Longshoreman strike

When your job is one that is almost certainly going to be displaced by technology in the next 10 years or so, is the best strategy to use all your current leverage to get what you can while you can (knowing doing so may only serve to hasten that fate)…or to backpedal in an effort to delay it?

Honestly, if I’m this guy, I’m probably favoring the first option too. I doubt that any concessions they make would actually delay the transition. The incentives to make it are so large that nothing the stevies do or don’t do seems likely to have any effect.
I wonder how many people that guy has had anchored to the bottom of the ocean. Mercy. Sleeve of tats. Big gold chain. Sometimes you forget what men look and sound like when you post on here. Board full of pencil necks and paper pushers
Nobody f**** with the Union.

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I wonder how many people that guy has had anchored to the bottom of the ocean. Mercy. Sleeve of tats. Big gold chain. Sometimes you forget what men look and sound like when you post on here. Board full of pencil necks and paper pushers
That guy have a standing invite to Auburn?
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No one in this labor dispute is acting honorably
If I were President I would drag this asshole into a room and tell him to end the strike or I will make it my job to get funding in our next spending appropriation to upgrade our ports since his strike constitutes a national security threat.

Take the ****ing deal on the table or I help put half your workforce out of a job. And with all his threats, I would have the IRS crawling up his ass and have the FBI investigating for potential racketeering.
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That guy have a standing invite to Auburn?
Hearing him talk about Covid times and his workers. Can you imagine the disconnect with that guy and stay at home Pete.

Sorry Harry. Had a tiff with my hubby this morning. I got his latte order wrong hahahaha. Maternity leave isn’t all it’s cracked up to be!!! Hahahaha.
If I were President I would drag this asshole into a room and tell him to end the strike or I will make it my job to get funding in our next spending appropriation to upgrade our ports since his strike constitutes a national security threat.

Take the ****ing deal on the table or I help put half your workforce out of a job. And with all his threats, I would have the IRS crawling up his ass and have the FBI investigating for potential racketeering.

With Biden not running again, he may actually have the political latitude to do something like this. The Teamsters letter would indicate some level of expectation of him intervening.

But Harris can't do this.
If I were President I would drag this asshole into a room and tell him to end the strike or I will make it my job to get funding in our next spending appropriation to upgrade our ports since his strike constitutes a national security threat.

Take the ****ing deal on the table or I help put half your workforce out of a job. And with all his threats, I would have the IRS crawling up his ass and have the FBI investigating for potential racketeering.
Use the IRS and FBI to threaten people? Have the President come down hard on one side of a labor negotiation between private parties?

No thanks.