
Micropenises have feelings too
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The latter. We are judged on how we act and what we do, not on anything intrinsic to our identity.
Some would say you can’t act in a way inconsistent with your intrinsic identity.
Put me in the “some say” group.

Our behavior is hardwired. But I don’t deny environmental influences will modify behavior. The extent to which we allow environmental influences to modify is also hard wired.
Not all polls are scientific in nature.

A poll of self-expressed masculinity would be akin to a college coaching making personnel decision based on input from the players' parents.
As I think about it if you are a liberal man and are asked that question you probably don't think masculinity is the right way to live because your movement denounces it. If a man is masculine then he is either saying he is better than women or trying to rule them. So they think they are representing their ideology by not being as masculine. Also there is some irony here. Some men become liberal because they want to sleep with liberal women.
As I think about it if you are a liberal man and are asked that question you probably don't think masculinity is the right way to live because your movement denounces it. If a man is masculine then he is either saying he is better than women or trying to rule them. So they think they are representing their ideology by not being as masculine. Also there is some irony here. Some men become liberal because they want to sleep with liberal women.
Yes Van, it is known as White Knight syndrome. Snakes in the grass that saddle up next to a woman as a “friend”. They whisper poison in their ear about the masculine men who dare to be direct and don’t take an interest in LGBT or abortion fights.
I’d read that if I had a subscription. However, I’d be super ghey if I had subscription to the Atlantic, which I’m obviously not. I’m on the far right of the chart. I pee sitting down and drank out my kids sippy cup today. That’s actually true. I was thirsty and he left it in the car. His loss.

Also, only a leftist would name their publication after the wimpiest ocean. Anyway, I have the answer for male loneliness. Join a random board and say stupid mean shit to random people you don’t know. It’s a lot of fun.

That may have left a mark....
Put me in the “some say” group.

Our behavior is hardwired. But I don’t deny environmental influences will modify behavior. The extent to which we allow environmental influences to modify is also hard wired.

CoH, does believing we are "hardwired" also mean you believe having free will is overrated?
Put me in the “some say” group.

Our behavior is hardwired. But I don’t deny environmental influences will modify behavior. The extent to which we allow environmental influences to modify is also hard wired.
You’re coming very close to a determinist! Time to read Dennett!
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CoH, does believing we are "hardwired" also mean you believe having free will is overrated?
No. Our decision-making processes might be hard wired, but I don’t think a particular result is predetermined. That said, our genes make certain decisions predictable.
If a man is masculine then he is either saying he is better than women or trying to rule them.
Sorry Van, that is a completely dumbass take there. Thinking you are inherently better than women and deserve to rule over them is not masculinity, it is misogyny. Why would a woman being smart and capable affect my manliness? It doesn't. That flat-out stupid and archaic.
Some men become liberal because they want to sleep with liberal women.
Sure, maybe from about age 18 through 22. Then adulthood hits and putting on an act is not in your playbook. Do you intentionally say stupid stuff because you want to sleep with stupid women? Makes about as much sense.
Yes Van, it is known as White Knight syndrome. Snakes in the grass that saddle up next to a woman as a “friend”. They whisper poison in their ear about the masculine men who dare to be direct and don’t take an interest in LGBT or abortion fights.
Personal experience here?
No. Our decision-making processes might be hard wired, but I don’t think a particular result is predetermined. That said, our genes make certain decisions predictable.
To genes shouldn't hormones, the brain, and aging differently along with our environment all be factors to be considered?

Not entirely sure what constitutes masculinity and how each male might go about rating himself. Do find it interesting political conservatives rate themselves higher on a masculinity scale than do liberals. Is it because the idea of being masculine is more important to conservatives, or what?

In terms of our decision making process, have a hard time not placing emphasis on environment versus being hard wired at birth. Just my way of thinking :) .
Sorry Van, that is a completely dumbass take there. Thinking you are inherently better than women and deserve to rule over them is not masculinity, it is misogyny. Why would a woman being smart and capable affect my manliness? It doesn't. That flat-out stupid and archaic.

Sure, maybe from about age 18 through 22. Then adulthood hits and putting on an act is not in your playbook. Do you intentionally say stupid stuff because you want to sleep with stupid women? Makes about as much sense.
I am saying this is how feminists and those like them see masculinity. They see masculinity as misogyny.
Did I miss something here?

Has McMurty ever commented on his teenage daughter’s sexuality?
When the subject is masculinity, and you 1) Ride a recumbent bike, 2) Fear strangers in red hats, 3) Keep your only firearm at your brother's farm 1,000 miles away, 4) obsess over how a group of people smell, and 5) Swing from Tom Brady's nut sack, the idea of including someone's child in a personal attack shouldn't be surprising.
To genes shouldn't hormones, the brain, and aging differently along with our environment all be factors to be considered?
Yes. But I think most of who we are is driven by genetics.
Not entirely sure what constitutes masculinity and how each male might go about rating himself. Do find it interesting political conservatives rate themselves higher on a masculinity scale than do liberals
n terms of our decision making process, have a hard time not placing emphasis on environment versus being hard wired at birth. Just my way of thinking :) .

. Is it because the idea of being masculine is more important to conservatives, or what?
Using my frame of the essential difference between masculinity and femininity I think conservatives are more masculine.

n terms of our decision making process, have a hard time not placing emphasis on environment versus being hard wired at birth. Just my way of thinking :) .
This one is the easiest. Some are wired to make quick decisions, some can never land the plane. This is proven every time my stoker and I look at a restaurant menu. :)
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As I think about it if you are a liberal man and are asked that question you probably don't think masculinity is the right way to live because your movement denounces it. If a man is masculine then he is either saying he is better than women or trying to rule them. So they think they are representing their ideology by not being as masculine. Also there is some irony here. Some men become liberal because they want to sleep with liberal women.

Van, when you write about becoming liberal because a person wants to sleep with liberal women are you using liberal as being promiscuous rather than having a so called left wing political ideology?
Van, when you write about becoming liberal because a person wants to sleep with liberal women are you using liberal as being promiscuous rather than having a so called left wing political ideology?
I am saying left wing women can get guys who are wishy washy in their beliefs to join them because they men are horny and want to get with these women. For example, Ritchie Cunningham was from a Conservative Republican family who voted for Eisenhower. But Ritchie met this girl who was from a Liberal Democrat family who was voting for Stevenson. He went to rallies etc and upset his father Howard very much. He was just a horny guy trying to get with a girl.
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I am saying left wing women can get guys who are wishy washy in their beliefs to join them because they men are horny and want to get with these women. For example, Ritchie Cunningham was from a Conservative Republican family who voted for Eisenhower. But Ritchie met this girl who was from a Liberal Democrat family who was voting for Stevenson. He went to rallies etc and upset his father Howard very much. He was just a horny guy trying to get with a girl.
A Happy Days reference.

I don't know whether to laugh, warmly remember watching the show live, or cry that I am old enough to understand it.
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Personal experience here?

The snake waits for the opportune time. Girl was just dumped, the guy she likes doesn’t pay enough attention to her, etc.

I’m not sure I believe in the idea of platonic male/ female friendships, one or both is always tryna ****.

The only really good female friends I have are significant others of my guy friend(s). I think that is normal.
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The snake waits for the opportune time. Girl was just dumped, the guy she likes doesn’t pay enough attention to her, etc.

I’m not sure I believe in the idea of platonic male/ female friendships, one or both is always tryna ****.

The only really good female friends I have are significant others of my guy friend(s). I think that is normal.
Are you tryna**** them? If not, the idea of the friendship works. And I think you can be friends with someone you would like to have sex with, anyway.

By the way, to judge your answer to the above question, we will require pics. Thanks in advance.
As I think about it if you are a liberal man and are asked that question you probably don't think masculinity is the right way to live because your movement denounces it. If a man is masculine then he is either saying he is better than women or trying to rule them. So they think they are representing their ideology by not being as masculine. Also there is some irony here. Some men become liberal because they want to sleep with liberal women.
Or I don't live my day to day thinking about that stuff.
Yes Van, it is known as White Knight syndrome. Snakes in the grass that saddle up next to a woman as a “friend”. They whisper poison in their ear about the masculine men who dare to be direct and don’t take an interest in LGBT or abortion fights.
Are you tryna**** them? If not, the idea of the friendship works. And I think you can be friends with someone you would like to have sex with, anyway.

By the way, to judge your answer to the above question, we will require pics. Thanks in advance.
Friendship is impossible if either are attracted
I am saying this is how feminists and those like them see masculinity. They see masculinity as misogyny.
What you said, with the emphasis mine: "If a man is masculine, then he is either saying he is better than women or trying to rule them."

From your phrasing, it isn't the woman's perspective of masculinity you were talking about, it is what a man thinks he's supposed to be doing, to be a manly man. And it's silly.

Masculinity has changed a bit with the times. I think back to my late father, born in 1922, who thought that any form of cooking was "woman's work". He literally could not fry an egg. Would he have ever marinated and smoked a rack of ribs? No way. Is that a manly job? Sure is.

One of the self-proclaimed "dream teamers" on here waxes poetic about his manliness. But... he has admitted that he doesn't even know how to inflate a tire. How unmanly can you get? I can imagine his conversation with his wife: "Honey, can you take the car to the shop and have them pump up the tires. I don't know how!". But oh wait. His wife left him for a more manly chick. Never mind!
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What you said, with the emphasis mine: "If a man is masculine, then he is either saying he is better than women or trying to rule them."

From your phrasing, it isn't the woman's perspective of masculinity you were talking about, it is what a man thinks he's supposed to be doing, to be a manly man. And it's silly.

Masculinity has changed a bit with the times. I think back to my late father, born in 1922, who thought that any form of cooking was "woman's work". He literally could not fry an egg. Would he have ever marinated and smoked a rack of ribs? No way. Is that a manly job? Sure is.

One of the self-proclaimed "dream teamers" on here waxes poetic about his manliness. But... he has admitted that he doesn't even know how to inflate a tire. How unmanly can you get? I can imagine his conversation with his wife: "Honey, can you take the car to the shop and have them pump up the tires. I don't know how!". But oh wait. His wife left him for a more manly chick. Never mind!
