Just for the players information, if you only see two opposing players in front of you, there are three behind you.

I do have another question for anyone, what the hell is on CTC's piece of paper that he puts on the scorer's table? He looks at it FREQUENTLY.
Luckily Archie has started looking to Coach Mike Roberts this year more there has been some improvements...
I agree with this but it's a long season. I will say this, he is not building himself a solid support structure as he goes into post season play. He was able to hang his hat on consistency last season when other teams didn't have it. Which is why IU won the B1G. If he doesn't have a B1G title and still falls short in the tournament, I think everyone would agree that it's time to move on. BUT....that has to happen first. It's the putting the cart before the horse that undermines the teams efforts. Everyone is Nostradamus after a loss and proclaim a big loss before we go on to beat a top 3 team. Let's let this season continue to ride out and then decide.
I agree completely...
Yep replace IU scott with Aloha Hoosier and it’s a dead ringer!
Shows how stupid you are yet again. I was no Crean fan. I gave him a reasonable three years to prove he was the right coach or not, but he wasn't. I said here that he underachieved almost every year during his tenure, and that includes his first three years. I didn't whine and cry like you do after every game because I'm not an emotional midget, but I advocated replacing him as coach long before most did.
Shows how stupid you are yet again. I was no Crean fan. I gave him a reasonable three years to prove he was the right coach or not, but he wasn't. I said here that he underachieved almost every year during his tenure, and that includes his first three years. I didn't whine and cry like you do after every game because I'm not an emotional midget, but I advocated replacing him as coach long before most did.
Don’t believe you. You were probably wearing your we’re back shirt in his 5th year

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