Listening to Dan Dakich today about the Religious Bill


All-Big Ten
Apr 11, 2003
And hearing a lot of emails/calls/tweets either for or against the bill. There have been several people that have inserted themselves into the discussion. As a gay man myself, there is one narrative from this discussion that just kind of confuses me. That narrative can be paraphrased as follows:

I don't mind gay people (or taking their money as a business) but I just don't feel comfortable seeing a gay wedding or two dudes together.

Here is why I am confused. I have never went to a straight wedding and left totally disgusted or uncomfortable by seeing a man and a woman get married. I have even seen straight people hold hands and kiss. I did not immediately vomit or go into convulsions. I have actually seen a few vaginas in my life as well. I wasn't disgusted or anything, just not really my thing.

As a straight person, why are two dudes or two women together so disgusting to some? I'm not saying all straight people are like that, but it seems like there several on the DD show today that just can't get past the imagery.

Any help would be much appreciated, as I am just a confused gay man.

*Note - this isn't a discussion on the religious law, I am just trying to understand why there are factions of straight people that are disgusted at the sight of two dudes holding hands or getting married.
Neanderthals, narrow minded or latent homosexuality they are repressing. I don't get it either. If it doesn't effect your lifestyle why the problem? Also I'm going through a divorce because my soon to be ex left for another woman and I have no problem with G/L community.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
They like watching two chicks together....

Just not two dudes.

I don't get it, either. It's just sex. We all like it. We all do it in different ways. Don't get what the big f'n deal is...
Easy answer guy's are gross

but women on the other hand are soft and nice looking, at least that last part is what porn teaches.

I don't like seeing most people making out in public, a small kiss and holding hands no big deal.
It's a generational thing and a lot of people are of a generation that...

sees gays as odd or funny at best and perverse at worst. A lot of that is probably ingrained from years and years of upbringing when the only people they knew who were openly gay were the ones so flamboyant, attempting to hide it was an exercise in futility, or media representations of gays. I think that's why a large number of people all the way down into their....30s I would say?....have kind of a characture impression of gays. So even if their opinions on legal rights for homosexuals change, its hard to divorce themselves of those early impressions. There's not a flip-side to that coin because heterosexual activity has always been considered normal, even to you if you're gay and wouldn't want to partake in it.

People 30ish and under are more comfortable with open expressions of homosexuality because they've seen it at an earlier age with some regularity. They had openly gay relatives and peers who were open because they choose to be, not they couldn't hide it, and except for that one fact that they liked people of the same sex, they were otherwise the same. You had common interest, you did the same things, they were "normal" gays who formed your impression.

Its the same thing with the Michael Sam kiss ESPN aired during the draft. Almost everyone says he should be able to be open about his homosexuality, he should be drafted if he deserves to play, hell, even most people thought he should be able to marry his boyfriend if he wants. But all those thoughts in people's heads didn't jive with the visceral reaction to seeing the kiss because of what they had thought about homosexuality for so much of their life.

My quickly-written two cents on the matter.

This post was edited on 3/31 3:14 PM by HA2740
I'll give this a shot. I'm as straight a guy as you can get and I've got ZERO problems with the LGBT community. It's one of the "left" leaning areas that I totally agree with. I had a couple of classmates growing up that were gay and we were good friends and an Uncle that I loved to death that was also gay. I've always looked at it as a nature issue vs. a big deal to me.

With that said, seeing two dudes kiss has always given me the heebee jeebees. I've got no idea why and I know it's not necessarily right, but it's just that way with me. I use to joke about it with one of my gay friends in college and he always threatened to "lay one on me". It was funny as hell, but still just the way it is with me. I can't explain it, maybe I'm unconsciously imagining myself in the scenario? Again, I have no idea why. I look at it as more of a "me" issue than a "them" issue, so it's on me to deal with. Sorry I couldn't be more help, but that's the way I'm wired I guess.
This post was edited on 3/31 3:06 PM by MTBRider
Sure, but still.....

guys are gross. Look at a pic of a naked chick and naked guy and the guy is gross. They just are.

I don't want to see two naked guys for the same reason I don't want to see two naked mole rats. They're gross.

Naked Mole Rat:

My issue is the root of the problem

If you religious beliefs are such that you don't think someone should be able to live the happy life they choose then you've got bigger fish to fry.

Quite literally nothing a gay couple can do is going to physically or emotionally scar you. This "protection" law isn't protecting you from anything, just allowing you to be a bigot based on beliefs you've been brainwashed with your entire life.

I was raised Catholic, was a christian through high school and I've never understood why hardcore religious people feel the need to dictate the way others live their lives.

Everyone should be afforded the right to be happy and if that means preventing you the 'freedom' to be a bigot then too freaking bad.

Personally, if I was gay, I wouldn't support any company that takes issue with my lifestyle. You want to not serve me because I live my life not according to your requirements? Too bad, I'll take my money elsewhere...

Cracks me up listening to people say christian people are under attack... Go talk to any LGBT person about their normal daily lives, see how they feel. Most of them can't get married in the states they live in. And you're attacked?
I don't completely disagree with you...

There are some really ugly nekkid dudes. But there are some beautiful ones, too! Same with chicks. Not so much mole rats.

How do you feel about nekkid cats?

Interesting. I guess it's hard for me to wrap my head around it

because things like that don't bother me in the slightest. Thanks for your perspective though!
There are no beautiful naked dudes... fact, I'm so repulsed by myself that I jerk off in pitch darkness so as not to spoil the mood.

Dudes. Nasty. Nasty. Nasty.

Except Rob Lowe. He's sorta pretty. Or, he was.
Most murdering psychopaths are okay with unicorns and rainbows.

Yet many who are partial to unicorns and rainbows don't particularly care for disemboweling entrails.

Different strokes for different folks.

EDIT: Fixed 'Yes' to 'Yet'

This post was edited on 3/31 3:42 PM by Moops
Yeah, one was only 16...

...but the other was in her 20's, I think. But it was in Georgia and I guess 16 is (or was) the age of consent in Georgia. I want to say it was during the DNC. Maybe Dukakis, 88?
Yep..actually a couple.

The one you're thinking about was in Georgia. One chick was 22 and the other 16. But age of consent in GA is 16, so nothing came of it (other than bad press).

The other taped escapade was him and a buddy of his with some young model. That 3-some sex tape got leaked. I saw it...and let's just say, Mr. Lowe not only won the genetic lottery with looks....but with endowment as well. Lucky guy...
Latent homosexuality

It gets them all hot and bothered, and they just get confused when that happens....
What does Tom Crean's winning percentage have to do with this?

Don't jump me for assclownery because I haven't actually done the math, but I'm sure he's actually not at 67%....
Some people experience discomfort from weirdos.

"Weirdo" being a relative term, of course. Basically, if they don't understand something, they don't like being around it. Could be the ghey, or transgender, or atheism, or republicanism, or a foot fetish, or who knows. Any time some is different in a way that someone else doesn't understand, there is a chance that the second person won't be comfortable.

I think with gheys, it's partially related to the fact that most of us were raised to assume that homosexuality is a choice. It was only after I came to realize that the reason I couldn't actually understand it was because it wasn't part of my nature, and therefore, must be part of someone else's nature, that I ironically stopped finding it weird.

Does Joyce Meyer enjoy seeing two chicks make out?

Thats what this is about.

The first 3 years of his IU regime shouldn't count.....and we played at a disadvantage all year this year, so let's not count that, either.

Right? Right?


I know this is hindsight and all...

...but did we really look at a guy with a 65% winning percentage racked up largely in a mediocre conference and say to ourselves, "Man, gotta get me some of that?"
porn taught you that? Wow,

it only taught me to wank the monkey!

I prefer (hot) chicks making out and I don't find that offensive.
I wish he was ghey

Then we could irrationally discriminate against him instead of facing the facts....
If we go 40-0, he'll still have a worse win % at IU than Mike Davis...

Because the way you phrased it wasn't depressing enough.

Davis: 115-79 (.593)

Crean after a 40-0 season: 161-111 (.592)

Oh yeah, and Mike's conference record would still be a fvcking mile ahead of Tom's, too.
People in grocery stores that are so fat they can't walk

and ride around in those carts with so much fat hanging off the side that they fully clog aisles. Offend me.

We shouldn't be trying to convince FG that he's a mediocre basketball coach, we should be trying to convince Pence that he is ghey!

Whatever it takes, man. Whatever it takes....
on the bright side, with two 40-0 seasons, he can crack the top 250

5 or 6 undefeated seasons and he'd be "elite" overall

This post was edited on 3/31 4:42 PM by outside shooter
do the chicks make out too?

or do they just take care of the dude?

Gotta know whether anyone needs to be denied service in the future...

This post was edited on 3/31 4:43 PM by outside shooter
People who eat potato chips with an open mouth and

leave their left turn signal will be shot on sight.



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