I was a fan of the original because I loved the idea of BSG. The original had the problem that humanity was near extinction but everyone was beautiful, clean, and accompanied by powerful theme music. But I still watched it. The new one had the feeling to me it wanted to tell black holes, "hold my beer" in going for darkness. For a while, I got past the majorly depressive aura, but it outlasted me. I think it was too far dark as much as the original wasn't dark enough.
It captured the post 9-11 fear and paranoia way too well. If someone could sit down and merge the two BSG series they probably would hit perfection. And while everyone is fallible, the show seemed to enjoy making everyone deeply flawed. So I appreciate no James Kirk, but at some point, some human (and eventually some cylon) needs to be more than just a hot mess.
The decision during Baltar's trial to reveal a gaggle of cylons was the Fonzie in midair moment for me. I was already not LOVING it but still enjoyed it, but after that, it became a slog. It was as if D&D kept going after Tyrion's "Bran the Broken" speech.
BSG would probably have been better suited to a more modern idea, fewer episodes. The first season was what, 13? It went to 20 after that. Maybe fewer, tighter episodes would have helped my opinion of it.