"MY beautiful Christians" says Trump.

I'm not sure where you're going with this, but you're wrong on a few fronts. Probably more if I could decipher your point.

There are no credible reports of Haitians eating cats in Springfield (this has been covered, ad nauseum). And the Haitian immigrants in Springfield are there legally. They're not aliens.
Love he who brings facts to this cooler!
I'm not a Christian Nationalist. In fact I am not sure what it means. What I will say is I don't want open borders, higher taxes, more regulation, and tax payer funded trans surgeries for illegals (yes, Kamala Harris has proposed this because she is a crazy socialist) I'd also like a President who truly respects our military and doesn't just give it lip service. Harris has gutted it. Trump built it up. In this world we have to have a big stick in the world or we could die.
*insert: VPM emoji here*
Harris has gutted our military? What has she (or even Biden) done? Some specific examples, not something one of your 80 year old parishioners told you.
It’s something they say because it sounds bad, but it’s false. That it’s false doesn’t matter to MAGAs because dishonesty is trait of MAGA culture and lying is what they do. It’s so pervasive that the pastor repeats lies constantly. He either knows he’s repeating lies or he’s not interested in seeking truth. Either is just as bad for a pastor.
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Holy crap, pastor. That’s not a Christian attitude. What brand of Christianity or faux-Christianity are you pushing?
Could we stop with the idea that professing to be a Christian means much of anything. Other than setting people up for being hypocrites for professing to be adherents of a belief structure that they don't/won't/can't actually follow. vpm Is prime example of this
Could we stop with the idea that professing to be a Christian means much of anything. Other than setting people up for being hypocrites for professing to be adherents of a belief structure that they don't/won't/can't actually follow. vpm Is prime example of this
You can tell a Christian by the fruits they bear. VPM is an embarrassment to the profession and the faith
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It’s something they say because it sounds bad, but it’s false. That it’s false doesn’t matter to MAGAs because dishonesty is trait of MAGA culture and lying is what they do. It’s so pervasive that the pastor repeats lies constantly. He either knows he’s repeating lies or he’s not interested in seeking truth. Either is just as bad for a pastor.
An honest question here....Why do you push the "lying" agenda, when Harris has lied at about every turn? I dont understand this approach. Its as if some of you truly believe the "other side" doesnt lie, OR----you condone it because, well its not as bad as DJT.

Look, politics have become an absolute shit show, and eventually will be the demise of this country. Neither candidate is what this country needs. Both choices are cringe. To act as if one side is immune to the lies, flandering, being quite naive.
To act as if one side is immune to the lies, flandering, being quite naive.
to act as if both sides tell lies in anywhere near equal amounts or with anywhere near the negative impact (e.g. Jan 6) is beyond naive and solidly in the dumb as dirt territory
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An honest question here....Why do you push the "lying" agenda, when Harris has lied at about every turn? I dont understand this approach. Its as if some of you truly believe the "other side" doesnt lie, OR----you condone it because, well its not as bad as DJT.

Look, politics have become an absolute shit show, and eventually will be the demise of this country. Neither candidate is what this country needs. Both choices are cringe. To act as if one side is immune to the lies, flandering, being quite naive.
There has never been a more prolific liar as a candidate for President or as President. This is indisputably true. The man is deeply dishonest about most everything small and large. Because I’m a Republican I take shame in that and I’m very much embarrassed by him. I’m more embarrassed by those that parrot the obvious lies. I’d prefer to have an intelligent and sane party rather than a stupid and crazy one.
There has never been a more prolific liar as a candidate for President or as President. This is indisputably true. The man is deeply dishonest about most everything small and large. Because I’m a Republican I take shame in that and I’m very much embarrassed by him. I’m more embarrassed by those that parrot the obvious lies. I’d prefer to have an intelligent and sane party rather than a stupid and crazy one.
100% irrelevant. You are sidestepping the question; which BTW, is very democrat like. THis is typical from you. I didnt ask how you felt about DJT...I ask why are you not concerned with the OBVIOUS lies told by Kamala. Small and large as well. Why not call that out?

Intelligent and SANE party? Kamala is by far one of the most radical senators/candidates ever---And Waltz isnt far behind.

You, among others, are very hypocritical when it comes to this.
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to act as if both sides tell lies in anywhere near equal amounts or with anywhere near the negative impact (e.g. Jan 6) is beyond naive and solidly in the dumb as dirt territory
So where do you rank calling Trump a dictator, comparing to Hitler, and a threat to national security, in the negative impact rankings?

Lying about job growth....Lying about economy...hiding the failing health of a sitting POTUS...Lying about the border..Lying about Trumps stance on abortion...

Are those ok lies?

Maybe go watch some video on DJT, and Jan 6th. Instead of shovel eating the shit fed to you by Kamala.
100% irrelevant. You are sidestepping the question; which BTW, is very democrat like. THis is typical from you. I didnt ask how you felt about DJT...I ask why are you not concerned with the OBVIOUS lies told by Kamala. Small and large as well. Why not call that out?

Intelligent and SANE party? Kamala is by far one of the most radical senators/candidates ever---And Waltz isnt far behind.

You, among others, are very hypocritical when it comes to this.
Harris is secondary to me, but the idea that she lies like Trump is so ridiculous I question the sanity of anyone that claims it. The FACT is Trump is an exceptionally prolific liar. There is no valid comparison. This is directly relevant to your question.

Also, stop with saying you don’t follow politics. You might not have, but you are now. Your posts are as full of dishonest MAGA BS as others. I really miss logical Republicans.
IUFanBorden wades into politics...

Harris is secondary to me, but the idea that she lies like Trump is so ridiculous I question the sanity of anyone that claims it. The FACT is Trump is an exceptionally prolific liar. There is no valid comparison. This is directly relevant to your question.

Also, stop with saying you don’t follow politics. You might not have, but you are now. Your posts are as full of dishonest MAGA BS as others. I really miss logical Republicans.
I dont care if she lies like DJT, or not. She still LIES----and A LOT. But keep dancing around that---and condoning her actions because, "Trump does it more..."

What have I posted that is dishonest?

Heres some logic---My life was much better, much more manageable, and affordable, under DJT. That is a fact. I couldn't care less if he lies in his sleep---I care about being able to afford to live.
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I dont care if she lies like DJT, or not. She still LIES----and A LOT. But keep dancing around that---and condoning her actions because, "Trump does it more..."

What have I posted that is dishonest?

Heres some logic---My life was much better, much more manageable, and affordable, under DJT. That is a fact. I couldn't care less if he lies in his sleep---I care about being able to afford to live.
I’m not dancing around it at all. You’re wrong. On lying, there is absolutely no comparison. You cannot find an objective fact checker that says different.

My thing is not supporting Harris. I believe 100% that Trump is incredibly unfit to be Commander in Chief. He lacks every trait we need in a CinC.
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I’m not dancing around it at all. You’re wrong. On lying, there is absolutely no comparison. You cannot find an objective fact checker that says different.

My thing is not supporting Harris. I believe 100% that Trump is incredibly unfit to be Commander in Chief. He lacks ever trait we need in a CinC.
Wrong about,what? That she lies....and does so a lot. Nope.

I've never compared...Its irrlevant to do so. Just because she lies less, or doesnt tell more mean lies, doesnt excuse her constant lying.

You keep wanting to compare----Why? Does it nake you feel better?
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I dont care if she lies like DJT, or not. She still LIES----and A LOT. But keep dancing around that---and condoning her actions because, "Trump does it more..."

What have I posted that is dishonest?

Heres some logic---My life was much better, much more manageable, and affordable, under DJT. That is a fact. I couldn't care less if he lies in his sleep---I care about being able to afford to live.
In addition, I came from a poor family in southern Indiana. Presidents have very little impact on our personal lives.
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Wrong about,what? That she lies....and does so a lot. Nope.

I've never compared...Its irrlevant to do so. Just because she lies less, or doesnt tell more mean lies, doesnt excuse her constant lying.

You keep wanting to compare----Why? Does it nake you feel better?
Yes. You are wrong. Also, you’re invested in dishonestly claiming Harris lies like Trump because you’re invested in him. You may not understand you’re being dishonest but you are. One day you’ll look back and it will click. Or not.
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Yes. You are wrong. Also, you’re invested in dishonestly claiming Harris lies like Trump because you’re invested in him. You may not understand you’re being dishonest but you are. One day you’ll look back and it will click. Or not.
If you can show where I said Harris lies like Trump, I will happily admit I was wrong to say such. I never said such. I said she lies.

I have no investment in Trump. I dont like the guy at all. But I do feel he's better for the country, than Kamala Harris.

EDIT---What am I wrong about? That she lies?
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If you can show where I said Harris lies like Trump, I will happily admit I was wrong to say such. I never said such. I said she lies.

I have no investment in Trump. I dont like the guy at all. But I do feel he's better for the country, than Kamala Harris.
So, are you admitting that Harris doesn’t lie like Trump does?
Saw this and thought it needed to be called out. Just how exactly has Harris "gutted" our military?

A) Harris as VP has had extremely little control over military budgets, if any.

B) If you had said "The Biden / Harris administration has gutted it", that would at least potentially be more accurate. In the end though, the president can "request" a budget, but Congress still controls the military spending amounts. I would at least give you the whole "The buck stops here" kind of benefit of the doubt, but......

C) Military spending by year for the US:

Seems to me that the spending has been pretty much on par for the past 8 years compared to the country's GDP (I think I saw that 2025 Biden is requesting 850B). Nothing jumps out at me as to this current administration making some kind of effort to dismantle the armed services. Now, you can make the claim that defense spending in 2024 / 2025 is less than before because inflation has out-paced those spending percentages, but something to bear in mind is that we have been ramping down our middle-east presences, so our need for spending (ie. paying for our troops / equipment being maintained over there) has dropped as a result.

So, care to expound upon your claim that Harris has "gutted" our military?
Not sure if she's gutted it or not---But one thing is for sure---She doesnt know where they are. 😂
So, are you admitting that Harris doesn’t lie like Trump does?
I never said she did...And no, she doesn't. But it doesnt change the FACT she lies---and lies a lot.

Not sure why this is such a big deal to you?

IMO, Trump tells a bunch of lies that are just unnecessary...Hypebole lies. --"Worst infaltion ever..I never have inflation"--Its such a silly lie. When the thruth would suffice.
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I never said she did...And no, she doesn't. But it doesnt change the FACT she lies---and lies a lot.

Not sure why this is such a big deal to you?

IMO, Trump tells a bunch of lies that are just unnecessary...Hypebole lies. --"Worst infaltion ever..I never have inflation"--Its such a silly lie. When the thruth would suffice.
That the 2020 election was stolen is a huge lie and unforgivable.

The other strange thing that I see with you Trump supporters, and you’re one, is the propensity to dismiss every outrageous thing he says as hyperbole not to be taken seriously. We should take everything our President says seriously, and so should our allies and adversaries.
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That the 2020 election was stolen is a huge lie and unforgivable.

The other strange thing that I see with you Trump supporters, and you’re one, is the propensity to dismiss every outrageous thing he says as hyperbole not to be taken seriously. We should take everything our President says seriously, and so should our allies and adversaries.
When you have the time, I'd like for you to do me a favor.... Go read my post. Show me where I've dismissed his actions. I've reapeatedly said I do not liek the guy...that he is a ass, etc, etc.... I used an example fo what I feel is the core of most of his lies---hyperbole, needless lies, i.e. inflation, economy, etc, etc....

Not sure about what "dangerous" lies you are alluding to ? What, that the 2020 election was stolen? Ok. And guess what---Hilary also said the same thing. And I mean, there were some fishy shit with the 2020 election. Maybe he honestly beleives, as others do, that it was stolen---Just as Hilary did, and STILL does.

I agree we should BE ABLE to take everything our President says seriously----but times arent as they were. I mean how much of what Joe Biden said, or says, do you take seriously?

Kamala harris is full of lies, and has no idea where she stands. She has done a complete 360, and lies at every turn. I know...I know---She doesnt lie LIKE Trump---She just lies. Got it.

I 100% miss the days where people could support a candidate, and not be ridiculed for doing so. But this is different with DJT. The dude could have 110% fool proof policy that would be perfect----and people would still vote for KH. And simply b/c they dont like him.

I'd say for people like me....Just an honest question for yourself---Was your life eaier 4 years ago, than it is now? If it is---then vote for KH. If its not, I think rather you like the guy or not, you vote Trump.

Me?---My house will vote for Trump. Not because we like him. Not because we supprot him. But because we feel our ability to maintain a feasble, affordable life, is through him. I couldnt care less is he lies about people eating cats, etc....That has no impact on my gas or grocery bills.

So...if ya wanna call me a MAGA this or that---or a TRUMPER---ok. Cool. If voting for what I feel is better for me and my family makes me that---than ok---Its what I am.
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Not sure about what "dangerous" lies you are alluding to ?
Ok, let's start with a lie within the last week: Trump's false claims about the Haitians in Springfield.
You do know that many kids had to miss school on Thursday and Friday because somebody called in a bomb threat both days. Public officials have also been getting death threats.

Ask yourself, would either of those things be happening if Trump hadn't spewed his nonsense during the debate? Do you consider people getting death threats "dangerous"?

Words have power, especially when they come from our leaders. You may be able to discern that something Trump said is hyperbolic / exaggerating, but there are plenty of people in this country who take every word he says as gospel.

You think that Trump's policies outweigh his personality. Fine. I get it. That's your decision. There are a lot of people that share that opinion. For some though, the negatives outweigh the positive. Aloha and I feel that way. I will vote for many Republicans in November. Trump will not be one of them.

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Ok, let's start with a lie within the last week: Trump's false claims about the Haitians in Springfield.
You do know that many kids had to miss school on Thursday and Friday because somebody called in a bomb threat both days. Public officials have also been getting death threats.

Ask yourself, would either of those things be happening if Trump hadn't spewed his nonsense during the debate? Do you consider people getting death threats "dangerous"?

Words have power, especially when they come from our leaders. You may be able to discern that something Trump said is hyperbolic / exaggerating, but there are plenty of people in this country who take every word he says as gospel.

You think that Trump's policies outweigh his personality. Fine. I get it. That's your decision. There are a lot of people that share that opinion. For some though, the negatives outweigh the positive. Aloha and I feel that way. I will vote for many Republicans in November. Trump will not be one of them.

Be more specific when you say false claims. What are some of the false claims?
When you have the time, I'd like for you to do me a favor.... Go read my post. Show me where I've dismissed his actions. I've reapeatedly said I do not liek the guy...that he is a ass, etc, etc.... I used an example fo what I feel is the core of most of his lies---hyperbole, needless lies, i.e. inflation, economy, etc, etc....

Not sure about what "dangerous" lies you are alluding to ? What, that the 2020 election was stolen? Ok. And guess what---Hilary also said the same thing. And I mean, there were some fishy shit with the 2020 election. Maybe he honestly beleives, as others do, that it was stolen---Just as Hilary did, and STILL does.

I agree we should BE ABLE to take everything our President says seriously----but times arent as they were. I mean how much of what Joe Biden said, or says, do you take seriously?

Kamala harris is full of lies, and has no idea where she stands. She has done a complete 360, and lies at every turn. I know...I know---She doesnt lie LIKE Trump---She just lies. Got it.

I 100% miss the days where people could support a candidate, and not be ridiculed for doing so. But this is different with DJT. The dude could have 110% fool proof policy that would be perfect----and people would still vote for KH. And simply b/c they dont like him.

I'd say for people like me....Just an honest question for yourself---Was your life eaier 4 years ago, than it is now? If it is---then vote for KH. If its not, I think rather you like the guy or not, you vote Trump.

Me?---My house will vote for Trump. Not because we like him. Not because we supprot him. But because we feel our ability to maintain a feasble, affordable life, is through him. I couldnt care less is he lies about people eating cats, etc....That has no impact on my gas or grocery bills.

So...if ya wanna call me a MAGA this or that---or a TRUMPER---ok. Cool. If voting for what I feel is better for me and my family makes me that---than ok---Its what I am.
First, vote for whomever you want. I do not try to change your mind or that of anyone else.

Second, my life is better in almost every way than four years ago. When people ask that they’re mostly talking economically, and my life in that regard has been better every single year since college, regardless of who the President is.

Third, stop with the false equivalency between Trump and HRC (who I did not, and would not vote for). She conceded the election (“you won, I lost”) and attended the inauguration the same as every loser in every Presidential election until the loser Trump. HRC has not claimed she lost due to voter fraud either. She’s pissed about Comey’s investigation of her gross negligence in handling classified information in her unclassified email on her unauthorized private server, and that Comey announced he had reopened the investigation because of emails found on Weiner’s laptop within a couple weeks of Election Day (he closed it a day or two later). She’s also pissed the Russians hacked the DNC’s email server and used what they could against her in their attempts to influence the election in favor of Trump. She lost, she conceded, she did not claim she lost due to voter fraud, she attended the inauguration. There is no equivalence whatsoever. More people distrust elections now because they believe Trump’s LIE about losing due to voter fraud. They don’t give a shit that HRC thinks it wasn’t totally fair that she lost. The belief in the voter fraud is the reason for the “Stop the Steal” riot on J6 where those idiots injured 100+ Capitol Police officers. They weren’t patriots, they were criminals driven to what they did by Trump’s lies about a stolen election. They said this over and over in their trials (10OO+ so far).

Finally, I will not vote for Trump because he is unfit for the office, especially Commander in Chief. Period. He lacks the character, integrity, honesty, temperament and mental stability necessary. Add in that he’s clearly at the beginning of mental acuity decline that comes with aging. The man is nearing 80 and is the declining old man in the race now.

I’ll write in a good Republican on my ballot. You can vote for Trump. He’s a near lock to win Indiana and Ohio regardless of what we do, but my conscious will be clear if Trump squeezes out another EC win - the only possible way he can win.
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