Make the Offer to Steven's

According to Dan Patrick on his show today,

Brad Stevens has been contacted,
has already turned it down,
said that he was flattered to receive interest,
but said that he has the best coaching job already.
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Put him on record as being a NO to the position....we might be very surprised by his response!
Missing the DANCE 5 out of 9 years is UNNACEPTABLE, correct move made today by the A.D.

Go IU!
I am not sure we would even know if he is contacted and says no. Opps. . . I just saw a post that BS said no thank you . . .
According to Dan Patrick on his show today,

Brad Stevens has been contacted,
has already turned it down,
said that he was flattered to receive interest,
but said that he has the best coaching job already.

He has the best coaching job already ....

....until Danny Ainge cans him.
He has the best coaching job already ....

....until Danny Ainge cans him.

He's got his team sitting in the #2 seed, with only one all-star talent, lots of role players, and TONS of high draft picks coming up (including TWO from the Brooklyn freakin' Nets)

He's proven himself already to be the best coach in the NBA. Ainge loves the guy...
He's got his team sitting in the #2 seed, with only one all-star talent, lots of role players, and TONS of high draft picks coming up (including TWO from the Brooklyn freakin' Nets)

He's proven himself already to be the best coach in the NBA. Ainge loves the guy...
I would agree that IU should flat out put the full court press on for Stevens. Maybe IU was his "dream job" until the Celtics called and made an offer no one could refuse. Too bad, timing may never be right for him and IU--maybe this is as close as it ever gets. Not that many long term NBA coaches, but several at high level D-1 esp the "blue bloods." Pay him a king's ransom to come here--he says no, its no, and move on. But at least try.
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Stevens?!?!?! How has no one thought of this before?!?!!? The guy coached at Butler for crying out loud!

The o.p. is one smart cookie.
He's not coming here. I'm sure there's a number to get him out of Boston but it's probably a crazy insane amount that no school could or should pay for a coach. Donovan is our best bet. Forget about Brad unless you have $120M or so that you'd like to donate to the athletic department.
How many times does Stevens have to say "no" (twice publicly this week) before people stop posting these threads?
Not that he has to tell me, but I've not seen/heard any public statements. But, no coach ever expresses interest in public if there is no offer on the table. Glass should put it ALL on the table, whatever he can, and see if Stevens can keep saying no. I would like to know that every effort has been exhausted before looking elsewhere.

I wonder if Cuban wants him out of the NBA?
According to Dan Patrick on his show today,

Brad Stevens has been contacted,
has already turned it down,
said that he was flattered to receive interest,
but said that he has the best coaching job already.
The best coaching job in the NBA is the Cavs and Warriors, and Stevens will be let go before the Celtics ever get by them. The Celtics aren't going to do anything that the Pacers didn't when the Pacers couldn't get by Jordan or Lebron.

The Celtics aren't going to be happy with 3rd place in the East or whatever forever.
How many times does Stevens have to say "no" (twice publicly this week) before people stop posting these threads?

It's a whole level of ignorance beyond that...

How many times does Stevens have to be contacted, say no, give reasons why he is saying no,

before it even sinks into people's heads that "By golly, yes, he has already been asked, so I shouldn't post a thread about how IU should please ask him for the first time about taking the job!"
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Stevens has never coached any college team that wasn't a mid-major.

We don't want him. He can't handle big time college basketball.

(sarcasm people)
We've asked, and asked, and ASKED. Will that EVER sink in? He said no, repeatedly.

Do you suggest we pull a Pitino and send hookers to his house to sweeten the deal?

There's a joke in there that would probably get me banned. I'll just say great post and thanks for the laugh...
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I'm gonna say what I really think about the Stevens deal.....yes, he is IU's first choice if you poll the fans.....But I must say...Billy Donovan is as good a coach, if not better, than Brad Stevens. And Stevens is not an option. I think Billy Donovan is. The guy is at the top of the coaching food chain....and would take IU back to the top. Really, there are only a small handful of coaches capable of returning IU to the pinnacle in the forseeable future. That is the coaching pool we must be getting our coach from.
Not going to get Stevens for 4-5 mil a year..UK and Duke pay 8mil a year..Got to pay him at least 7-8mil..Maybe something like 10 years 75mil
We've asked, and asked, and ASKED. Will that EVER sink in? He said no, repeatedly.

Do you suggest we pull a Pitino and send hookers to his house to sweeten the deal?

I mostly agree.

Asking is a LOT different than actually offering him a 70 million dollar contract (or whatever) and him turning that down.
I guarantee you that there is a figure that would get Brad to Bloomington. But it's probably a crazy insane figure. Think 10 years/$150M. And no we don't have unlimited resources regardless of what Fred said. Brad is very happy in Boston. It's just not happening guys.
How many times does Stevens have to say "no" (twice publicly this week) before people stop posting these threads?

Stevens said no to the IU job twice publicly this week already? I must've missed this. Strange he said this when the job came open only a matter of hours ago. Link?
I guarantee you that there is a figure that would get Brad to Bloomington. But it's probably a crazy insane figure. Think 10 years/$150M. And no we don't have unlimited resources regardless of what Fred said. Brad is very happy in Boston. It's just not happening guys.

You at least need to make Danny Ainge cough up big money to keep Stevens.

I think an offer of over $100 million would be good (even if that's 15-20 yrs).
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Only way Stevens comes back to college is if Kentucky decides he's worthy to coach there sometime down the road.
“Nobody calls,” Stevens said, referring to universities with job openings. “The only thing people usually call me for is to ask questions about candidates. Everybody has a pretty good idea of where I stand, and I think ultimately I’m going to be here. I think that’s pretty well known.”

...This is a recent quote from Brad. Looks to leave wiggle room to me if he wants to come to Bloomington. "I think ultimately I'm going to be here"? Not an absolute in the coaching world for sure.
Donovan is the more realistic option. He's not excelling with a MVP candidate (currently 6th seed at 39-29). Plus he's won 2 championships. 2 more than Stevens. I think Donovan has seen what the NBA is and what it has to offer and would love to jump back to college and continue his legacy there.

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