Looks very much like it's going to be Shapiro.


At some point, the Dems have to call the left's bluff.

Ohhh my I can only hope this is true. The spins on this will make my washing machine spin cycle break.
Ohhh my I can only hope this is true. The spins on this will make my washing machine spin cycle break.
I initially had the instinct you did but I think they'll be able to good cop/ bad cop Israel fairly successfully. Israel is not going to go full-bore against Hezbollah without U.S. backing both financially and diplomatically, which is not coming before November. It seems the worst is over in Gaza as well.

If Israel keeps the conflict at a simmer, it will keep a lot of heat off a Harris/ Shapiro ticket.
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I initially had the instinct you did but I think they'll be able to good cop/ bad cop Israel fairly successfully. Israel is not going to go full-bore against Hezbollah without U.S. backing both financially and diplomatically, which is not coming before November. It seems the worst is over in Gaza as well.

If Israel keeps the conflict at a simmer, it will keep a lot of heat off a Harris/ Shapiro ticket.
I wish Shapiro was leading the ticket. Since he's not, great pick for Harris if he ends up being the guy.
It would go against the Pub talking point that KH is a progressive through and through. In 2020 the Progressive lane was Bernie and Elizabeth Warren. Period. Then KH, JB, and Booker in the middle somewhere. I sensed Mayor Pete was judged right of them.

Not sure why progressives disliked KH, maybe just due to her prosecutor background. I admit that a couple of analytical methods for voting record do show her as a very progressive voter and her BLM rhetoric was awful and pandered to extremists.
The farthest left liberal senator who supported defunding and bail projects. Good grief. Equity of outcomes.

Now it’s election time so let the lies flow baby.
It would go against the Pub talking point that KH is a progressive through and through. In 2020 the Progressive lane was Bernie and Elizabeth Warren. Period. Then KH, JB, and Booker in the middle somewhere. I sensed Mayor Pete was judged right of them.

Not sure why progressives disliked KH, maybe just due to her prosecutor background. I admit that a couple of analytical methods for voting record do show her as a very progressive voter and her BLM rhetoric was awful and pandered to extremists.
IIRC, her record as a prosecutor and AG was rather mainstream/conservative (relatively speaking for CA). She flipped hard left to run for Senate, probably because her main opponent was a moderate Dem.
This makes a lot of sense. Pennsylvania is a must-win and JS will help immensely. Arizona will be a tight race, but with Lake winning the GOP primary yesterday with a very underwhelming 53%, a Harris Shapiro ticket is trending in the right direction.
Harris won’t have to worry about alienating the hardcore progressives in her party with Shapiro. Thats the “Trump is a threat to democracy” crowd who will always vote for her, if for no other reason than stopping Trump.

The Hickories and Bowls of the world.

It’s a very smart choice for her.
Harris won’t have to worry about alienating the hardcore progressives in her party with Shapiro. Thats the “Trump is a threat to democracy” crowd who will always vote for her, if for no other reason than stopping Trump.

The Hickories and Bowls of the world.

It’s a very smart choice for her.
You should have added Outside Shooter
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If she picks Shapiro, she’s going with continuing the excitement around her candidacy in a short cycle. I can still see her picking Kelly, but opening her joint appearance with her running mate in PA sure looks like it’s Shapiro, unless he’s a really great team player.

Kelly polls the best nationwide as her running mate, but Shapiro performed 15% better in PA in 2022 than even Biden did in 2020.

Had Hillary focused on the blue wall in 2016 instead of getting cute trying to expand the map, she would have won. There’s a risk with Shapiro, but maybe a bigger risk in picking another boring white guy not from a blue wall state. It helps that Shapiro is considered a moderate.
Harris won’t have to worry about alienating the hardcore progressives in her party with Shapiro. Thats the “Trump is a threat to democracy” crowd who will always vote for her, if for no other reason than stopping Trump.

The Hickories and Bowls of the world.

It’s a very smart choice for her.
For sane people, even a pile of shit would be more electable than trump.

Speaking of trump, how is diaper dementia don doing these days?
If she picks Shapiro, she’s going with continuing the excitement around her candidacy in a short cycle. I can still see her picking Kelly, but opening her joint appearance with her running mate in PA sure looks like it’s Shapiro, unless he’s a really great team player.

Kelly polls the best nationwide as her running mate, but Shapiro performed 15% better in PA in 2022 than even Biden did in 2020.

Had Hillary focused on the blue wall in 2016 instead of getting cute trying to expand the map, she would have won. There’s a risk with Shapiro, but maybe a bigger risk in picking another boring white guy not from a blue wall state. It helps that Shapiro is considered a moderate.
Conventionally, he seems like the best pick. He covers her right flank and gives her immediate support in a crucial state. He provides a deflection on Israel, and he's also a very good speaker who will perform well on the campaign trail, and I expect also in the debate. If VP picks matter (not saying they do), then he checks the most bullets on the list.
Conventionally, he seems like the best pick. He covers her right flank and gives her immediate support in a crucial state. He provides a deflection on Israel, and he's also a very good speaker who will perform well on the campaign trail, and I expect also in the debate. If VP picks matter (not saying they do), then he checks the most bullets on the list.
Conventionally, presidential candidates select a boring person to stay in the background, do no harm, and not outshine them. I think that would be Kelly or Walz. I agree with everything else you said, but I think she’s making a bolder, riskier move by selecting Shapiro over Kelly. I like it, though. She wants him to actually help her win, even if the public will want Shapiro as President over Trump or Harris when this is over.
Ok, Kamala or Shapiro. Who gets moist first?
Nothing like a good swamp ass… donkey I mean, sweat lodge among friends, climbing the ladder, so to speak.
Conventionally, he seems like the best pick. He covers her right flank and gives her immediate support in a crucial state. He provides a deflection on Israel, and he's also a very good speaker who will perform well on the campaign trail, and I expect also in the debate. If VP picks matter (not saying they do), then he checks the most bullets on the list.
Don’t think VP debates matter, but I suspect he’ll beat Vance handily.
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He looks like the crim procedure prof who was a prosecutor for three years before academia came calling after his wife got a great job in a different town.
Your honor I’m here on a continuance motion
I’m Josh Shapiro for the defense. Seeeee and I don’t consent to plaintiff’s motion. Seee
Judge we just need 30 days to do a little more discovery.
That’s what you said last month smart guy

Little bitch.
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If Harris loses, does that kill Shapiros shot in 28?
I don't think so, and I think that's why this is great for him. If Harris flames out, he just goes hardcore center and blames the party's failures on the left.

Meanwhile, some other young Dem does exactly the opposite and says the party abandoned its values. So we end up with a fight for the soul of the party, but Shapiro is one of the players.
I'd give up my law license to manage a chipotle. All those free burritos.
The reason I said that, I had a High school Gov/ Econ teacher, went on to be an insurance salesman, his wife took a job in another town, I used to meet him at a local bar to shoot pool.
One night he came in totally over estatic that he was the new manager at the down town Bloomington Chipotle . I didn’t understand, for a while.

Then I read why in the paper, back side of the front page.
So you're the one who bought it?
secret smell GIF
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The reason I said that, I had a High school Gov/ Econ teacher, went on to be an insurance salesman, his wife took a job in another town, I used to meet him at a local bar to shoot pool.
One night he came in totally over estatic that he was the new manager at the down town Bloomington Chipotle . I didn’t understand, for a while.

Then I read why in the paper, back side of the front page.
Yeah, I don't know that story. He bang a teenager or something?

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